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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Unsure what to do..  (Read 482 times)


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Unsure what to do..
« on: November 10, 2023, 10:00:34 PM »

Sorry in advance for the lengthy post..
I'm aware (now) that I've been going through the peri-menopause since I was 44 and I'm 48 now. I stopped taking the pill, after 15 years or so of taking it when I was 45. My periods returned and for a good year were like clockwork, then they became heavier and heavier and irratic, similar to how my periods were when they first started. I saw my GP who sent me for scans, blood tests etc to check there was nothing sinister and all results came back clear. So I was prescribed transexmic acid to try to help control the flow of my periods. I took it for around a year before returning to the GP to query peri-menopause, as my periods continued to be irregular and lengthy, I was tired, and I was experiencing additional symptoms, crying for no reason was one that particularly bothered me, low mood, hot flushes, the occasional night sweat, achy joints. She suggested I have the mirena coil fitted to control my heavy bleeding, or to go back on the pill but dismissed it being the menopause. I didn't (and still don't) want to have the mirena fitted not only because of all the unfavourable stories I've heard about it, but also because I have a prolapse. So it was settled that I go back on to a low dose combined pill.
Fast forward to now, and the pill controls my bleeding, which I'm grateful for, and I take the pill for two months in a row then break for 4 days etc. But.. I'm still getting the hot flushes (no night sweats tho), crying for now reason etc as mentioned above, plus the addition of anxiety, irritability and snappiness, my mood is so up and down. I feel kind of lost with no motivation the majority of the time, I can't seem to focus or concentrate like I used to and I'm so forgetful. I feel sad because I feel like a completely different person to who I was a few years or so ago.
I do my best to look after and help myself with daily exercise (yoga or weights) and walks/cycling. I had counselling for several months purely for an outlet to talk out all the silly thoughts going through my head. I eat as well as I can too. Due to lack of motivation tho, I'm struggling to do the creative crafts I enjoy.. and due to the rise in anxiety I'm struggling to support/care for my youngest son (autistic), and my parents (my dad had a mental breakdown last year).
I'm considering approaching my GP regarding HRT, but I feel afraid (anxious). I'm afraid to even consider the mirena coil. I'm afraid that of I come off my pill and start HRT whatever combination I'm offered (if any) that my heavy bleeding and irregular periods will return along with the pain and discomfort of them.
But equally, I don't wish to continue to feel the way I am.. I want to feel like (or as near to as possible) my old self.
I would be really grateful for any thoughts, experience or advice anyone may have to offer.
Thanks for listening  :)


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Re: Unsure what to do..
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2023, 09:20:06 AM »

Hi SunnyB,

Welcome to the perimenopause. Bloody awful isn’t it? Actually, it can be really dire and is exactly what you are describing.

The heavy periods you describe are due to your progesterone taking a nose dive off a cliff. Mine were so bad that there wasn’t any sanitary products on the market that could contain them. I would sit in the bathroom for days on end unable to leave the loo. The other symptoms especially the hot flushes etc are happening because your oestrogen levels are now dropping too. You really need to get to your GP and get some HRT. It will help enormously.

There are ladies on this forum who take HRT alongside the pill. However, if you find the right oestrogen patch or gel, and take the progesterone prescribed, your periods should become regular and hopefully scant and you won’t need the pill, though it can take a few months to settle down.  Once I found the right patch/progesterone combo, my periods regulated to a few days of spotting every 4 weeks. It did take about 3 months though before this happened. The younger you start on HRT, the more beneficial it will be in later life regarding osteoporosis, cardiovascular health etc.

You’re doing all the right things but I think you should go and see your GP and request HRT asap. It shouldn’t be a fight to get it. As soon as you mention the hot flushes etc, they should start writing the prescription, and if they don’t, ask to see a different GP.

It does get easier. It took me too long to pluck up the courage to see my GP, but when I did, I just told him I wanted HRT. I didn’t give him an option. You can do this and you need to do this. HRT can give you your mojo back. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Good luck,
