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Author Topic: Scared  (Read 3082 times)


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Re: Scared
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2023, 10:30:41 AM »

If you feel strong enough perhaps you could complain to the practice manager and the gp? This level of incompetence is frightening and they need to understand she needs some training. There are probably others who have been prescribed incorrectly too.
I'd suggest you keep a diary to see if there's any difference when you're on utro. The oestrogen is the most important to sort out (and I agree you take it every day) but you are probably on too much progesterone too which can bring it's own problems. It's possible the implant has enough you don't need to add more. I don't know if Dr Currie has restarted her email consultation for £30 but if she has it would be good value.

Yes this is an option but might end up being my word against the Gp's as this was months ago that we had the consultation.   It doesn't help that English is not this Gps first language either so things may have got lost in translation.  As if I was asking any questions all I was getting was a baffled look!  The previous HRT the GP tried me on was Evorel patches. Evorel 25 for 14 days, then switch to Evorel conti for remaining 14 days.  So is this where the confusion has arisen possibly?  I really don't know and now I am having doubts if I have made the error.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I don't have the energy to complain at the moment and dealing with confrontation too is too much for me at this time. 



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Re: Scared
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2023, 10:34:24 AM »

I completely empathise with you feeling let down by your gp. I had a bad experience with mine 18 months ago when perimenopause hit me like a truck at 41 and I wasn’t taken seriously.  I was denied hrt and given antidepressants. Eventually I had to go private to be diagnosed and prescribed hrt.

My gp continues to be rubbish with every dose adjustment or need to change hrt type due to issues. I very much feel like I have led my own treatment and been a complete Guinea pig. It’s been rough but, thanks to my own research and the knowledgeable ladies on here I feel like I am coming out the other side.

It is a journey, and it can be rough at times, but I promise it will get better. We are all here for you. X


Am so sorry you are struggling. The anxiety can be overwhelming and so hard to deal with.

To echo what others have said I too have never heard of not taking estrogen everyday.  It could also be that you need a dose adjustment. Maybe have a chat with your gp?

Sending you love and strength. X

Unfortunately my GP is not very knowledgeable and I had to ask for the HRT I am currently on as she was at a loss what to suggest when the HRT she prescribed me didn't agree with me.   I may just try and tweak the estrogen myself and possibly take 2 x sachets every other day during the 14 days I am on it.  Thank you for the kind words.  The anxiety never goes just seems to dim down at times when I am able to cope better. I end up feeling like its all too much and I don't want things to get as bad as they were earlier in the year where I literally felt like I was having a breakdown, at that point I had several symptoms that crept up on me.  I do realise that HRT needs tweaking as time goes on and maybe that is the answer.  I will try and increase  it when I am next on the sandrena as currently on Utrogestan. Will try and see if I can have a tele appointment with GP but I am not hopeful she will give me any different advice as she took me of HRT completely when the patches didn't agree and didn't suggest any other in its place!! 

This resulted in me having an awful few weeks with the symptoms getting worse before I did my own research and made an appointment with this GP with the HRT I wanted prescribed!

Hi. If I may suggest that you try taking your current dose of sandrena every day.  Our own levels fluctuate during the month and my understanding is that we need to build up a near constant level to feel the full benefits.

If you were to double up your dose on alternate days you are just further putting your hormones out of whack and then your estrogen and progesterone will be unbalanced. Unfortunately both of these hormones contribute to our mental health and them being unbalanced exacerbates the anxiety etc. (this is me speaking from recent lived experience). 


Hi MrsLolad

To be honest I am completely lost with my HRT now.  I remember the GP stating I only took the sandrena Gel for 14 days then stop it and start Utrogestan.  Now I am reading from people on my post that the Sandrena should be continous???? Have I been taking it incorrectly all this time? 

I will read the label on the box of Sandrena that the pharmacist sticks on with the instructions of when to take etc when I get home later out of curiosity as I am totally confused now  :-\

I understand feeling completely lost when it comes to hrt. Especially as we place our trust in GPs who seem unknowledgeable about it.

I found the Balance website has good, concise info about hrt and hormones. Maybe take a read and it will help.

But I can confirm what Banjo said: that estrogen is taken continuously no matter what stage we’re in and it’s the progesterone that is cyclical (unless there are other factors at play- such as intolerance, being post menopause or having no womb.)

It is a minefield and it can seem so overwhelming at times but I PROMISE that you’ve got this. X

Thank you.  I will restart my sandrena gel tonight stopped it last Sat :'(  You ladies are all so knowledgeable more so than my GP that specialises in Meno!!!!! I say this very loosley.  Thank you everyone.  Here's hoping once I am taking the gel correctly some of these symptoms improve!! So I have been starving my body of estrogen for 2 weeks every month  ???  Just couldn't write it really could you!  Totally explains why my awful moods and rage and anger have returned.  No wonder my poor body and mind are all over the place.

I just feel so let down by my GP  :'(


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Re: Scared
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2023, 11:08:22 AM »

You are a champ Mrslolad.

Keep us posted with your journey xxxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2023, 11:11:39 AM »

I completely empathise with you feeling let down by your gp. I had a bad experience with mine 18 months ago when perimenopause hit me like a truck at 41 and I wasn’t taken seriously.  I was denied hrt and given antidepressants. Eventually I had to go private to be diagnosed and prescribed hrt.

My gp continues to be rubbish with every dose adjustment or need to change hrt type due to issues. I very much feel like I have led my own treatment and been a complete Guinea pig. It’s been rough but, thanks to my own research and the knowledgeable ladies on here I feel like I am coming out the other side.

It is a journey, and it can be rough at times, but I promise it will get better. We are all here for you. X


Am so sorry you are struggling. The anxiety can be overwhelming and so hard to deal with.

To echo what others have said I too have never heard of not taking estrogen everyday.  It could also be that you need a dose adjustment. Maybe have a chat with your gp?

Sending you love and strength. X

Unfortunately my GP is not very knowledgeable and I had to ask for the HRT I am currently on as she was at a loss what to suggest when the HRT she prescribed me didn't agree with me.   I may just try and tweak the estrogen myself and possibly take 2 x sachets every other day during the 14 days I am on it.  Thank you for the kind words.  The anxiety never goes just seems to dim down at times when I am able to cope better. I end up feeling like its all too much and I don't want things to get as bad as they were earlier in the year where I literally felt like I was having a breakdown, at that point I had several symptoms that crept up on me.  I do realise that HRT needs tweaking as time goes on and maybe that is the answer.  I will try and increase  it when I am next on the sandrena as currently on Utrogestan. Will try and see if I can have a tele appointment with GP but I am not hopeful she will give me any different advice as she took me of HRT completely when the patches didn't agree and didn't suggest any other in its place!! 

This resulted in me having an awful few weeks with the symptoms getting worse before I did my own research and made an appointment with this GP with the HRT I wanted prescribed!

Hi. If I may suggest that you try taking your current dose of sandrena every day.  Our own levels fluctuate during the month and my understanding is that we need to build up a near constant level to feel the full benefits.

If you were to double up your dose on alternate days you are just further putting your hormones out of whack and then your estrogen and progesterone will be unbalanced. Unfortunately both of these hormones contribute to our mental health and them being unbalanced exacerbates the anxiety etc. (this is me speaking from recent lived experience). 


Hi MrsLolad

To be honest I am completely lost with my HRT now.  I remember the GP stating I only took the sandrena Gel for 14 days then stop it and start Utrogestan.  Now I am reading from people on my post that the Sandrena should be continous???? Have I been taking it incorrectly all this time? 

I will read the label on the box of Sandrena that the pharmacist sticks on with the instructions of when to take etc when I get home later out of curiosity as I am totally confused now  :-\

I understand feeling completely lost when it comes to hrt. Especially as we place our trust in GPs who seem unknowledgeable about it.

I found the Balance website has good, concise info about hrt and hormones. Maybe take a read and it will help.

But I can confirm what Banjo said: that estrogen is taken continuously no matter what stage we’re in and it’s the progesterone that is cyclical (unless there are other factors at play- such as intolerance, being post menopause or having no womb.)

It is a minefield and it can seem so overwhelming at times but I PROMISE that you’ve got this. X

Thank you.  I will restart my sandrena gel tonight stopped it last Sat :'(  You ladies are all so knowledgeable more so than my GP that specialises in Meno!!!!! I say this very loosley.  Thank you everyone.  Here's hoping once I am taking the gel correctly some of these symptoms improve!! So I have been starving my body of estrogen for 2 weeks every month  ???  Just couldn't write it really could you!  Totally explains why my awful moods and rage and anger have returned.  No wonder my poor body and mind are all over the place.

I just feel so let down by my GP  :'(

Ahh bless you - you have been through an awful time. Pleased things have improved for you xxxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2023, 11:31:21 AM »

Thank you. Today is the first day since June that I’ve felt like ‘me’.  Thank you for giving me the push to start the sandrena. ❤️

You are a champ Mrslolad.

Keep us posted with your journey xxxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2023, 11:33:02 AM »

Thanks losingtheplot. Am still taking it day by day but feeling optimistic for the first time in a long time.

Please keep us posted with your journey. We are all rooting for you x


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Re: Scared
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2023, 11:59:55 AM »

Thanks losingtheplot. Am still taking it day by day but feeling optimistic for the first time in a long time.

Please keep us posted with your journey. We are all rooting for you x

Will do.  I am sure things will improve once I start taking the HRT correctly and my body starts to get what it needs.
Take Care xxxxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2023, 02:20:17 PM »

Please keep us posted... there is so much guess work with thus HRT malarkey, and even when it's settled, something changes!

If you're still not feeling quite right after taking continuous Sandrena, you might want to think about upping the dose. Take your time of course, some people are very sensitive to estrogen adjustments. But I still believe 0.5mg daily is a low dose.

Take care xxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2023, 06:27:04 PM »

Please keep us posted... there is so much guess work with thus HRT malarkey, and even when it's settled, something changes!

If you're still not feeling quite right after taking continuous Sandrena, you might want to think about upping the dose. Take your time of course, some people are very sensitive to estrogen adjustments. But I still believe 0.5mg daily is a low dose.

Take care xxx

Yes I will give my body time to adjust to the daily 0.5 dose and see where I am in a few weeks. I will then need to make another appointment with the GP re any dosage changes if I still feel I am not right. Thanks again will keep you updated xxxx


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Re: Scared
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2023, 08:46:22 AM »

Well I have started using the Sandrena Gel every day as of Friday.  Will leave it a few weeks to see how my body adjusts. Fingers crossed things improve.
Life is still a daily struggle and my anxiety very high. I get by on auto pilot.  I am adding more supplements that are known to help with anxiety, as I do not want to go back on to any prescribed medication for this e.g anti d's as side effects too much to deal with.
I will book a review in with my GP next year by which time I will have been on the correct HRT for 3 months to possibly increase the gel as only on 0.5mg if I feel symptoms have not improved etc.   I am also totally in the dark with progesterone and how on earth can I work out day 15 of my cycle when I have no periods!!! 
Maybe I should just take it continuously as trying to remember to take/use Utrogestan on day 15 is something I will struggle with due to my memory.  I am trying to put reminders in my phone etc but its all too confusing and I could well be post meno!
I really understand why so many women suffer mental illness around this time of life and if have a history of depression/anxiety it seems to intensify.  I am exhausted by it all to be honest, worn out.  Mental illness is awful and I really don't want to spend the rest of my life battling as I have done so up to this point. 
« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 08:55:01 AM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Scared
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2023, 10:01:21 AM »

I agree, taking it cyclically when you're not going to bleed anyway doesn't make sense. The advantage is that you can see if feel different when you're on it. Perhaps you could take 100mg every other day vaginally instead? Though this is where a meno specialist would help, most of us don't have the experience of of a bcp with hrt. It's also possible to use 2 prog only pills as the progesterone part of hrt (I think this is on the BMS site).


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Re: Scared
« Reply #41 on: November 20, 2023, 11:10:38 AM »

I agree, taking it cyclically when you're not going to bleed anyway doesn't make sense. The advantage is that you can see if feel different when you're on it. Perhaps you could take 100mg every other day vaginally instead? Though this is where a meno specialist would help, most of us don't have the experience of of a bcp with hrt. It's also possible to use 2 prog only pills as the progesterone part of hrt (I think this is on the BMS site).

Hi Sheila99

I was due a meno specialist appointment a few weeks ago and it got cancelled.  I may look at 100mg every other day as you have suggested as this would be easy to remember. thanks
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