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Author Topic: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢  (Read 11057 times)


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2023, 04:08:50 PM »


This is my first post & I really hope someone can offer any advice or just a comforting word.
I was diagnosed with a uterine prolapse last week. This was following two previous doctors visits - the first I said I was concerned about frequently needing a wee & feeling wet  😳 down below. I was prescribed vaginal hrt (I’m in the menopause too) I didn’t use them as felt after reading up on them, that they didn’t match my symptoms.
I went back to the doctor as soon as I felt this lump from down below, and was told it was a cyst, although again, I felt it would be a prolapse.
This was confirmed last week, I was told I’d be refered but there’s a long wait.
I mentioned I had lots of white discharge - this was normal for me, according to my doctor, but I know it isn’t ! I had a yellow discharge on a liner too.
Since then, after intercourse, I had loads of runny white discharge (tmi but I’m at my wits end) and my partner felt sore too - this can’t be right. I’ve got abdominal pains too. I’m in a relatively new relationship and this is just such a worry for me.
I have so many questions and physically & mentally I feel lousy. I feel as if I’ve just been told I’ve got this and just got to wait. I’ve called the doctor again today and have a routine appointment in a few weeks.
Please can anyone offer any advice or what to do next, this is so stressful 😢 thank you.

Hi Elly12. I quite understand how you feel about this. I found it really upsetting when I first discovered that something was no longer in the right place. The first time I inspected myself with a mirror I felt as if there was an alien hiding in there!  I had a uterine prolapse and eventually had a hysterectomy as it became uncomfortable and was interfering in my life. I also had a bladder prolapse - this happened a few years before the uterine one so I had that repaired at the same time as the hysterectomy.

Firstly, I see that you have been prescribed vaginal oestrogen which you haven't started yet. For prolapse it is really important that you do use it in order to strengthen the tissues in the vagina which will help hold things up a bit. I know it seems weird that you have been diagnosed with Vaginal Dryness/Atrophy (common cause of needing to wee all of the time) but feel too wet for it to be of any use but vaginal atrophy can cause a "wetness" too so you may find that the vaginal hrt will actually help after all and will help to control the prolapse. I am on full HRT and it was when I had to stop this due to an unsympathetic doctor that the uterine prolapse happened. Now, I am still on HRT in my late sixties and one of the reasons why my GP doesn't query it too much is that it is down on my notes that the gynae sent specifying that I would need HRT to prevent further prolapses.

I also want to say that it is not normal to have discharge due to prolapse.  The white discharge is far more likely to be thrush especially as your partner is also sore. Maybe you could have a swab taken or just try an over the counter thrush treatment? Also, if this is a new partner and you haven't both had a sexual health check then a check up at a GUM clinic might put your mind at rest that it's not something you need treatment for.

With any of the prolapses it is important to know what you should and shouldn't do. The first thing, to stop your prolapse worsening, is not to lift anything heavy. This includes ordinary things like shopping bags. Anything that puts pressure on the pelvic floor should be avoided if at all possible. Certain exercises - especially squats - can make things worse much quicker and standing too long too can increase the dragging feeling.  I see that you have been referred and I can appreciate that it may be a long wait and the frustration you will be feeling. There is lots of information on the internet about different pelvic floor exercises to do but, a note of caution here, not all of them are correct. Do you do any at the moment? I'll see if I can find some good links which will help while you are waiting to be assessed. This will at least make you feel that you are doing something to improve things.

You have already had good support and comments on here so anything else you want to know then just ask away. If you want to post more details of how the prolapse is affecting you then you could always open a thread in the Private Lives section which is only readable by members so more of us might feel happier to post about such a personal (but really common and not talked about) thing.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2023, 06:09:00 PM »

Thank you eve time did your replies, you’ve all been so helpful.
I honestly feel this is taking over my life. I’m spending hours reading about it and just stressing myself out more . I called my gp for an appointment and was offered an appointment in a months time !! This has now been moved to a couple of weeks time.
Taz.. thank you so much for all your advice. I’m trying to do some basic pelvic floor exercises . I unfortunately have a job that involves lifting - and I’m self employed - already worried about the future of this.
The discharge is changing all the time, I had a spot of brown yesterday, yellow again today … I have googled this and it says it’s normal !? Have had all other checks a few months ago prior to this diagnosis.
I feel dirty, and just left in limbo , my go told me not to use the hrt pesseries! She just said there’s a long wait to see someone and in the meantime ‘push it back up’ - really helpful !
I can’t believe the lack of help out there, it’s shocking. Thank you again all for your advice 😊


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2023, 07:03:33 PM »

I expect you've already read this but just in case you haven't I found the explanation very helpful

Taz x


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2023, 02:07:03 PM »

Elly, you mentioned odour, if it's got a fishy smell then you may have bacterial vaginosis, which would cause a lot of watery discharge too, to try and get rid of it.  It can be worse during sex.  This happened to me a long time ago, thankfully my partner laughed about it and I'm sure was relieved when we were told it was because I was too clean that it was happening, I was using lots of soap!  I was told to use none in that area and use a bit of lemon juice (ouch, inside the vagina, nowhere else or there'll be cystitis) to restore the acid to the vagina, as too much washing can make it alkaline and that's when this happens.  It resolves quickly.

the other thing watery discharge can be is due to lack of oestrogen in the vaginal area, and if so, vaginal oestrogen cream or pessaries can help, plus they will restore the natural balance and make infections less likely.  If you do have prolapse, vaginal oestrogen may help that if it's only just occuring. 

Try and talk to your partner if you can, if he's the right one he'll understand, not easy I know.  I hope a month from now things are more settled for you.



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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2023, 05:13:45 PM »

Thank you Karashannon for your reply, I really appreciate it.

So an update - I saw my gp again this week because mentally I’ve been really struggling with this. She’s now referred me for physio as the wait is so long for a hospital appointment. She’s  also referring me for a scan to check I don’t have fibroids!
I discussed the discharge with her as it’s easier now but still there, apparently this is normal with a prolapse. She’s given me a swab to use if it gets bad again and they’ll test it.
My partner is great, really understanding . But I feel dirty, and this bloody prolapse is on my mind all the time.., during sex, when i wee, when im walking . I broke down in tears at the doctors because im so frustrated and stressed 😢


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2023, 12:43:25 AM »

Elly12, I've just returned after being a bit run down for the last month.  How are you getting on and are you using any vaginal oestrogen?  That may really help.  Sorry if you've already said you are previously, I can't remember right now and it's late.   :)


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2023, 09:10:14 AM »

Hi Karashannon. Thank you so much for checking in on me - sorry to hear you have been run down - how are you doing now ? 🤗
So a few things to update on - I have an appointment to see a gynaecologist in December, I’ve had a scan and luckily no fibroids. Still waiting to hear about physio.
I’ve changed doctors surgeries so I’m hoping that a new doctor will be more helpful. I’m not taking any HRT as the old doc said not to, but will get that checked by the new doctor.
I’ve been getting really dull abdominal aches and pains every day now, presumably this is due to the prolapse.
I’ve had a time of feeling really low and run down with all of this, I find it really difficult to deal with and how much it impacts my daily life. I’m worrying about my job (self employed physical job) and how much longer I can keep doing it. Thanks again for checking in on me I really appreciate it x


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2023, 03:28:10 AM »

Hi Elly

I'm sorry I didn't realise you'd replied to me.  How are you?  Yes dull aches and pains can be prolapse sometimes.  I seem to have prolapse symptoms when I'm on the progesterone phase of my hrt, and then they alleviate or are gone during the oestrogen phase.  so I find I worry about them and then forget about them in a cycle, 2 weeks worry, 2 weeks just starting to forget and then repeat.  But things are not as they should be totally and I need an overhaul!  My GP surgery is unconcerned in general and I don't have the energy to pursue, so I think I will have to contact the Newson Clinic and see if I can get my hrt optimised and also consider testosterone if need be.  The reassess.

do you have an appointment date yet?  Everyone has their own views but my personal opinion is oestrogen used vaginally is definitely a good start.  Sadly for me it's giving me migraine when I use it but I don't think that's common for most.  Hoping I'll tolerate it more with time.  Let me know how you get on (I promise to check back now I'll remember now)  :)


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Re: Prolapse - any advice/help please 😢
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2023, 03:43:24 AM »

I read an archive of the magazine 'What Doctor's Don't Tell You,' (or something like that) where a woman reversed her prolapse symptoms with accupuncture.  I just thought it was worth a mention here.

Also I read that adequate vitamin d intake may increase low testosterone levels (in one study)
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