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Author Topic: At my wits end  (Read 2655 times)


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At my wits end
« on: October 05, 2023, 02:12:27 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Looking for a bit of moral support as much as anything as really feel I can't take any more of this HRT uncertainty. 

Not had a period for 7 years (I'm 60) and started HRT a year ago, one pump of gel and 100mg of Utrogestan.  After initial wobbles with getting amount of gel right and continual breakthrough bleeding (last scan in July and all OK, no further action needed) everything settled down and was good for a couple of months, apart from slightly tender boobs.  I felt good.

In late September on return from holiday I had 10 days of a pretty bad stomach upset.   After this, boobs became very tender (doc has referred me for a breast scan to be on the safe side as said this shouldn't still be happening on 1 pump of gel at this stage). 

Then yesterday (three or four days after the stomach upset had subsided) I woke up with stomach cramps - thought the stomach upset had returned but no, it was very heavy spotting which has continued today.  Almost feels like a period - not had anything like this before on HRT and it's very depressing.

I'm wondering if the stomach upset might have reduced absorption of Utrogestan and caused the bleeding and for the boobs to become even more tender?  Should I try Utrogestan vaginally?

I'm so fed up.  In my head I keep alternating between trying Utrogestan vaginally to see if it settles things or just stopping HRT altogether.

Sorry for the outpouring, every time I think I'm sorted and things are on an even keel, something happens, it's proving very stressful. 

Thank you for listening  :bighug:


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2023, 02:44:32 PM »

Hi Dazedandconfused

Im so sorry your going through this at the moment.

its good news that your scan came back fine and i think its wise of your doctor to refer you for a breast scan.

To me the tender boobs and breakthrough bleeding sounds like too much estrogen but your only on 1 pump of gel.

Sorry i cant be of anymore help xxx


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2023, 09:01:13 PM »

Hi 👋 just wanted to say your not alone, I was on the hrt regime your on, I too suffered with upset stomachs, stomach cramps, just felt rubbish I persevered then was swapped to patches, still had horrible period like cramps, eventually I just stopped it all last june, so far I’m not too bad just my mood that seems low but really trying to work my way through, hope you feel better soon


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2023, 05:59:13 AM »

Good luck on your journey robotwars xx


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2023, 09:18:04 AM »

Thanks discogirl and robotwars.

Update.  Very heavy bleeding this morning and doctor has referred me on two week pathway for more scans and for blood tests. Checked boobs and said all fine there so she thinks the tenderness is hrt related. 

She gave me a thorough internal examination, which was brave as it's so messy down there at the moment(!) and said the cervix looks nice and healthy.  She confirmed active bleeding is from uterus and said as it's so sudden and heavy after being generally OK on HRT for a year it needed looking at again, even though I'd had a scan in July.

She gave me a baseline on when to worry more about bleeding - i.e. soaking a sanitary towel every two hours so I'll keep any eye on things.

From today I'm stopping HRT until all tests done. 

Still really frightened and have cried a lot the last couple of days but at least the process has started.


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2023, 09:31:11 AM »

Hi Dazedandconfused.

Yes at least the balls in motion for your scans and things.

I will be thinking of you. Good luck and take care xxx


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2023, 11:27:09 AM »

Another update.  I had a private transvaginal scan yesterday as the worry was driving me mad.  The result is that I have 6 fibroids, one of which is causing the bleeding, everything else is fine and dandy. Phew!

I had a transvaginal scan 3 months ago at my local hospital and was told I had one small fibroid.  So either they missed the other 5 or they've grown since then.  My lining has also increased in thickness by about 1mm but still well within limits.

I'm on the NHS 2 week pathway for a scan and gyne appointment so will see what that says and discuss things with the doctor there.

In the meantime I have been reassured that there's nothing more sinister going on, which is great.  The doctor I saw was fab and I had two scans, external and internal and now have a full set of images of my bits and pieces 🤔.  He explained everything he saw as he was scanning, measured each fibroid, ovaries and uterus and provided a written report.

I've decided to stop HRT at the moment as there is a possibility it's causing the fibroids to grow.  I'm also hoping beyond hope this might stop the bleeding as I can't go anywhere without a sack load of sanitary towels! 🥴

Isn't menopause fun!!! 🙄



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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2023, 11:30:32 AM »

Im so pleased it just showed the fibroids. At least thats put your mind at rest x


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2023, 11:36:50 AM »

Oestrogen can make fibroids grow but it's reassuring you have an explanation. I think you can get tranexamuc acid to stop the bleeding if it's bad? Can you get straight to the gynae as you have the scans already?


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2023, 12:20:20 PM »

Oestrogen can make fibroids grow but it's reassuring you have an explanation. I think you can get tranexamuc acid to stop the bleeding if it's bad? Can you get straight to the gynae as you have the scans already?

I'll check on Monday but my doc said I needed blood tests and scan before the gynae can discuss actions.  The earliest they can do blood tests is week after next.

I'm keeping an eye on the bleeding.  If it's still this heavy on Monday then I'll ask about what I can take/do to slow/stop it.


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2023, 02:55:56 PM »

Update: Referred by doctor on Friday, hospital phoned Monday and offered me an appt that day. Can't fault the system or any member of staff I saw, they were lovely and given my anxiety level, that was very important 😊

Had a scan and a pipelle biopsy, which was not pleasant but pain was short-lived. Gynae thought it was unlikely to show cancer from what they could see on the scan but wanted to be absolutely sure all was OK.

The suggestion is I may not be absorbing Utrogestan well, so could maybe try something else if I decide to start HRT again.

Just got to wait 2 weeks for results now.  Still. Very worried and anxious but at least I've had the first appt.

Today the bleeding has slowed so I'm taking that as a positive. 😊. On Monday my doctor prescribed tranexamic acid to pick up from chemist if I need it.  Thanks sheila99 for the heads up on that.  Hopefully I won't need it.

Night sweats are already back though 5 days after stopping HRT! 🥵. Hoping I can start again soon 🤞🏻

Thanks again everyone for your support. 😘


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2023, 06:29:03 PM »

Update:  Got my biopsy results back today, all clear, phew!  That was a long two weeks but I cannot fault the NHS, and am very grateful to live in a place where the system seems to be working well.  My doctor, consultant and his secretary all provided great service to one very anxious person  :)

I don't appear to absorb Utrogestan well so have been advised to either double it it have mirena fitted to keep lining thin.

I'm not sure what I'd prefer at this stage, head is spinning with relief  ::) that all is okay.  I'll have a chat to the doctor next week and decide what I want to do.  Thanks all for your support when I was in meltdown  :-*


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Re: At my wits end
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2023, 10:31:50 PM »

Hi Dazedandconfused

Glad everything has gone okay, it's such a worry these things.

Just a bit of advice, if you decide to take tranexamic acid it works better if taken with ibuprofen.  It also really needs to be taken before a bleed, and it can only be taken for 5 days at a time.  Though I would double check this with your GP as this was for periods, I'm not sure if other bleeding may have different timescales.