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Author Topic: Thyroid concern or meno?  (Read 31120 times)


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #165 on: December 28, 2023, 06:39:13 PM »

Hi Fizz, how did things go with your dear dog?  It’s the dreaded part of loving our pets😢 they give us soo much❤️
I totally understand the harder to cope thing as I’m the same and I’m like you battling through things, don’t be hard on yourself, this will get better.  My appetite which was always v good has been on and off and comes with a yuk type feeling which I sometimes take an anti sickness tab for, low appetite is a symptom of low thyroid.
This morning has been awful - iv had racing heart again and getting out of bed a real struggle. Zero energy, felt so limp and low, I think it’s cortisol as it was very high rising up to lunchtime in my blood work - linked to the low FT3 no doubt. 
I’m sorry I can’t help you with the neck issue, maybe others can shed some light X


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #166 on: December 28, 2023, 10:39:24 PM »

Hi Fizz, how did things go with your dear dog?  It’s the dreaded part of loving our pets😢 they give us soo much❤️
I totally understand the harder to cope thing as I’m the same and I’m like you battling through things, don’t be hard on yourself, this will get better.  My appetite which was always v good has been on and off and comes with a yuk type feeling which I sometimes take an anti sickness tab for, low appetite is a symptom of low thyroid.
This morning has been awful - iv had racing heart again and getting out of bed a real struggle. Zero energy, felt so limp and low, I think it’s cortisol as it was very high rising up to lunchtime in my blood work - linked to the low FT3 no doubt. 
I’m sorry I can’t help you with the neck issue, maybe others can shed some light X

Thanks Floral,

It’s a sad time. I said exactly that to my husband. They give so much love and it’s unconditional and uncomplicated unlike human relationships.

Yes, being a coping type it’s difficult to not be able to do so and to let others support us. Plus those around us get used to us coping well and maybe put too much onto our shoulders at times or maybe we expect too much of ourselves too. I’m having to realise that I’m getting older and I need to reassess things and pull back. Health niggles and the menopause make you realise that self care and prioritisation is so important. Having a difficult teen with ASC makes this hard but I do need to try and put my needs first a bit more.

Yes, my appetite is rubbish now especially if I’m stressed which is often. I’m feeling so much better with the b vits complex though so that’s a small win.

Sorry you’re having a difficult time. Low energy is horrible. This was me just before Xmas. My cortisol generally runs high but I don’t get the racing heart. I’m the opposite with low blood pressure and dizziness. It’s such a minefield with all the different symptoms isn’t it?

I’m not sure if the funny feeling under my chin is just sagging turkey neck type skin or if it could be thyroid swelling. I’m just really conscious of it feeling saggy and heavy under my chin. I dunno 🤷‍♀️

Hope you feel brighter soon. x


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #167 on: December 29, 2023, 11:06:42 AM »

Thanks Fizz, I did have a reasonable 2 weeks on run up to Christmas thank goodness though def had to do a little at a  time. 

We both have apts so we shall have a bit more clarity then and how best to move forward.  In the meantime look after yourself and try to preserve some energy X



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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #168 on: December 29, 2023, 11:49:13 AM »

Thanks Fizz, I did have a reasonable 2 weeks on run up to Christmas thank goodness though def had to do a little at a  time. 

We both have apts so we shall have a bit more clarity then and how best to move forward.  In the meantime look after yourself and try to preserve some energy X

Thanks Floral,

I’m like a (partial) new woman since I started the b vits. Only since Xmas Eve, eve. Thank goodness for Amazon home delivery!

Yes, I booked with Dr Conway in a complete state. I need to go through everything carefully and ensure I book the right test, send off my ID and have answered the patient questions properly. I was so fed up of feeling rubbish on Xmas Eve it’s all a bit of a blur. 🙈

It will definitely feel good to get some answers and help. My cholesterol’s on the rise too at 5.5 and my ferritin is high but my liver function, inflammation and other things were in range. I have no idea wtf is going on really but grateful that I feel a bit more energetic and with it now.

Thank you. Look after yourself too and hoping for an improvement in 2024! x


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #169 on: December 30, 2023, 05:20:45 PM »

If you're hypothyroid, it makes your cholesterol go high as well. Fixing the thyroid stuff should also resolve that...

Only one more week until my next bloods are done. Then I have to wait a ridiculous month to get the rT3 result back from the US and to see Dr Conway, but it'll be worth it. My feeling is that I need an increase of something, because whilst symptoms are improved they are still present. If I can convert T4 to T3, I'm going to ask to switch to NDT instead of taking both separately synthetically... She was very supportive of that idea last time we spoke but because I didn't know if I'd need T3 only, I got them separately....

By the way, for B vitamins, I recommend the Thorne Basic B complex. I also purchase B12 injections from Germany where they are off-prescription and self-inject every month or two. I'm not B12 deficient, I just think this is the best and most effective way to stay on top of good B12 levels as we get older and more rubbish at absorbing nutrients from the gut. But if you need help with how to buy them online from a German pharmacy, let me know. They're v cheap. It's about £70 for 100 shots.

Fiz, I hope you're okay with saying goodbye to your dog too. I have dogs too and it's just such a sad time :(  Although 17 years (I think you said) is very good innings!


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #170 on: December 30, 2023, 06:06:33 PM »

If you're hypothyroid, it makes your cholesterol go high as well. Fixing the thyroid stuff should also resolve that...

Only one more week until my next bloods are done. Then I have to wait a ridiculous month to get the rT3 result back from the US and to see Dr Conway, but it'll be worth it. My feeling is that I need an increase of something, because whilst symptoms are improved they are still present. If I can convert T4 to T3, I'm going to ask to switch to NDT instead of taking both separately synthetically... She was very supportive of that idea last time we spoke but because I didn't know if I'd need T3 only, I got them separately....

By the way, for B vitamins, I recommend the Thorne Basic B complex. I also purchase B12 injections from Germany where they are off-prescription and self-inject every month or two. I'm not B12 deficient, I just think this is the best and most effective way to stay on top of good B12 levels as we get older and more rubbish at absorbing nutrients from the gut. But if you need help with how to buy them online from a German pharmacy, let me know. They're v cheap. It's about £70 for 100 shots.

Fiz, I hope you're okay with saying goodbye to your dog too. I have dogs too and it's just such a sad time :(  Although 17 years (I think you said) is very good innings!

Hi Joziel,

I started reading a thyroid book and it’s responsible for so many jobs in the body all sorts can go on the blink when it’s out of kilter. I’m interested in the bad cholesterol LDL I think it is which one of the thyroid hormones I think helps clean from the blood. I’m only on chapter 2 so lots more to read.

Can I please ask you re the testing for Dr Conway? I found the website a bit confusing or maybe it was my fuzzy brain.

I booked the new patient thyroid kit I think it was called. I got the impression it was either blood or saliva and was going to e mail requesting the latter as I can’t do my own bloods. It refused to come out of my thumb doing the Medichecks test in spite of me following all the instructions. I nearly passed out trying to squeeze out a single drop.

Anyway the clinic were quick off the mark and I now have a kit.  I e mailed and said I can’t do my own blood so I’m paying for a home visit which is fine. Then as I’d asked for a saliva test instead the clinic mentioned a cortisol saliva test which is a separate kit. I’m not sure if I’ve booked that. Plus I already have DUTCH gold urine hormone testing about every 9 months for the HRT. And you’ve mentioned blood going off to America.  I also recently did a Medichecks Well Woman test hence me knowing my thyroid and vits are low. I’m worried about Dr Conway not having all she needs to assess and help me but also any unnecessary duplication of information and tests. Do you think I should ring the clinic as soon as they open again ? I don’t like to bother them but don’t want to find I get to my appointment and all the info’s not in place?

Thanks for the info on the B vits. I bough innegus b complex for now as that was recommended by Health Unlocked forum and was the only one that could be delivered fast by Amazon. I’ll explore other options too.

What a lot to unpick 🙈


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #171 on: December 31, 2023, 06:48:51 PM »

I've no idea about the bloods... The only test which needs to go to the US is the reverse T3 test. I don't think the 'basic' thyroid pack includes that, because the rT3 is a separate standalone test. You can request it if you want her to have that extra info - to some degree it's up to you. As I had high rT3 originally, I am continuing to get it tested until I know I'm no longer converting T4 to rT3.

There is a good cortisol saliva test available from Medichecks if you want to do that one. That's the one I did and Dr Conway accepted it.

By the way with the finger **** tests, it's best to jog up and down on the spot to get the blood flowing and also to run your hand under the hot water tap (as hot as you can bear) - it will make the blood flow to the surface better and makes it much easier. But some people still have probs..


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #172 on: December 31, 2023, 09:06:07 PM »

I've no idea about the bloods... The only test which needs to go to the US is the reverse T3 test. I don't think the 'basic' thyroid pack includes that, because the rT3 is a separate standalone test. You can request it if you want her to have that extra info - to some degree it's up to you. As I had high rT3 originally, I am continuing to get it tested until I know I'm no longer converting T4 to rT3.

There is a good cortisol saliva test available from Medichecks if you want to do that one. That's the one I did and Dr Conway accepted it.

By the way with the finger **** tests, it's best to jog up and down on the spot to get the blood flowing and also to run your hand under the hot water tap (as hot as you can bear) - it will make the blood flow to the surface better and makes it much easier. But some people still have probs..

Thanks Joziel,

I think I’ll give them a ring. I’ve only had GP NHS blood tests or Medichecks but I mistakenly did the well woman one, not the thyroid one so I don’t know about antibodies or reverse T3 as that wasn’t covered by that one. I also have the DUTCH hormone tests which do cortisol and adrenals from memory. It’s complicated once you start getting help outside the NHS and expensive. Keen to avoid duplicating testing if I can. It will be worth it though to find out what’s actually going on 🙈 plus if the thyroid is supported maybe I’ll need less HRT I don’t like thinking I might be on more oestrogen than necessary. We’ll see! Thanks for all your help. I’m not sure even with all the extra my blood will comply. I have low ish blood pressure too, maybe that’s not helping either. Happy New Year.


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #173 on: December 31, 2023, 09:36:00 PM »

If you've only had GP NHS blood tests or Medichecks, you won't have had reverse T3 tested. You can get antibodies tested with Medichecks on their Advanced Thyroid panel test.

I don't know if Dr Conway accepts the DUTCH hormone tests. I don't see her for HRT, I use the Newson Clinic for HRT and Dr Conway for thyroid stuff only. But they know each other and work well together.

Estrogen is very good for you and the effect on bone health is dose dependent. I'm on 6 pumps now, but about to do a Medichecks venous draw to see what that means for my levels. If I need to go higher I'll have to switch to Sandrena as it takes me a while to dry every morning...!

I can't wait to get bloods done next week and then there'll be a long wait to get the rt3 result back, at the start of Feb. Every time we adjust something I get better...


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #174 on: December 31, 2023, 10:21:59 PM »

Fizz I know how you feel, testing this and testing that plus conveying all info correctly in order to receive good outcome.  When I completed my online Questionaire for Dr C, I know I missed stuff out so I might contact again to complete one afresh.
Reading on Paul’s group makes me anxious as it seems v hard to get things right re T3, one can only hope it won’t be too bad🙏🏻
I’m getting more fatigued week by week, I now can do v little as I’d crash it’s a horrible way to live, iv another month of waiting🙁 My cholesterol high too, I have to make sure to take B complex with good folate.  Also iron as I tend to go low, so yes fizz and Joziel it’s def all linked!
Joziel you seem to be on your way to getting sorted and that’s a plus😁
We will have lots to share in near future - hopefully good🙏🏻
Still thinking of you Fizz and your loss❤️


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #175 on: January 01, 2024, 02:49:32 PM »

If you've only had GP NHS blood tests or Medichecks, you won't have had reverse T3 tested. You can get antibodies tested with Medichecks on their Advanced Thyroid panel test.

I don't know if Dr Conway accepts the DUTCH hormone tests. I don't see her for HRT, I use the Newson Clinic for HRT and Dr Conway for thyroid stuff only. But they know each other and work well together.

Estrogen is very good for you and the effect on bone health is dose dependent. I'm on 6 pumps now, but about to do a Medichecks venous draw to see what that means for my levels. If I need to go higher I'll have to switch to Sandrena as it takes me a while to dry every morning...!

I can't wait to get bloods done next week and then there'll be a long wait to get the rt3 result back, at the start of Feb. Every time we adjust something I get better...

It seems you’re in a good place with it and your understanding of what’s needed. It gives me hope for the future. I’m only nervous of increasing my oestrogen because I know it’s not the answer for me, just another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. I’d happily use Dr Conway for that too in the future. Baby steps. Good luck with the bloods. It’s great to here you’re feeling better and better.


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #176 on: January 01, 2024, 02:59:10 PM »

Fizz I know how you feel, testing this and testing that plus conveying all info correctly in order to receive good outcome.  When I completed my online Questionaire for Dr C, I know I missed stuff out so I might contact again to complete one afresh.
Reading on Paul’s group makes me anxious as it seems v hard to get things right re T3, one can only hope it won’t be too bad🙏🏻
I’m getting more fatigued week by week, I now can do v little as I’d crash it’s a horrible way to live, iv another month of waiting🙁 My cholesterol high too, I have to make sure to take B complex with good folate.  Also iron as I tend to go low, so yes fizz and Joziel it’s def all linked!
Joziel you seem to be on your way to getting sorted and that’s a plus😁
We will have lots to share in near future - hopefully good🙏🏻
Still thinking of you Fizz and your loss❤️

Thanks Floral,

Yes, it’s exactly that. Wanting to ensure that everything that’s needed is done but not going overboard plus ensuring all the info is conveyed accurately as well.

I’m going to ring them when the clinic’s open just to check everything I booked is right.
I wasn’t sure I answered all if the questions helpfully. It’s easy to forget stuff that might be relevant.

I have no idea about T3. All I know from my Medichecks test is my TSH is creeping up at 2.5 and T4 and T3 both low end of normal range plus my folate deficiency. Not sure if I can’t convert T4 into T3 or if I have insufficient T4 to convert in the first place or both or something else.🙈 🤷‍♀️ I’m trying to read up but like you I’m fatigued today. I didn’t sleep well last night and am feeling it now.

Thank you Floral. I miss him and just want everything to go back to a normal routine now.

Let’s hope we get sorted out with everything this year! 🤞


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #177 on: January 01, 2024, 06:31:35 PM »

Hello ladies

Joziel - A few years ago I.was prescribed 6 pumps of Oestrogel by Newson Health.  I found it difficult to accommodate all six at once so instead I used three in the morning and three at night. This also felt a bit much so I switched to three sachets of Sandrena instead.

My blood tests showed a level of 600 (pmol/ L?) during this time and the NH doctor said that this was a good result.

I hope this helps in some way.

Take care.



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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #178 on: January 01, 2024, 07:07:34 PM »

I don’t know if I’ve done this correctly to post the link. Interesting read about hypo and cholesterol
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 12:13:01 PM by Emma »


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Re: Thyroid concern or meno?
« Reply #179 on: January 01, 2024, 08:52:51 PM »

Thanks fizz, very interesting!
The one thing I found when ordering etc with Thyroid clinic was that it wasn’t very clear, you are doing the right thing by ringing them.

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