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Author Topic: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others  (Read 2789 times)


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Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« on: October 30, 2023, 08:06:40 PM »

Hi, I'm 52, peri-menopausal, periods regular until recently but have become erratic.  I am on two pumps of oestrogel daily and utrogestan for 2 weeks of the month. What a minefield this is! Some days I don't feel like I know who I am  - other days I'm absolutely fine (I think  :-\) I'd love to hear from ladies about their experiences My main concern  is breast/armpit pain on one side.  Doc has examined me and found nothing of concern.  I haven't had a mammogram due to covid.  Should I be pushing for this, or is the breast/armpit discomfort "normal"?  (my doc tells me she can't refer me unless there is actually a lump) I'm the least neurotic person on  earth (at least I used to be) but this is causing me concern. I'm otherwise fit and healthy, walk the dog for miles, have horses, run a small farm and am always on the go. TIA for any input x


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2023, 08:39:55 PM »


I didn't know that GPs won't refer unless there is a breast lump -  :-\.  If U are worried try to find a GP/Nurse Practitioner who would be more positive, or if necessary. seek a private appt. for an ultra sound?  U could also ring the Mammogram dept for advice as to any particular referral requirements.

Browse round.  Ask away.  My periods waxed and waned for a few years then disappeared  8).  Some find keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.

Various unexpected symptoms arrive with a drop in oestrogen levels.  Let us know anything that you need to know!



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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2023, 08:43:13 PM »

Does your name reflect the actual weather or your peri moods I wonder.... Welcome to you.
Whilst I can't answer directly about your breast pain ( mine have always been a bit lumpy and tender, all '  normal ' for me) I do use high strength evening primrose oil capsules to help with the tenderness.

I hope someone will be able to be more specific to your query.

Being perimenopause can as you know make our physical and emotional symptoms to all.over the place. Anxiety can be a new symptom too, so you feeling a bit neurotic may be part of the wonders of peri.

Do have a good browse amongst the threads, and just ask anything you need to.


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2023, 07:08:29 AM »

Thanks so much for your comments. TBH I hadn't thought about seeking a private appointment (we live rurally in the back of beyond) but I will definitely give it some thought.  The doc tells me it is the hospital that won't allow them to refer for breast pain alone as it is "so common" in menopause. I did ring the breast centre a couple of months ago and was told my postcode were due to be done "at the end of the year" so will chase that up today,.  I already take evening primrose and starflower oil, and am seeing a sports massage therapist which has helped a bit. Thanks again, will keep scrolling too :-)


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2023, 10:17:03 AM »

I've heard of Hospital Depts refusing GP referrals  >:( which is so wrong  :beat:

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2023, 12:10:54 AM »


GPs not referring unless there's a lump is utter rubbish!  Both myself and my sister have been referred for pain and no lump (we are in different areas/GP practices).

I had on and off pain under my left armpit, (no lump), and my gp referred me for a armpit scan, but when I got there they did a mammogram and refused to do a scan as the mammogram was clear (despite the fact my gp requested a scan not a mammogram). The doctor there said it is probably muscle pain, which I knew it wasn't, ansd i asked if it could be due to peri menopause, I can't remember what he said, but I could tell he'd never heard of that before.

Over a year later I went back to my gp as I was still having the pain and asked to be referred but to ensure I get a scan this time, to check the area where the pain was, as was getting worried, especially with all the lymph nodes in the armpit, and I was now starting to get pain at the side of my breast running towards my nipple. I did get my scan this time and luckily all was clear.

During this time I did a lot of research and found out that breast and/or armpit pain is very common in peri menopause, and a lot is only on one side.

I would still press for a mammogram and scan, just because it's common in peri menopause doesnt mean that it's nothing more sinister,  and you would think the gp would want to refer to protect him/her self from any comeback. 

I think it is peri menopause due to being so common, but I'd still request the mammogram, even just to put your mind at rest. 

« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 12:15:33 AM by VioletAquarius »


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2023, 12:09:39 PM »

Thanks for your helpful reply VioletAquarius.  I rang the doc's yesterday and after finally getting past the Receptionist (who I'm sure must've done her training with the Gestapo) the Nurse Practitioner rang me back and we had a good chat.  She's made an appointment for me to see the GP in a fortnight.  I told her how disillusioned I was, as we are constantly seeing adverts telling us to "get anything new checked out" and that "early detection saves lives" yet I have been trying to get "checked out" and feel I am being fobbed off and TBH sometimes made to feel like I'm being neurotic.  The last doctor I saw told me (in an embarrassed way) that they hadn't studied menopause during her training and she'd had to read Davina's book ........


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2023, 12:21:32 PM »

At least that's a start Stormyweather - hopefully she will read up on vaginal atrophy too ;-)


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Re: Hi - looking forward to advice and chats from others
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2023, 10:56:39 PM »

Glad you've got a gp appointment, if they still say no, tell them you need to be referred, you are worrying yourself sick, not sleeping, etc, and mention what you said to the nurse;  "anything new checked out" and "early detection saves lives".

I've always been lucky at my gps, they usually always suggest referrals rhemselves, and if they don't and I ask they do, with no quibble. 

Good luck and hope you get your referral.