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Author Topic: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!  (Read 655 times)


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Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« on: November 09, 2023, 11:10:06 AM »

hello lovely wimmin
(sorry for reposting - had posted it in wrong section of Forum  :) )

Been on Femoston conti 1/5 for a year, I'm 58 yrs old. The Femoston has worked great, got loads of energy, all good. But had three 'breakthrough bleeds' in past few months.

was referred to gynae; had three ultrasounds, found 2 small fibroids but otherwise all ok.

Last month had two bleeds (more like spotting), so gynae wanted to see me again; they now have booked me in for a hysteroscopy and biopsy, and are suggesting I need to switch HRT - they suggest Mirena plus patches.

I feel a bit wobbly about a few things:
(a) the hysteroscopy (having smears is very painful)- but think I can ask for local anaesthetic?
(b) not sure if I want a Mirena coil at all - the idea of anything at all going 'up there' these days is horrific to me!! (had to stop using tampons many years before periods became erratic...
(c) thinking maybe its time to just wean off HRT and see how that goes.

Does anyone have any experience relating to a, b or c?!

thank you as ever


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2023, 12:23:02 PM »

Hi hun
I can only reply on the biopsies and scrapes as i had a thickening and a fibroid and some light first gyno i seen wanted $6486,00 to do my procedure with a mirena i had to pay for.. admittly she was private as no ,other avaiable up here rural aus. I said no as finacialy not viable and i didnt think she was worried about me ..just the $$..which is what i told my dr who booked me in with another gyno ..priv but lovely done it all there in the clinic 20min some discomfort if id known i would have taken a nurofen or somerhing.but cost me nothing as she done it public for me..but so glad it was done. And so far all gd nxt appt 13/ 12..i use only alittle ovestin every 2 days that seems to be enough  estrogen for me..but im only 14 mths in with my journey..but im 60 ish hun ..last cycle 54


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2023, 12:23:56 PM »


I have a little input in some of the things going on. My first thought is are you needing any topical hrt creams etc for dryness in and around your vagina?
I had a lot of discomfort with my last smear test and had point given up tampons due to discomfort, I then  had investigations that showed vaginal atrophy. I wonder for reading you post if this may apply to you? I use Ovestin each night internally and YES moisturiser around the vukva. Makes a huge difference.
I have the mirena coil fitted for my progesterone part of hrt ( patches for the oestrogen)  and something wasn't a fun experience it was a lot better than I imagined. Had spotting and light bleeds on and off for 3 months, then no bleeds since.

Hope others can jump in with your post. X


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2023, 12:51:01 PM »

Thanks Bindi and SarahT for your kind and helpful replies

SarahT: yes I was given Vagirux to be on for 28 days prior to my last smear, and that helped a bit. I guess vaginal atrophy is real and here for me (such a terrible name though isnt it?!)...but nobody has really confirmed it. And as my partner and I don't have sex these days - we just can't be bothered -  nothing much goes 'in there' anymore  ;D (sorry, too much information?!)

Sounds like the Mirena plus the patches for oestrogen works ok for you; Bindi you say that 'a little Ovestin every 2 days seems to be enough'. I am guessing it is not an exact science then, how much oestrogen to have alongside the Mirena...? As I am on the lowest dose of Femonston Conti, I am guessing my GP might suggest a low dose of oestrogen patch. Are there any patches that people find work best or are they all pretty much the same?

Bindi, (hello to rural Aus :) ) glad you found a doctor who would do the procedure for you without having to pay that extortionate fee, phew! And good to hear that 14 months in all is going well for you too. That is heartening to hear.

I have been advised to take painkillers before the hysteroscopy - if I consent, then they will insert the Mirena at the same time...I just need some more success stories and more about 'just a little discomfort' rather than extreme pain about the whole procedure! Feel like I am being pathetic about it, I know it could be a lot worse, and I am grateful these things are still accessible for free on our wonderful NHS..

thanks again, will keep pondering....(though the appointment is booked for 4th Dec, so I need to decide soon)


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2023, 07:11:53 PM »

Hi again,
And women find the Ovestin is fine used every other day, others like me use it every night, my gp is totally fine with this, it's whatever works best for your needs. It is an ongoing treatment, for me I notice of so miss a single dose. I have no intention of stopping.  And on this forum nothing is ever too much information!  Even if you no longer want sex it just makes the whole vaginal area so much more comfortable. Atrophy is indeed a horrible name, but the cream should really help. Worth discussing at your appt.
Patch wise, it seems most women start on a 50 patch, I know that's how I started. I also took pain killers prior to the mirena coil being fitted. I have to say, one year on it seems to work for me. Age 57 and still getting regular periods it was a huge relief for them to stop. And it's one less thing to have to think about. I did feel one sharp pain at one point and then some cramping, and felt a bit off for the rest of the day. But it certainly seems the best option for me.
You are wise and research and ask about. I wish you well.


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2023, 11:29:54 PM »

I had a hysteroscopy last Thursday under general anaesthetic as I had bleeding and terrible period pain every single day for months. I am in peri-menopause.

They gave me a scan and I had a polyp which needed to be removed but they think I had too much estrogen in relation to progesterone so offered to prescribe either the coil (which I wasn't keen on for the same reasons as you) or the minipill for more progesterone. I also use the Evorel 50 patch and sequential utrogestran. They told me the minipill will do the same as a coil but it's just remembering to take an extra tablet, which I'd rather do.

They tried the hysteroscopy in outpatients with gas and air but they got stuck as I started moving and there was a risk they'd poke the wrong place. I have not had children and they said my cervix was very tight.
They tried again under general anaesthetic, but they struggled and had to bring in a second surgeon. Apparently my uterus was very anteverted so if I need another hysteroscopy, it'll have to be under general anaesthetic again. After it, I had some mild cramping for 5 days or so and some spotting which seems to have stopped but that can last 10 days or so but they will tell you about that.

You could maybe try first with gas and air and get it over with and ask them to stop if you find it painful.

I also find smear tests painful and stressful and I get panicky which makes everything tense and worse. I've just done a home HPV one myself which is tiny instruments.


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Re: Stop HRT? Have Mirena & patches? any advice please!
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2023, 06:10:28 AM »

Thanks SarahT and Tulip for your helpful and insightful replies.
Tulip, sorry to hear about the hysteroscopy ordeal, I hope the next one is smoother.
Yesterday and today I have another bleed/light spotting.
Am still very unsure about getting the Mirena coil - I know I have to switch HRT now because of these bleeds. ANd hopefully the hysteroscopy & biopsy will confirm they are hrt related rather than anything sinister.

I am very anxious about the hysteroscopy, and will ask for a local anaesthetic I think.

And am seriously considering just weaning off HRT altogether...or have I got memory fog about how things were without it??!

More pondering to do, and will also chat to my very lovely GP...

thanks again xx