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Author Topic: Mid to upper back pain  (Read 11427 times)


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Mid to upper back pain
« on: October 24, 2023, 07:27:03 PM »

Hi everyone,
Feeling a bit fed up with it all. If it’s not one thing it’s another, the latest being mid to upper back pain. I went to see my physio last week about it and after my assessment, he asked if I was taking any hormone replacements, interestingly. I had been in Everol Conti for around 6 months but stopped it in June because of the bleeding. I started back on the patches on Sat as I think I really do need the estrogen. I do lots of yoga and Pilates and keep myself active. I’ve not done anything to cause injury - it just appeared out of nowhere and radiates round to my rinçage. Just wondered if anyone else has had anything similar? I got my gallbladder out in April and have 2 close family bereavements this year. It has been a tough year all round. Can stress, even when you think you’re not stressed, cause things like this? My physio said our body always holds the score, which is pretty true.  Sorry to sound like a complete moan, maybe I just need to get it off my chest!


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2023, 07:00:08 PM »

I can't comment on the HRT part of your post but I do know how complicated back pain issues can be. Mine also came out of the blue after being so healthy physically until I reached the age of 70. My back muscle pain, in the same area as yours, I put down to years of repetitive knitting, carrying a heavy camera around nature reserves and climbing up hills moving in an awkward position. It seems with age it all caught up with me even though the exercises I was given by physiotherapists who said I will get better, I didn't and I still have the pain that I now have to manage with light exercises now.

I do think we can over work our muscles, that's what I believe I have done and this pain will always be with me, you don't say how old you are but could you have done the same. Its not always about menopause symptoms when it comes to muscle pain, it can be more complicated sometimes and very stressful.



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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2023, 10:30:43 AM »

I can't comment on the HRT part of your post but I do know how complicated back pain issues can be. Mine also came out of the blue after being so healthy physically until I reached the age of 70. My back muscle pain, in the same area as yours, I put down to years of repetitive knitting, carrying a heavy camera around nature reserves and climbing up hills moving in an awkward position. It seems with age it all caught up with me even though the exercises I was given by physiotherapists who said I will get better, I didn't and I still have the pain that I now have to manage with light exercises now.

I do think we can over work our muscles, that's what I believe I have done and this pain will always be with me, you don't say how old you are but could you have done the same. Its not always about menopause symptoms when it comes to muscle pain, it can be more complicated sometimes and very stressful.
Thank you Ayesha for your comments. I'm only 54 but had an L4/5 fusion in 2005 to help with a disc issue in my lumbar spine. I think the pain I'm experiencing is most likely to be postural which could be attributed to over-compensation from my previous spinal issues and subsequent surgery. Sitting at a desk all day I don't think helps. I think since Covid and WFH, I've developed bad postural habits that need rectified. I'm trying to do my physio exercises - which include some breathing exercises - to create more space in the area that's affected. Need to keep going with all the exercises to see if there's an improvement. I agree we shouldn't blame the menopause on everything - there just seems to be all kids of things happening at once at the moment and it's hard to figure out what's causing it all! It does worry me, which doesn't help, and that just makes everything much worse.


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2023, 01:26:05 PM »

The problem with having back issues they are always going to be with us and the aging process doesn’t help, it invariably makes any pre conditions worse.
Exercises given by a physiotherapist designed for your condition are important to keep up, what you don’t want is to do anything that will cause you more damage, but I expect you know that already.
Think very carefully and do research of any operations offered in the future, its not always the answer. I speak as a much older person with a family history of bone and muscle conditions.   

The aging process is not for the faint hearted and we have to tackle and get to know what life will throw up next, it’s about you managing your condition and not the condition managing you.
Those family members have relied on their physiotherapy exercises even to the extent that an operation offered was not needed for a professional cyclist who recovered with intensive physiotherapy.



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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2023, 04:51:03 PM »

Thanks and I agree with what you’re saying about operations.
My operation was the absolute last resort. I had tried every therapy known to man - physio, osteo, chiropractors and nothing helped. The scan images 6 months apart showed  the difference and at that point, surgery was the only option. That’s why I do a lot of yoga and Pilates to maintain good muscle and joint movement. It’s so important to do this and the exercises the physios give us to look after our musculoskeletal health. My other concern is the persistent acid reflux! That just appeared too out of nowhere and has been driving me nuts for over a year. Any advice on that one?


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2023, 07:10:19 PM »

Another very common age related condition. Best to see your GP if Gaviscon Advance is not helping. They usually prescribe a PPI like Omeprazole, it takes a month to take effect, if you want to buy it yourself buy two months supply. PPI's get a bad press for their possible side effects but taken in the short term they are fine.

I am on Omeprazole for the long term and I take supplements to hopefully ward off any side effects and after a few years so far so good!
I notice when my back is playing up as in having a flare up, my reflux is always worse, Gaviscon Advance helps me a lot when that happens.



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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2023, 08:58:56 PM »

I’ve been on 15mg of Lansoprazole for over a year. The reflux comes and goes but is particularly annoying at the moment. Thought it could’ve been gallbladder related but that got taken out in April so it’s not that. I’ve been reading that there is a relationship between hormones and the gut and that gastro issues are quite common in menopause. Even so, it can be a real nuisance.


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2024, 12:50:44 PM »

My back pain started suddenly a few years ago, feeling like a constant, dull ache that sometimes radiated around my ribcage. Despite being active and careful, nothing I did seemed to improve it. I also pondered whether stress was a contributing factor, given life's challenges at the time.

After trying home remedies without much success, I decided to consult a physiotherapist. My sessions at Revitalize Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic with Sukhjit Gill were enlightening. She helped me understand the connection between emotional stress and physical tension, and through targeted exercises and manual therapy, my back pain gradually subsided. It's incredible how interconnected our mental and physical well-being can be.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 08:44:40 AM by Minicat »


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2024, 07:52:30 AM »

I've been having the exact same issues with acid reflux. I was never one to suffer from any kind of acid reflux but just over a month and a half ago it all kicked off. The systems just started off with wind like pains so toom gaviscon etc. Found over the last few weeks the pain was getting worse some nights I couldn't eat my tea felt sick and painful chest pain which went back and shoulders. Doc decided to send me for an endoscopy , tests showed all clear apart from my esophagus going into spams which isnt normal. Recently I'm still having the pain in the chest area and now my ribs are sore. I've had ecg loads of times but said nothing wrong with the heart so I'm totally baffled to what's causing these horrible symptoms. 😥


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2024, 10:01:07 PM »


Am so glad I came across this as u have been worrying my self mad (which does not help)

I too started with acid reflux about 2.5mths ago, chest pain radiation in to my middle back sometimes rib pain.

I have also had an endoscopy all clear advised to increase my PPI for a month if no improvement then to try and alternative.
Am having better days but still get middle back pain and epigastric pain.

Am on the patch 50 and like you it this acid and pain came out the blue, it gets me down

Thank you I don’t feel alone x


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2024, 07:26:27 AM »

Is the back pain constant? You need to write down the days you gave it or not. I found with everol you still get pmt type symptoms without the bleed. If its on and off I would try a patch that has less side effects


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Re: Mid to upper back pain
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2024, 03:13:57 PM »

No it’s not constant it comes and goes yes am on Everol patch 50 and thinking about it this may have started when I increased the patch.

I defo still have PMT symptoms I have ovaries but no womb but still have cycles and symptoms.

My symptoms are not monthly though they are Weekly/daily  but not constant
