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Author Topic: New and wondering when to start HRT  (Read 2151 times)


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New and wondering when to start HRT
« on: September 27, 2023, 06:52:38 AM »

Hey, I’m 47 and 2 years ago my periods went super heavy (always been light till teens) I had anemia constantly so doc put coil in which I didn’t really want to do as am sterilised, but it has lightened my periods so all is good.

Just wondering when I need to go to docs and ask for some estrogen. Obvs periods still happening, but my brain fog and mood swings are a joke. And I have multiple breast cysts (possibly had them long time but only noticeable since coil, all checked out and nothing untoward) I had bad hot flushes for about 4-6 months about 2 years ago, but they went thank goodness. (I know hormones can ebb and flow when you’re peri)…

At what point do you recommend I go ask for some oestrogen? Or is that not the problem.

Total Meno-Noob here, so sorry for my naivety,



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Re: New and wondering when to start HRT
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2023, 07:37:27 AM »

Well hello and welcome to the wonderful world of perimenopause!

Don't apologise for feeling naive, I have been caught up in the hormonal rollercoaster for a while now and am still a mix of learning and baffled. It sounds as though you are needing some hormone support right now. If I were you I would take a browse around to see the types of hrt, i.e patches, gel, or tablet form to see what may suit you. We all react differently as to what suits. The coil should provide the progesterone part ok, but your Dr is best to advise.
 I would then arm myself with any questions you may have prior to seeing a g.p, maybe ask if there is a Dr who specialises in women's health at your surgery. And go for it. Do be aware bit can take some time for your body to adjust, indeed you may feel a bit worse in the start.
And also, always ask anything on here, no questions are daft or tmi, even if you are having a bad day and just need some supper or reassurance.

Take care


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Re: New and wondering when to start HRT
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2023, 10:05:07 AM »

Thank you Sarah, that is good advice! I’ll get onto doc’s right now. Thank yoooou! 🩷


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Re: New and wondering when to start HRT
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2023, 09:11:36 AM »

Soooooo. Doctor started me on 0.5mg Sandrena gel.

Been on it a week now, hoping brain fog will start to ease within the next 3 months (have read that how long it can take to see effects) but....

OOOOOMGOODNESSSSSS what's with the emotional rollercoaster? Seriously! The rage I'm internalising, the waves of sadness, feeling like crying my heart out (but managing to hold it in) the feelings of resentment to everyone...., yet the brain fog still remains, is possibly worse than before!

WHAT THE HECK... someone please tell me this levels off soon, or my family are going to give me a broomstick and make me sleep in the shed  :o