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Author Topic: No larger Estrogel bottles left?  (Read 2588 times)


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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2023, 10:34:03 PM »

Like you, I was so scared to try something new. But I just didn't ever feel great on new oestrogel - no matter how much I used (full disclosure had resorted to 6/7 pumps on some day).

Within 2 days of switching,  I started to get my mojo back.

But we're all individuals and switching might not be for everyone.

Good luck x


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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2023, 09:46:28 AM »

Hi Banjo1973,

I was very lucky, my menopause nurse completely took on board what I was saying, even though I think I was the first woman who had mentioned this to her. She was the one who told me about this forum, so when I explained that other ladies on here had been having the same return of symptoms she was very happy for me to try the Sandrena gel.

I was also on 3 pumps of Oestrogel and the nurse told me to start of 1.5 sachets Sandrena and increase to 2 if I felt it was necessary. I split the dose and use 1 sachet in the morning and half a sachet at night. Since I started the new gel I have had covid and an infection so I have not had a consistant period of time where I have felt well, so I have not really been able to monitor how the 1.5 is working for me. This is the first week where I have not been battling something else and I have not had any of the really horrible symptoms. I have just noticed a slightly off feeling in the evening so I will give it another week or so and then maybe try upping to 2 full sachets a day.

All in all I am very very happy with the Sandrena gel and so happy to be out of the Oestrogel lottery. x


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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2023, 06:34:53 PM »

Hi Sue 1972

Sorry to hear you've not been well, hopefully you'll go from strength to strength.

If you don't mind, I'd quite like to hear some updates on how you're getting on with Sandrena as we seem to be of similar ages with a once happy routine of 3 pumps of oestrogel (the good stuff obvs). Just for information I also take sequential utrogestan vaginally (not as often as I should do, but I really don't like it) also a minimum dose of tostran.

I've only been on Sandrena a few days, but felt an instant improvement with my 2 sachets every morning. I took 1.5 this morning and started to feel a bit jittery this afternoon, so took the other half. I don't know if 2 sachets is a really high dose or if this is all in my head. Or could that be down to the utrogestan (I'm on day 5, as I said I hate taking it).

I'd love to know what the right dose is for me and if I should continue the 2 whole sachets per day

It would be interesting to hear how you're progressing with it.

Thank you x


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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2023, 09:40:32 PM »

Hi Banjo1973,

I have just turned 51.

I am also on a sequential regime. I take 2 tablets of Utrogesten orally for 2 weeks and then I take a break for 2 weeks. This seems to work for me, and I actually seem to feel better whilst taking the tablets and worse when on the break. However since I have been using the Sandrena gel I don't seem to have had the same dip, but that could be because I have been struggling with other things that made me unwell so I have not really had the chance to know for sure. I am currently on the 2nd day of no tablets again and all seems well so far 🤞

I believe 1.5mg is the recommended maximum for the gel but my meno nurse did say I could use 2 sachets if I felt that was necessary.

Do you apply it all at once or do you split your dose? I use 1mg in the morning and 0.5mg in the evening. I was also given a top tip about applying gel and that is to put it direct onto your skin and rub it in using your fingertips but not too much. This made a huge difference when I was using the Oestrogen so I use the same technique with the Sandrena gel.

One of my worst symptoms was anxiety and that was still a bit of an issue on the Oestrogen but I do feel a lot calmer on the Sandrena gel.

I hope you find an answer to the dosage issue. 🙏



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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2023, 04:27:55 PM »

I think that as long as you are protecting your uterine lining sufficiently, you should be able to increase your estrogen to whatever is needed to fix the symptoms. That's my understanding anyway...

If you are on a high dose of estrogen (or have high serum estrogen levels) you should probably take extra progesterone.

I'm already on 2x utrogestan continuously (with a break of about 4-5 days to allow a bleed as I'm peri) due to endometriosis prevention and I now have no endo symptoms, which is one less thing to worry about anyway. It also means I can increase my estrogen some...



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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2023, 12:37:52 PM »

Thank you Sue1972 and joziel,

Turns out I was ill, so my jitters were not down to oestrogen. I've been using 1.5 1g sachets for the last 3 days and I've been fine.

I have got a scan booked so hopefully my uterus is ok, I've always had very light periods, I don't know if this is good or bad!

I'm so glad I made the change to Sandrena, I'm feeling like my old self again

Thank you for all your support xxx


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Re: No larger Estrogel bottles left?
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2023, 03:08:57 PM »

That is great news Banjo1973,

I am also not having my usual dip so I am very happy to have moved to the Sandrena gel. I also feel that 1.5mg dose is sufficient for me now I have had a period of not being ill with anything else 🙌 x
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