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Author Topic: Thyroid concern or meno?  (Read 31107 times)


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #195 on: January 13, 2024, 09:51:59 AM »

I'm trying to understand cortisol as well at the moment. I did a 4 point saliva test in April last year which everyone I showed it to, said was fine/optimal. All the results were in the green normal range.

But Dr Momi said he thought the last 2 readings were higher than they should be (late afternoon and night) and he wants me to repeat this test now. So... I'm going to give it a few weeks to increase my T3 dosage first and then I'll repeat the cortisol test. It is taking me a good 1-2 hours to fall asleep at night, so cortisol could be a factor in that. I've already tried ashwaganda and holy basil before bed last year, and those did nothing even together... but I'm going to try them again now I'm increasing my T3. Also will move zinc to nighttime as that's supposed to suppress cortisol too.

I feel like I've spent 65 million pounds on supplements these last couple of years...

Yes, it’s complicated. I read it and get it into my head but retention’s another matter! Cortisol affects adrenal functioning from memory and I think prevents another hormone being synthesised into sex hormones. I think anything out of whack affects the delicate balance and then there’s menopause.

Me too with the supplements. I’m now taking b vits, d and vit k, folate, magnesium. I was reading about low stomach acid yesterday.

I’m basically working my way through a book and self diagnosing as I go. I’m going to go see my regular GP too but I don’t expect to get anywhere with my bloods being in range.

They might offer me statins for cholesterol which I absolutely don’t want and read they can be positively harmful with hypo. They’ll probably offer me anti d’s  too believing I’m a hypochondriac with my list of symptoms but ‘normal’ bloods.

I sleep as soon as my head’s on the pillow. I think that’s helped by the progesterone.

I might try ashwanga or holy basil as I think my adrenal’s are struggling too. I’ve had quite a stressful time and again if my memory’s right it’s this ongoing stress that pushes cortisol up and sends things haywire. We simply aren’t designed to live under constant stress.

Yes, I’m spending a small fortune on supplements too. I’m getting a bit concerned about them all interacting now, but my vit levels are low which isn’t helping and nor is my poor appetite, it’s especially worse in the mornings and so am I. I think that’s another sign of adrenal problems.

I’m also getting cross that it’s up to us to try and join up all the dots and get the full picture. Every time I’ve been to the GP with symptoms like rosacea, Raynuards, dizziness and fainting, fatigue etc I’ve been told bloods are fine and by inference so am I!

Hence my belief it was all menopause symptoms and then the ongoing cycle of private testing then tweaking my regime to try and get to the bottom of things and find ‘balance’. Even those tests flagged hypothyroidism but the private menopause GP doesn’t really do that field.

As you say at least we’re fortunate we can do this for ourselves even though I feel it’s very wrong that the NHS doesn’t want to treat this better. 


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #196 on: January 13, 2024, 10:43:16 AM »

Don't try ashwaganda or holy basil unless you know your cortisol is high :) If you have adrenal fatigue and low cortisol, you can make it much worse by taking cortisol lowering supplements :)


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #197 on: January 13, 2024, 11:11:51 AM »

Don't try ashwaganda or holy basil unless you know your cortisol is high :) If you have adrenal fatigue and low cortisol, you can make it much worse by taking cortisol lowering supplements :)

Thanks for the tip. On last tests my cortisol was high. I was recommended ashwanga and shavarti I think it was. I tried something else I think it was glucothamine that the menopause GP recommend but it didn’t make any difference. I didn’t bother with anything else at the time as I have never been one for supplements. I usually forget to take them plus I didn’t realise my normal results were so low in range until I began this journey of self learning and support. I need to re read my DUTCH test hormone reports as they flagged up hypo as well. I’ll be eligible for a flipping degree in medicine by the time I’ve finished!   🤦‍♀️



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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #198 on: January 14, 2024, 08:59:24 PM »

I've just found this thread.
My recent private thyroid results at 8am fasted - previous dose of levo 36 hrs earlier.
TSH         2.4
Free T3    3.4
Free T4   16.8

he thinks these are okay ?

that my problem is my estradiol < 18 - testosterone is 0.64, which I know is low.

Upped my 50 patch to 100, thinks possibly low absorber

My cortisol was 686 but he says HRT can raise that .



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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #199 on: January 15, 2024, 04:05:37 PM »

I've just found this thread.
My recent private thyroid results at 8am fasted - previous dose of levo 36 hrs earlier.
TSH         2.4
Free T3    3.4
Free T4   16.8

I don’t know for sure as I’m not diagnosed with thyroid problem yet but I know I have an issue.

Your thyroid levels look low to me and your TSH not optimum. If you read back over the whole thread, it’s quite long I think you might find that useful.

I think the main issue is how do you feel?

If you’re still experiencing symptoms then these need resolving. Whether that’s through HRT or thyroid meds it’s difficult to say but I’ve seen other posts that say thyroid needs to be optimal first then HRT next. Personally I’d agree with this because HRT hasn’t been the solution for me that it seems to be for others but I now know my thyroid’s out of whack.
Be aware that lots of medics seem to assume once your thyroid bloods are ‘within range’ then you’re fine. This isn’t the case at all. Most people need T3/4 to be higher in the range to feel better and vitamins to be optimal too. Thyroid UK website has a wealth of info on all of this and the Healthunlocked forum too.

he thinks these are okay ?

that my problem is my estradiol < 18 - testosterone is 0.64, which I know is low.

Upped my 50 patch to 100, thinks possibly low absorber

My cortisol was 686 but he says HRT can raise that .


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #200 on: January 16, 2024, 08:37:44 PM »

Fizz sorry just getting on forum now. Yes we appear to have these issues and what worries me is - it’s not just thyroid but the adrenal, cortisol, female hormones😫 I’m so sensitive too so I dread starting on thyroid meds whatever they may be?!!
Do you get the raised/racing heart and like body not at ease?  You are def right re the times that women are more likely to get these thyroid conditions.  I too am trying to get head around understanding and unpicking this stuff, iv actually given myself a break from reading as it sometimes creates more anxiety😵‍💫 Did you say you were having FT3 tested? How are your energy levels?
Welcome KIf68👋🏻 another recruit😁


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #201 on: January 16, 2024, 10:46:42 PM »

Fizz sorry just getting on forum now. Yes we appear to have these issues and what worries me is - it’s not just thyroid but the adrenal, cortisol, female hormones😫 I’m so sensitive too so I dread starting on thyroid meds whatever they may be?!!
Do you get the raised/racing heart and like body not at ease?  You are def right re the times that women are more likely to get these thyroid conditions.  I too am trying to get head around understanding and unpicking this stuff, iv actually given myself a break from reading as it sometimes creates more anxiety😵‍💫 Did you say you were having FT3 tested? How are your energy levels?
Welcome KIf68👋🏻 another recruit😁

Hi Floral,
It’s good to take a break.  It takes up a lot of head processing space I find. I’m slower than I used to be at grasping things. No, racing heart is one thing I don’t have. I’m the opposite really a slow pulse, low ish blood pressure, a generally more sluggish system, I suppose.

I know, the interplay between everything confuses me. I need to reread the stuff about adrenals as poor adrenal functioning was mentioned with my HRT testing and high cortisol and if I remember correctly my body’s receptive to the oestrogen and can absorb it but not so good at clearing it out. I read that’s something that thyroid function affects and can lead to oestrogen dominance. I’ve definitely experienced that being wired and tearful with too much oestrogen so I currently have a day off oestrogen each week. I do wonder though, if my thyroid was functioning better, if I’d need the HRT or as much of it. I just don’t know.

I do have much higher anxiety now though and jump at loud noises etc. I think the HRT helps with calming that.

I’m keeping a list of symptoms that I definitely think are thyroid related (it’s a blooming long one 😂). I think my rosacea and Raynuards might be autoimmune issues and the dizziness on standing up and the fainting (I have never fainted before in my life) is worrysome. It’s an absolute mare that women get these things more commonly and as you say the interplay between everything and the menopause as well. 

I’m having the standard new patient tests from Dr C. I was thinking about rT3 testing. Meg said it wasn’t needed at this stage but I feel I’m just wanting to get as complete a picture now as I can.

It’s frustrating that I’ve been paying for testing for my HRT and although thyroid has been flagged it’s not her area for treatment and so when I’ve gone to my GP to raise it of course all my bloods were (just) in range. This has been going on for years and I’ve been gradually getting more symptoms of thyroid and then the tweaks to my HRT and continually wondering why it wasn’t working properly. I ended up thinking it must just be due to menopause/ageing and how awful it was and that I just wasn’t holding up too well. I still feel a bit like that to be honest but at least I know there’s a probable explanation for that now.


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #202 on: January 17, 2024, 07:55:12 AM »

Hi klf68
TSH        2.4
Free T3    3.4
Free T4   16.8

he thinks these are okay ?

that my problem is my estradiol < 18 - testosterone is 0.64, which I know is low.

Your FT3 @ 3.4 looks likely too low (could you post ref ranges please?)   

And if your oestradiol is <18 it's v v low & as you say indicates you're not absorbing.  To give you an idea of an example therapeutic range, my Gynae likes oestradiol to be 300-800 on HRT, but what's important is how we feel & you may be better with it lower than that.   But <18 is v low in postmenopausal range.

Some people also need their TSH to be lower than that on replacement & there seems to be a movement among Endos (& functional medicine practitioners) towards wanting to keep it below 2- 2.5 these days for those with confirmed thyroid disease, though it depends on how the individual feels & in my experience, on age.   I've been on replacement for 30 yrs following hemithyroidectomy.  I used to need my TSH to be almost suppressed to feel well in my 30s & 40s, but now in my 60s I feel better when it's around 2-3 & indeed research seems to show that a higher TSH as we age is associated with greater longevity. 

Yes I think your testosterone looks quite low according to the range at the lab I use (sorry don't have details to hand this morning) but whether that's adequate for you is hard to say without knowing your symptoms.  Are you on testosterone?

If you don't mind telling us how long you've been on thyroid replacement & HRT, what HRT products you've tried, your age, whether pre or postmenopause (I'm assuming post from your v low E2), whether you've had thyroid surgery, is it Hashimoto's etc & what your current symptoms are, whether you feel undertreated for thyroid etc, that would help us get a better picture.  Sorry so many qs & apologies if you've posted that info elsewhere before & I've missed it!  Please just give as much info as you feel relevant that's comfortable for you.

I haven't looked at this thread for some time & before I knew you'd posted on here I bumped another long running thyroid thread for you to see yesterday (mentioned it in Postmeno3's adrenals thread) - in case you'd find it helpful to see the issues we've covered on there over time.  It was intended to be the place we all went for thyroid discussion but it's also fine of course to raise other thyroid related threads like this one.  The earlier one I had in mind is called Thyroid Issues & Support.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2024, 12:08:22 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #203 on: January 17, 2024, 09:25:55 AM »

Thanks Wrensong,

I’m going to hop across as my adrenals aren’t functioning great either.

I’m a newbie but tried to reply to the other post but just noticed I somehow embedded my reply in the middle of the text!  🙈


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #204 on: January 21, 2024, 03:27:29 PM »

Sorry for delay in replying .

TSH      2.4,  range 0.27-4.20
Free T4  16.80,  range 12-22
Free  T3 3.4,  range 3.1-6.8

Age 55
Diagnosed Hypo 23 years ago before I became preganant with 2nd child
I had vitilogo since my early 20s ( and dry eyes) but hadn't linked them to autoimmune
Familial history ( nan, mum and 1 of 2 sisters all hypo)
Levo 125mcg for 20 + years

HRT since late 2019.
No period since mirena removal 3 years ago
Current regime is Everol 100 ( was 50) and utrogestan 100 daily. I've been reducing my estradiol as have been worried about risks of longer term use.
Have used testosterone ( prescribed privatkey, then NHS ) . My level went from 0.9 to 1.8 after 6 months. I developed an allergic skin rash, so decided to stop using it.

Oct 23 GP annual TSH test ( non fasted)  showed TSH 0.5, hence I referred myself privately to endo.

Symptoms always tired, low mood, achey joints, brain fog. My sleep is fine whilst on oestrogen. Non drinker & non smoker.



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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #205 on: January 22, 2024, 11:08:45 AM »

klf68, thanks so much for coming back with that info  :).  I'm not on the forum much at the mo but will try to come back to you later.


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #206 on: January 22, 2024, 05:44:20 PM »

Hi again klf68, if you have a lot of hypothyroidism in your family & you've been on TH for 20 years I imagine you already know a great deal about the condition, but if there is anything it might help to discuss with others in a similar situation please do ask away.  We have quite a few members on thyroid meds & everyone's experience is different, so there's always the potential for a snippet exchanged to help us make progress.

You said in your earlier post that your estradiol was <18 so I'm a bit confused by what you said in your latest post . . .
Current regime is Everol 100 ( was 50) and utrogestan 100 daily. I've been reducing my estradiol as have been worried about risks of longer term use.
You were on 50mcg but you're now on 100mcg, so increasing not reducing, is that right?  Can I ask what dose you were on at the time of the very low E2, <18, result?  That's certainly an extremely low level for someone on oestrogen replacement, suggesting you are not absorbing from your patch.

I'm surprised that the ref range for T3 at your lab goes down as far as 3.1; the one I use goes from 3.9-6.8, so prior to your posting the range I had thought your T3 was below range, though it is still really quite low @ 3.4 & suggests you are not converting your Thyroxine that well.  As your T4 is also below mid-range & some people on replacement don't feel well unless their TSH is quite a bit lower than that, given your tiredness, low mood, brain fog & possibly the joint pain, I wonder whether you might feel better on a little more Thyroxine?  But you will have a better idea than me after all this time of what suits you best.  And you'll know that all those symptoms, confusingly, are common at menopause whether we have a thyroid condition or not.  Hence the difficulty for hypothyroid women & their doctors in working out what's what!  Can I ask is your T3 usually that low & have you ever taken Liothyronine or NDT?

Oct 23 GP annual TSH test ( non fasted)  showed TSH 0.5, hence I referred myself privately to endo.
OK so you self-referred to a private Endo in Oct 23 because your TSH was 0.5, yet you are on the same dose of Thyroxine (125mcg) you've always been on?  So the 0.5 TSH then & the latest 2.4 were on the same dose of T4?  Did you have the same symptoms with that lower TSH as you have now?  Was your HRT regimen different for the 2 tests?  Did anything helpful, come out of that consultation & are you seeing him/her again?

Sorry, more questions!  Would help to know your own instincts about what's going on to make you feel unwell too.  But first impression for me is that the v low oestradiol & what looks to be a suboptimal TFT are probably not helping matters.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 11:21:45 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #207 on: January 22, 2024, 08:22:49 PM »

Hi Wrensong, I really appreciate your reply. Sorry if I haven't explained fully.

I'm increasing my oestrogen patch on recommendation of private endo. i was 37.5 patch when my estradiol was < 18.

A private meno specialist told me 2 years ago that I am a poor absorber, she wanted to put me up over 100 but I declined, as it's unlicensed and the NHS won't prescribe above 100 ( NHS memo lady told me the same). It's so expensive to have HRT privately.

Thyroid- yes, I read a lot about thyroid, especially in the past 12 months and after menopause. As you say, it's quiet difficult as the symptomms of hypo and memo are the same.
 I am on Health Unlocked forum.

October 2023 - my TSH 0.1 ( NOT 0.5)[/b] NHS annual blood test , T4 18.4, taken 12 hours after last dose of levo.

Advice is that you "fast" to get a true TSH read , so i did for my private tests @ 8am, TSH was 2.4 DEc 23, taken 36 hours after my last levo.

Same dose of 125mcg levo, same symptoms, tests approx 6 weeks apart. I think the optimum is that your T4 is 3 x higher than your T3?  Mine isn't.

I've never had my T3 tested before  or taken anything other than levo. The endo didn't est for Thyroid antiboides ( Hashimotos) either.

Endo is saying NOT thyroid, he thinks that's fine , it's my ostrogen that's the problem.   I have more bloods early April to check meno levels and then follow up consultation.

I'm leaning towards emailing him to ask why he didn't test my antibodies and why my results aren't "optimal". I agree re how i feel but I'm not sure if it's meno or thyroid as neither results are optimal.
The reference ranges are nonsense. They sample 120 people locally! And they have pushed back on having a reference TSH 2.5 as it would cause too much work as too many people would be over that, so would be classed as hypo. Madness. 

I'm not sure that I want to stay on HRT forever, I'm not convinced that Utrogestan doesn't alter my mood. I had the same with the Mirena, once that came out, my mood lifted within a few days.

I sound like a real hypochondriac but you know when you feel less than great, even though you try to live a healthy lifestyle ,it gets you down a bit 😢.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 09:24:21 PM by klf68 »


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #208 on: January 24, 2024, 11:15:00 AM »

klf68, thank you for the further detail.  I very much doubt you're a hypochondriac.  The combination of menopause with a thyroid condition can make this time of our lives especially difficult & though there are some great clinicians out there willing to listen & work with us, there has historically been a tendency to medical gaslighting with hypothyroidism, in common with other conditions that predominantly affect women, meaning over time our confidence in our own instincts & judgement can get trashed, leaving us feeling dismissed, hopeless & ashamed to keep telling it like it is, as if the very real symptoms we have are somehow imaginary or due to our own failure.  You will be heard here though.

Looking at your latest post in order of the points you raise . . .

Given your v poor absorption, have you tried methods other than patches for your oestrogen, or even just changed to a different patch brand if you prefer to persevere with patches?  I used to get around 240 from a 37.5mcg Estradot patch (long postmenopause & no ovaries) to give you an idea of what's possible for women who absorb well in contrast to your <18 from that dose which I'm assuming was also Estradot, unless you were cutting down another brand?  Have you tried Estrogel or Sandrena?  Personally I don't get on well with once/twice a day methods but many women on here love the gels.  Lenzetto has a reputation for giving lower levels so I'd avoid that in your case, at least for now.  Agreed, private treatment can be very expensive & sadly, given long NHS lists & frustratingly patchy expertise in menopause care, beyond the means of many women.

Before I logged on & read your latest post I'd been wondering whether going as long as 36hrs between your thyroid meds & the latest test had skewed the picture a bit.  Given the difference in that TFT & the one when you'd had your meds only 12 hrs before & your TSH was considerably lower with correspondingly higher T4, it does now look as though time between last dose & testing could have had some bearing each time.  But other variables can affect our results too & if one test was fasting & the other not, as you know that may have made a difference.    You'll know too, that Thyroxine has a long half life, but I wouldn't be surprised if at the Dec test your body was registering you'd gone too long without that day's dose, giving a possibly misleading picture, making you look a bit under-treated.  I don't fast for my TFTs btw - it's impractical for me given the long drive involved & test timing, but I take my meds around 2hrs before breakfast, avoid any supplements that might interact & time tests to be ~24 hrs after last dose (28 in practice) & that's what my Endo prefers.

Can I ask do you feel you'd like to try some form of T3 & does your Endo support its use?  Be good to know how your T3 levels & symptoms have been over time before going down that potentially stressful & complicated route, as the low T3 on this latest possibly skewed test might be a blip.  If you have the T3 result for the Oct test (or any previous ones) that might give us a better idea of whether there's a conversion defect contributing to the way you feel.  Also, have you only had the symptoms you describe since menopause or never felt well on Thyroxine?

I'm not aware of this advice:-
I think the optimum is that your T4 is 3 x higher than your T3?  Mine isn't.
but your symptoms, below mid-range T4 & low T3 on the Dec test made it look as though there might be leeway for upping your Thyroxine a little, but we don't know how reliable that test was & I can see your Endo wouldn't want to muddy the picture with too many variables if he's focusing on getting your oestrogen up to see how you feel on that.  My feeling is that our response to HRT is unlikely to be optimal though, if thyroid status isn't right, but you'd need to discuss with your Endo any changes you feel might be sensible & you may well feel better by addressing the oestrogen issue.  So if you can stick with that one change for now you can maybe look at your thyroid with him next time, assuming your symptoms are bearable in the meantime?
They don't usually seem interested in antibody levels once we're established on thyroid replacement, I think NHS advice is not to retest levels after initial diagnosis & since I've been treated privately I can't remember my Endocrinologist ever requesting they be tested.  They were high on diagnosis 30 yrs ago but I think only tested once since then, a decade or so ago in tests ordered by a non-endocrine clinician & they were negligible at that stage.

I agree ref ranges are not the be all & end all & it can be disastrous for some patients if their doctor won't take into account their symptoms & instincts as well as blood results.  I'm not sure about the controversy over revision of the cut off for the TSH range.  6.5-ish  (from memory) used to be top of TSH ref range when I was first started on TH replacement & if we were below that we were deemed to be fine.  Many of us, me included, were nowhere near fine with a TSH that high, so thankfully top of range has come down a bit since then.  But as I  said earlier, I don't feel good in my 60s with my TSH as low as I needed it to be at 30 or 40 & I think it's not as simplistic as saying everyone should aim for a TSH for example around 1.  I think what's needed most is recognition that hypothyroidism is a complex condition with far reaching effects on our bodies, that for some of us Thyroxine alone doesn't compensate adequately for a healthy thyroid & that patients need to be listened to & treated as partners in their care, with ref ranges just a tool to aid in treatment.

You could well be right about Utrogestan lowering your mood, especially if you felt similarly on Mirena.  Many of us on here have problems with Utro in various ways.  I'm progesterone intolerant & Utro was the worst of the lot for me, making me very unwell indeed.  There was a study that found that progesterone also potentiates thyroid hormone, so that's something to be aware of for anyone on HRT with a thyroid condition.  Oestrogen can have the opposite effect as you'll know, but it's said the interaction is less likely on transdermal oestrogen than with oral.  That said, a few of us on here have had to tweak our thyroid dose in response to starting/changing even transdermal HRT, but I have the impression it's mostly those of us on T3 who seem to have more problems balancing the two types of replacement.

Sorry this is rambling - I copied your last post out & wrote the reply in a WP app without your previous posts visible at the time, but scanned them when I logged back on & hope what I've written reflects your situation well enough!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 03:04:34 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #209 on: January 27, 2024, 04:21:40 PM »

Hi ladies - so sorry I haven’t been around for a while, feel as though I’ve missed so much discussion here! I didn’t want you to think I’ve slid off the radar from lack of interest, it’s just that I’ve hit barriers regarding NDT titration - I get a whole raft of unsettling symptoms each time I increase my dose yet remain hypothyroid. My thyroid doc is off poorly so unfortunately can’t discuss my latest test results with her or options for treatment. So I reached out to a thyroid consultant (not a doctor but well respected writer/researcher/coach) for ideas. He also feels that I don’t convert T4 to T3 well and that even NDT (because of it’s T4 to T3 ratio) might be an issue. He suggested I add T3 to the NDT and I got a trial prescription from my meno consultant to try under his coaching. I’m also thinking of getting my reverse T3 tested…

I can see by previous bloodwork that I don’t convert that well and my bloods haven’t improved since Sept since moving from 125 Levo to 2.5 grains NDT. But - my recent bloods also show very elevated oestrogen from just less than a 75 patch - the level was over 3000! Also elevated free testosterone although I’m only taking 2/3 mg daily. I’ve been a week off the latter and reduced my patch to about .56. I take 125mg cyclogest nightly.

My question is: does anyone know whether the elevated sex hormone levels can be linked to a sluggish thyroid? They've never been this elevated especially at those doses. Also, do you think that the elevated oestrogen might interfere with the thyroid? I read that it was just oral oestrogen that interferes, not transdermal - but seeing those blood levels concerned me. Is it worth doing a reverse T3?

Thanks all. I will catch up on posts when I can x
« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 04:26:40 PM by Furyan »
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