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Author Topic: Weight gain  (Read 1071 times)


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Weight gain
« on: September 23, 2023, 08:02:50 PM »

Evening all
 I am 11 years on from my total hysterectomy and have put on round about 3 stone and gone from a 12 to 14 to a 16 and hate it, I have not changed nothing in my life but I am obese. I have been on 2 mg estrogen only HRT and was wondering if there is anything I can do but starve myself, I dont eat bars of chocolate, packets of loads or mounds of food, I have cereal, toast for lunch and either a cooked dinner, chicken and rice or chips and something but I am just fat, can anyone give any advice please.


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2023, 08:40:43 PM »

Hi when did you last have your thyroid function levels tested? 

It is demoralising to gain weight when not a lot has changed.  A slow metabolism might be the problem. 

Kalories: a measurement of heat: need kalories to burn off fats.  [became calories for some reason  ::)]

Which type of cereal, as many have hidden sugars which are substituted for sweeteners which can add weight  : DH eats porridge to which he adds dried fruits every morning.  I have Lizies muesli with a little semiskilled milk and dried blue berries to start the day.  Apparently protein is essential but I can't digest eggs as eggs ........ so I miss at least 5 possible meals daily!

......... white toast or a mix? I've recently begun eating brown bread with bits in  ::) sometimes with proper butter: which has a little more flavour than my usual white choice. How do U cook the chicken?  When DH cooks he wipes any food that might be extra greasy with kitchen roll, i.e. chips, fish from the shop and drains roasted foods well B4 serving.  [as members know DH does the cooking ;-)]

I think that you probably require more fruits and veg.. I'm not great on fruits: can't eat apples, too chewy  ::) and berries are often sour = more sugar.  I love veg in all forms: roasted, on the top; spuds in any form with butter and lots of black pepper over.  I also 'go off' foods which I may have been enjoying for months!

U don't mention what you drink.  I start the day with weak black T, 2 sugars and the same mid morning.  Until recently I was drinking Coke or fruit juices but found that my reflux irritating cough became worse.  So I have bottled, fizzy water ....... tea isn't as pleasant by mid-afternoon, taste buds seem to alter  :-\.  I avoid coffee as it makes me nauseous.  Milk: YUK!

How's your exercise regime, myself, I simply can't be bothered to walk or swim.  Years ago when I had a dog we walked miles daily.  Brisk walking helps energise the body/brain, helps the long bones and VitD can lift mood.

Is there a dietician at your Surgery?  MinL lost weight by measuring every thing she wanted to eat, putting it on a saucer in the fridge the previous night: once the saucers were empty, that was it.  As a home cook she also cut her portions in half.  She kept the weigh off!

U could also go to a Gym/Leisure Centre to see whether there is advice without needing to join.    Let us know.  All is not lost!

Shorty Pants

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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2023, 07:10:38 AM »

Hi moonbeam121167,
I feel your pain! I'm 55, but no hysterectomy. I did however have constant weight gain since starting HRT.
I'm on a mission to reduce, then come off it altogether, having put on about 1.5 stones. I'm only small, so 1.5 stones is significant for me.

I have mirena for ~14 years, which is where the weight problem started, but then having started evorel patches nearly 2 years ago, my weight just crept up and up and I gained 2-3 dress sizes from a few yrs ago.  I massively improved my diet this year, going (almost) vegan, with mainly wholefoods, v little bread and reduced calories. I felt great, much more energy, but no impact on my weight at all.

So I started coming off the patches about 7 wks ago. Within 3 wks I'd lost 6lbs and it was all water. TMI probably, but I literally peed and peed! I got to the last bit of patch, but had awful symptoms comingoff it, including banging headache, not sleeping and v bad hot flushes. So I'm currently back on 1/4 patch, which seems to keep most things at bay, but, here's the thing - I'm still losing weight. I've now lost 8lbs in total.

I know lots of people (including medics) say hrt doesn't cause weight gain, but that's clearly not the case. I react badly to too much oestrogen, and whilst I'm struggling with rebound symptoms coming off it, I do want to give it a go.

Sorry for the long post, but just wanted to share my sympathy and experience in case it helps. Is it poss to come off or reduce oestrogen after a hysterectomy? If so, perhaps try that with a few tweaks to your diet and upping your activity levels and see what happens? I guess you'll need to consult your gp on that first.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.  🤗
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 07:13:58 AM by Shorty Pants »


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2023, 01:19:53 PM »

Moonbeam 121167, from your previous posts I think you are on Zumenon. Many years ago I took an oral oestrogen ( Premarin) after a TAH/BSO and gained weight. Have you considered changing to a transdermal method of delivery? I know yours is estradiol and mine was conjugated oestrogens, but it might make a difference. I use patches now and do not gain weight.
JP x


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2023, 07:43:19 PM »

Hi yes I was but the chemist gives me other random brands but all are estrogen only 2 mg, been using it for 11 years this year and someone  I spoke to also said as you get older the patch is better and the patch dose would be a 50 patch !! but also to try testosterone, I am in the GP tomorrow and going to ask him if I can change to the patch and have testosterone.


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2023, 06:08:15 AM »

Good luck with your appointment today. Let us know how you get on.
JP x


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2023, 08:17:57 AM »

Morning.  U may find that your GP is reluctant to prescribe testosterone ....... do take a list of queries with you. 


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2023, 07:06:05 PM »


sorry wasnt today its tomorrow afternoon, I had it in 2017 when my libido dead and it helped but didnt know I should of used it continuely, so hoping and praying that after telling him that my sex drive has left the building and it is affecting my marriage he may give it to me, touch wood


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2023, 06:43:02 PM »

Hi all

went to the GP he said he cant give me testosterone but will write to the Meno clinic and he said as I have had it before they may give or if not make an appointment to see them,so thats ok. I also asked about if the HRT patch can be a better option and he said maybe,I have now an appointment next Monday with a nurse at the docters who may help, so we will see.


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2023, 07:10:05 PM »

Does the Nurse have menopause experience?  Some are interested in womens health which makes a huge difference.  Take a list with you to discuss ;-) and let us know how you get on.


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Re: Weight gain
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2023, 07:14:06 PM »

The receptionist said yes !!!!!! Dont know if after nearly 11 years going on the patch will be helpful.