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Author Topic: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting  (Read 3776 times)


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Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« on: October 18, 2023, 05:17:16 PM »

Hi, I am new to this forum but over the last week have loved the people on here, I’ve decided this space is safer than Google.  :-*
So I’m 48, last year went 3 months without a period then it came back and was like clockwork , hot flushes for about 3 months, my decades long acne all cleared (one good part of this) weird tingling in legs which has stopped and a bout of BV and thrush. I thought I could manage all this but I’ve had a late period (arrived after 32 days) lasted 12 days and then two weeks since i keep spotting. My Aunt had ovarian cancer (granted in her 70s) and I went to my healthcare provider who mentioned that and uterine cancer - now they are private and could want me to pay for the scans etc. just wondering has anyone else had spotting that feels like it won’t end. My friend who has been through it thinks I’m mad to have gone to the gp after only 3 weeks but it honestly feels like it never going to stop … it almost feels like my period is going to start again I now have a headache and sore breast. Anyone has similar? Sorry if this has been posted before. I live with my Dad at the moment and I can’t tell him so would just like to put this out there. Xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2023, 05:49:01 PM »

Hi msbecca75. Most of us are worried when our cycles start changing so we understand your concerns.

What you describe is typical for peri menopause and this can last for a long time. You can go for months between periods (nine months for me was the longest) then they can start up again. They can become close together or further apart. They can become shorter or longer and stop and start at random. Spotting is very common and while still spotting or bleeding from the last period a new one can start. It's most weird to be still bleeding after a few weeks to then get PMT and sore breasts signalling the start of another period! Of course you might find your periods do settle down again for a while or just stop altogether. Mine were erratic from around 49 to 53 when I began HRT to combat hot flushes which worked well for me.  If, however, you experience spotting after sex then this should be mentioned to your GP to rule out any problems.

I hope this helps reassure you.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2023, 06:13:52 PM »

Thank you Taz - I hope I’m replying to you and not myself here I can’t figure this website out yet 😂
I think it was the period, the spotting, then what feels like the start of another period that depressed me as I’ve never had this before even though I’ve had other symptoms - I’ll try not to read too much into this, I greatly appreciate your response . Xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2023, 06:18:54 PM »

Hi msbecca,

I can only echo what Taz says. But other than saying hello and welcome, please, never think you are mad to seek medical advice if you are worried. Your friends experience are likely to be different to your own, all.of us have varying symptoms, some worse than other and things do change, one month can be so different to the next. My own cycles remain every 4 weeks and I am 57!

It can be a worrying time,but do post any fears of queries on this forum... There's bound to be someone with help or support.


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2023, 06:27:37 PM »

Thank you Sarah, I know you’re right ! I don’t always believe in the “wait and see” approach but having discovered this site and read people who have been likewise I’d maybe in hindsight have waited to see what happens after my next cycle - but it does absolutely no harm to speak to a DR as you say xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2023, 06:40:24 PM »

You're welcome

And I hope it didn't sound as though I disagreed with Taz 's advice, she nailed it.I just wanted to assure you many of us worry about new changes, and your friend will have had different changes to yourself. Your worries are valid. I don't always run straight to my gp as I mind of get used to some of the ups and downs, but yes, they are there when you need them. My own surgery uses emails as well as formal appts, which may work if query is more about reassurance

And cars


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2023, 06:47:01 PM »

Hi SarahT. It's s ok I didn't think you disagreed. It is good to get worries checked out too. As you say everyone's experience of this time of life is different.

Taz x  :)


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2023, 06:52:40 PM »

I have no idea why my last post ended with and cars e🙄

So let's try that again

Take care



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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2023, 06:56:57 PM »

Haha well my last post didn’t post 😳
It was just to say “thank you again” always good to know you’re never alone with the joy that is the menopause xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2023, 07:39:03 PM »

Hello, I too am a newbie and still finding my way around on here!
I’ve been searching irregular bleeding and spotting and somehow ended up here. 
I stopped taking the pill a year ago which my GP had put me on for perimenopausal symptoms.  I had nothing for three months and then had a short period last December. Since then I’ve had irregular periods, particularly at the start, lasting a week or more and heavy. Then the last three or four months they’ve been light, lighter in colour and I’m so confused.  My GP is sending me for a scan as she’s worried which has made me worried!


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2023, 09:31:24 PM »

Hi Disco D
Please don’t worry, I was beside myself this time last month. My periods had been slightly irregular but the long long long period and then non ending spotting followed by a new period had me in a right panic. I had a pelvic exam with my GP - some will suggest scans some will do the “wait and see” as this is sadly typical perimenopause exactly as you have explained. I think it depends on the GP but majority don’t worry about these symptoms because of the perimenopause. So please try not to stress. My spotting stopped - now just waiting to see what’s next. But I’m like you the first weird symptoms I panicked but the lovely ladies here made me feel better. Please don’t panic. Tests may be suggested to be 100% sure BUT remember these symptoms are weird but normal xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2023, 07:51:30 AM »

Hi msbecca75
Thank you for your reply.  I try hard not to google stuff and scare myself! I was convinced I’d had the menopause as I’d had some hot flushes at the start of the year so was surprised to start bleeding again. The GP seemed to think that taking the pill had masked some symptoms as I hadn’t had weight gain or mood swings etc but she thought I’d probably reached menopause too. 
It’s so nice to have the support of the people on here.  Xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2023, 09:32:44 AM »

I had hot flushes and then no period for 3 months and then it all started again like clockwork to the point I wondered if that had been perimenopause. Your periods can end up more like light spotting, if you find the right article (google can be a scary place sometimes) it does say periods can be heavier than normal or lighter and this can last for a while before they stop. Your doctor is probably being overly cautious, my GP initially said to wait and see what happens when the spotting wouldn’t stop, then I went for a second opinion and after the exam they said it all sounds like perimenopause. Your situation sounds exactly like that esp as you’ve had a break in your periods and the hot flushes. It’s definitely a scary time but sounds normal if that’s the right word.


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2023, 12:08:00 PM »

msbecca75 - thank you 🙏 That really does sound like what happened to me.  I’m hoping not to have to wait too much longer for a scan and in the meantime will try not to worry!
Thank you. Xx


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Re: Newbie - worried about non ending period/spotting
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2023, 01:35:13 PM »

Honestly don’t worry, like I say it sounds 100% perimenopause. I know the scan will put your mind at ease so as you say won’t be too long to wait x