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Author Topic: Scared to Death *Update*  (Read 4517 times)


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Scared to Death *Update*
« on: September 28, 2023, 05:27:42 PM »

Here I go again. Scared out of my mind of dying of cancer.

I was told yesterday that I need to go for a uterine biopsy because I've been spotting on and off for a few months now and my age (58). I should be in menopause but I still get heavy periods. Granted they are spaced out now. I can't tell you how scared I am. This is it for me I'm sure. I can't eat, sleep I'm crying none stop
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 12:32:16 AM by mk94 »


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2023, 05:51:57 PM »


I need to say I do not have the same symptoms as you, I am sure someone will be along who may have experienced much the same. But you understandably sound terrified.
I believe I have seen previously that you suffer with health anxiety, many here will be able to understand your feelings.
You need to understand your courage in being seen by the medical profession, this is a huge thing for You to be able to do. You yourself have found the strength to do so, you have taken back some control over your anxiety.
I am age 57 and if not for the mirena coil I would still be getting 4 weekly bleeds, my periods have yet to stop. I still get pms symptoms so I know I am still getting the cycles, periods at out age is more unusual but not unheard of.

I think there are several women on here who have undergone uterine biopsies too. Helpfully they  can postcode of  their experiences.

Whilst I can't give advice on the proceedure, I just wanted to remind you that you have taken a good step to be seen, that takes some courage to do so.


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2023, 06:21:59 PM »

So you've been spotting for several months?  Have U become any worse in that time?  A biopsy will give a base line to keep an eye on your symptoms.  If something is found, it's early so can be treated.  Take a list of worries with you to the appt..  Take some1 with you to listen!  Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2023, 06:32:34 PM »

So you've been spotting for several months?  Have U become any worse in that time?  A biopsy will give a base line to keep an eye on your symptoms.  If something is found, it's early so can be treated.  Take a list of worries with you to the appt..  Take some1 with you to listen!  Let us know how you get on.

Last period was January of this year followed by on and off spotting  for months until 3 weeks ago I got a heavy period with clots. Lasted 12 days. I've only had spotting once since then.

The year before leading up to this year my periods were very heavy with flooding and clots and lasting longer than 7 days sometimes. But never ever spotted between periods. That all started after January of this year.😥😭


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2023, 06:38:33 PM »

I suspect that your hormone levels aren't enough to push the remaining 'period' out of the womb, hence the spotting.  When I was menstruating I would have heavy, clotty periods for 10-14 days: a break of 2 days followed by two days of brown [old blood] spotting.  When my periods waxed and waned they varied in days/consitency/length.  Any spotting I took as The Change.  Let us know how you get on!  I don't think you need to be scared: worried mayB ;-).


tambourine queen

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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2023, 06:41:52 PM »

Sending lots of love. These things always make us go to worst case scenarios but you’re doing the right thing getting checked out. I hope all is ok and it’s just the final bit of your cycles. Take good care.

Mary G

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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2023, 08:09:40 PM »

mk94, I know it's easy for other people to say but what you are experiencing is not at all unusual.  Admittedly it is late to still be having natural periods but we have had plenty of women on here who still bleed naturally at your age.

Doctors automatically send women over 50 (I think) for uterine biopsies if they bleed in the same way they automatically send people over 50 for colonoscopies if they pass blood in their stool.  From what I have read on here, doctors very often don't take HRT use into account either. 

You haven't said whether or not you are using HRT but if you are, then breakthrough bleeding is not unusual but if not and you are not post menopause, there's a very good chance that you are not producing anything like enough of your own progesterone and your womb lining has built up is not shifting sufficiently.  That does not mean cancer.  You have to have womb lining build up (endometrial hyperplasia) for quite some time for it to develop into something sinister and in the unlikely event that it has, it is extremely treatable.

I hope that helps.


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2023, 08:24:50 PM »

mk94, I know it's easy for other people to say but what you are experiencing is not at all unusual.  Admittedly it is late to still be having natural periods but we have had plenty of women on here who still bleed naturally at your age.

Doctors automatically send women over 50 (I think) for uterine biopsies if they bleed in the same way they automatically send people over 50 for colonoscopies if they pass blood in their stool.  From what I have read on here, doctors very often don't take HRT use into account either. 

You haven't said whether or not you are using HRT but if you are, then breakthrough bleeding is not unusual but if not and you are not post menopause, there's a very good chance that you are not producing anything like enough of your own progesterone and your womb lining has built up is not shifting sufficiently.  That does not mean cancer.  You have to have womb lining build up (endometrial hyperplasia) for quite some time for it to develop into something sinister and in the unlikely event that it has, it is extremely treatable.

I hope that helps.

Thank you Mary ❤️


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2023, 03:37:06 AM »

Timeline 2020 (age 56) periods get very heavy
2021 is getting heavier and more prolonged with lots of flooding and huge clots and I  become anaemic

2022 is still heavy but start skipping months

2023 period in January and I don't get another period until  September

From January to September 2023 (8 months 😭)
I spotted on and off. Every few days. I just thought I was nearing the end and entering into menopause and the spotting was normal
But I hear it was not normal and I never got it checked out


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2023, 09:14:50 AM »

U are reading too much in your symptoms: "I Hear it was not normal" - where did you hear/read this?  Mary G has given good advice.

..... and breath.  Spotting is 'within normal limits' for peri menopause.  As hormone levels drop naturally there isn't enough to 'shift' - good explanation - all the blood.  Do make a list of your worries to take to the appt..

Mary G

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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2023, 12:09:38 PM »

mk94, it sounds to me like you are at the very end of the menopause.  You still haven't gone 12 months without a period so you are not post menopause yet.

When is your scan/biopsy?


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2023, 08:40:17 PM »

I'm so stressed I just can't calm down. My mind is going everywhere.  Still haven't heard back from the doctors office to schedule my biopsy.  I can't get the what ifs of my mind. So worried...what if it's ovarian or cervical not uterine.  Omg I just want a hysterectomy like yesterday so I don't have to be so scared all the time.  :o God I'm losing my mind :'(


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2023, 08:03:21 AM »

....... and breath.  These appts take time to arrange, do check with the GP Surgery that the letter has been sent.  R U able to take a cancellation appt at short notice?


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2023, 10:00:41 AM »

I'm so stressed I just can't calm down. My mind is going everywhere.  Still haven't heard back from the doctors office to schedule my biopsy.  I can't get the what ifs of my mind. So worried...what if it's ovarian or cervical not uterine.  Omg I just want a hysterectomy like yesterday so I don't have to be so scared all the time.  :o God I'm losing my mind :'(

I was like you when I was referred to the breast clinic. I made myself ill, I had worsening pain down that side and into my neck by the time I got there. Id lost all logic due to fear. As soon as she said she couldn't feel anything worrying, the pain melted away. Nothing anybody says, stoos you from doing it if it's partly your personality. I'm sure you'll soon have answers but chase up your appointment


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Re: Scared to Death
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2023, 10:47:30 AM »

The brain is a powerful tool  >:(
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