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Author Topic: Feeling hot and headaches  (Read 965 times)


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Feeling hot and headaches
« on: September 22, 2023, 12:47:00 PM »

Hi I’m 59 had a hysterectomy at the age of 32 I still had my ovaries which have now dissolved I was told after a scan last year. I am under a gynaecologist and was told last November I have severe vaginal atrophy I have since been onEstradoil 10mg x 2 a day, also Estriol cream 0.01% a full tube applicator every night my gp wasn’t happy about as he said this was a high dose, the cream was stopped by the gynaecologist 4 weeks and I have again started to have vaginal atrophy symptoms I have contacted the gynaecologists secretary and waiting for a call back. I am also feeling hot almost all of the time to the point where I am soaking wet this has been happening for the last couple of years which also goes along with headaches and light headedness. I do have family issues ongoing and have been on antidepressants for the last 10 years which my gp stopped four weeks ago without weaning me off 25 mg amitrptaline also ecitalipram 10mg. I went to see his yesterday and he is now referring me to a psychiatrist as he said he feels he can’t do anymore after trying 8 antidepressants and anxiety medication. My question is could there be hormone issues going on thankyou. I also take levothyroxine 50mg for under active thyroid and Esomeprazole 40mg for Barrett’s oesophagus and acid reflux
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 12:50:46 PM by June »


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2023, 02:04:55 PM »

Your GP is so BEHIND  >:(  :bang:

Change your GP .  Get an appt to a dedicated menopause clinic as there are waiting lists. 

Gynaes sometimes don't know much either, though it seems that the 1 you saw was on the ball regarding VA.  Why did the Gynae stop treatment?  Why did your GP or the Gynae not refer you to an appropriate menopause clinic, there really is no joined up thinking.

Browse round.  Do read the 'bladder issues' thread as well as any regarding vaginal atrophy; get yourself a copy of 'me and my menopausal vagina' written by a member of this Forum: available on Amazon.  Read and pass to your GP!

Continue with the thyroid and Barrett's diagnosis treatments.  Have U got any VA treatment left, if so do begin treating the vagina until you can get proper advice. 

Why did your GP stop your mental health medications as these symptoms are more than likely due to hormone depletion.  NICE guidelines are to offer women HRT.

How do U feel overall, apart from frustrated with the lack of knowledge?  U R among women who know ;-).  Do U think that a psychiatrist is the right route to follow?  I would also speak to your Practice Manager to find out what their menopause support might be.   Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2023, 02:51:56 PM »

It can definitely be hormone related. Are you on HRT? My anxiety arrived with peri menopause and has gone completely with hrt.


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2023, 04:20:32 PM »

Hi no mention of a menopause clinic my gp said I had gone through the change and that’s why he referred me to the gynaecologist. The lady gynaecologist was supposed to refer me to a urologist as I e been having issues but when I e rang her secretary nothings been put on my notes the gynaecologist told me the last time I saw her 4 months ago there was no need to use the cream anymore I’ve told the secretary today that I e definitely gone back over she said she will get back to me. I see the gynaecologist again in December she also said I had a small prolapse of the bowel nothing to worry about she said, feel like I’m falling to bits. I have had and have problems going on with my family at the minute which I’m struggling with, but I do also have headaches dry skin mood swings and forgetting things I feel like the professionals are looking at my age 59’and I feel like I’ve just been wrote off🙁


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2023, 04:40:37 PM »

This infuriates me. Does he think your oestrogen levels have magically recovered because you're meno? A gynae may well be useful if you're pregnant but most are clueless about meno. You can ask for a referral to a menopause clinic but in my area there's a wait of a year so gp needs to get educated. Is there another gp or a specialist nurse you could see? You need someone who knows what they're talking about not a fob off. Your gp should be capable of prescribing appropriately himself. There is no age limit for hrt if you decide you want it (personally I would, you have nothing to lose ans can always stop if it doesn't help). I'm 62 and intend to stay on it forever. I have no va (yet?) probably because I'm replacing the oestrogen I no longer produce myself.


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2023, 05:07:36 PM »

Hi no mention of hrt he was very matter of fact, I’m going to ring my doctors on Monday and ask if any of the doctors at the practice can help I do appreciate your advice I think because i feel so low I’ve just gone along with what my doctor said my anxiety is so bad and moods so low I find it hards to get motivated struggling with weight gain and having an under active thyroid doesn’t help either my energy levels are low was told I am low in folate so have been on it for two months get those re checked in October


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2023, 05:42:34 PM »

U R struggling un-necessarily which makes me so angry - sadly this situation isn't improving across England.   

HRT isn't a cure all but can certainly help 'replace' the oestrogen that the body drops naturally.  It's The Change, does what it says on the tin.  There is so much info out there that NO GP should be ignorant - whatever the British Menopause Society suggests.  Dr Currie who began this Forum has an email system so that we can send a query, for which there is a charge.

U can buy VA treatment from Boots, it's call Gina I think.  I believe that 1 has to be over 55 without a period for 12 months, perhaps have a lookC at the product availability.

One doesn't 'go through menopause'.  What has been discovered in recent years is that as oestrogen levels drop we are in 'peri' menopause, those years when weird symptoms might begin.  Menopause is for Life, it's literally 'the last monthly period'.  Symptoms may continue though.

It's as clear as mud  ::) .   :foryou:


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2023, 09:21:21 PM »

Thankyou so much for your help I’m going to email to Dr Currie and see what comes back and I’m going to do a lot of reading on this forum this weekend. I can’t carry on the way I am my days are the same exhaustion, no sleep, mood swings, headaches, dry skin, forgetfulness to name a few


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2023, 09:17:41 AM »

Hi June


So sorry to hear about your shocking treatment and ignorance from your docs about the potential hormonal reasons for your issue and anxiety.

This is all wrong. It sounds like you have been given anti-depressants etc for hormonal reasons, notwithstanding your family issues. Hormonal changes of menopause make us less likely to be able to withstand the stresses of life and potentially the issues you are dealing with. Also probably because, as you had a hysterectomy, there was no way of knowing what was happening to your cycle, so docs would not put two and two together - cyclical changes and symptoms, combined with age are the most reliable way to determine if a woman is approaching or going through menopause .

So I think it's all linked  - the anxiety, overheating, VA issues. Many women need systemic HRT AND local oestrogen in order to control VA symptoms. Yes do write to Dr Currie but I urge you to consider HRT and before you reach the magic age of 60 which some docs may have a barrier to prescribing for the first time, though it's not out of the question.

Transdermal HRT is usually recommended for older women, but you will still need the local oestrogen - though maybe at not quite such high doses, once you have some other oestrogen in your body?

As for the psychiatrist - words fail me! That there is no joined up thinking - that the docs haven't recognised that your symptoms may well be because of menopause. If you have had not hot flushes previously as an indication also that you were having menopausal symptoms, it may well be that these were controlled by the escitalopram (sp?) as ADs do work for some women in controlling hot flushes/sweats, and now they are becoming apparent as you have weaned off them. This is not to minimise any psychological or depressive symptoms you have and by all means go to the appointment if you are referred, but as you yourself thought there may be hormonal reasons for all you are experiencing, I would suggest pushing for better treatment.

Unfortunately menopause clinics are few and far between and waiting lists long so a consultation with Dr Currie is a great idea. I would also find someone in your GP practice who is the menopause specialist and ask to see them because if your GP says you have gone through menopause and therefore nothing to do with that - well he clearly has no idea!

Re thyroid function - it is important to have this under control as well as sorting out your menopausal hormonal issues and I would suggest you start another post if you need advice on this, mentioning thyroid in some way because another member Wrensong is very knowledgeable on this and combining thyroid function treatment with menopause.

Please do let us know what happens and ask if we can help further eg if you need advice on HRT products or anything at all!

Hurdity x



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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2023, 10:36:01 AM »

Thankyou so much yes I have decided to contact my doctors on Monday and I’m going to ask if any of my doctors are more knowledgeable about menopause and make an appointment. I will start a new post regarding my thyroid to as I’ve spoken to my gp so many times only to be told my readings are inside the guidelines. This feels like a light bulb moment after receiving the comments on this forum thankyou

Shorty Pants

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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2023, 07:23:57 AM »

Thankyou so much yes I have decided to contact my doctors on Monday and I’m going to ask if any of my doctors are more knowledgeable about menopause and make an appointment. I will start a new post regarding my thyroid to as I’ve spoken to my gp so many times only to be told my readings are inside the guidelines. This feels like a light bulb moment after receiving the comments on this forum thankyou
As a side-line (and hoping this is ok to do on here), i would pop a post onto Thyroid UK forum on healthunlocked. They are a mine of information on thyroid issues and would give you some feedback on whether your levels really were optimal.


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2023, 08:27:21 AM »

Did U take advice from Shorty Pants and have a lookC at Thyroid UK Forum - [having read your new thread on the same topic].  Also, GPs rarely recognise that although thyroid function blood tests may B 'within normal limits', even though patients continue to complain of symptoms, are rarely keen to refer to an appropriate consultant.  If I were you I would push for that appt. as there are medications that can ease thyroid function symptoms.

Let us know if there is any appropriate advice from the Forum recommended.


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Re: Feeling hot and headaches
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2023, 10:26:23 AM »

Hi I was recommended on an earlier comment to do a separate thread on my thyroid, I’ve tried to join thyroid uk and can’t get past the first question I will try again today, I have rang my doctors and I’m waiting for a call back. I also looked at emailing Dr Currie but she’s not taking emails at the minute.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2023, 10:28:56 AM by June »