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Author Topic: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?  (Read 2444 times)


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2023, 11:49:16 AM »

It sounds to me like a reaction from using the trimmer. Your poor skin sounds very sore. From what you have described it does not sound like an ingrown hair but could be be a razor bump? Years ago I used to use an oil called No Bump but I suspect that is not going to be gentle for your skin. This was a long time ago when there were no other options. I wonder if there is an alternative you could use. I had a quick look and some say tea tree oil but there may be something for sensitive skin now.


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2023, 11:56:23 AM »

It sounds to me like a reaction from using the trimmer. Your poor skin sounds very sore. From what you have described it does not sound like an ingrown hair but could be be a razor bump? Years ago I used to use an oil called No Bump but I suspect that is not going to be gentle for your skin. This was a long time ago when there were no other options. I wonder if there is an alternative you could use. I had a quick look and some say tea tree oil but there may be something for sensitive skin now.
Do you think it could be a reaction from the trimmer?
Wish I hadn’t done it now. The pimple has a little white head on it but it’s not painful at all. The dr has seen it and wasn’t bothered about it. She said she didn’t see anything that worried her.
It’s just how the skin has flared up now that’s making me miserable.
Maybe I’ll try some tea tree oil on it but I’m worried it might be bad for my skin.
Inside hurts and is sore too which makes me wonder if it’s the atrophy flaring as well?
It’s all red raw including inside  :( :o


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2023, 11:56:51 AM »

SAVLON ;-).  A good dollop which will stop any infection developing.

Let us know how you get on.

Ha ha really??
Will it irritate my skin though?


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2023, 11:58:25 AM »

Hello Talli
I think it's very hard for anyone to advise you apart from your GP or the nurse who can actually see what's going on.. it does sound like there might be several issues at play though. I once had a sebaceous cyst on my vulva (in my early 40s) which was very uncomfortable and took several weeks to resolve itself even with a prescribed antibiotic cream. It looked like a small pimple as I recall, but was very uncomfortable.  Sitz baths of warm water and a little salt helped resolve the problem back then for me, but it did take what felt like an age to settle down.  I really think maybe you need to get it all looked at again if it doesn't show any sign of getting any better soon and ask if you can see someone who can assess it properly (vulvoscopy). Maybe cut out using the 'yes' for a while if you can as that might be irritating whatever is going on right now?  I hope you get some answers and relief soon. X


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2023, 12:07:17 PM »

Hello Talli
I think it's very hard for anyone to advise you apart from your GP or the nurse who can actually see what's going on.. it does sound like there might be several issues at play though. I once had a sebaceous cyst on my vulva (in my early 40s) which was very uncomfortable and took several weeks to resolve itself even with a prescribed antibiotic cream. It looked like a small pimple as I recall, but was very uncomfortable.  Sitz baths of warm water and a little salt helped resolve the problem back then for me, but it did take what felt like an age to settle down.  I really think maybe you need to get it all looked at again if it doesn't show any sign of getting any better soon and ask if you can see someone who can assess it properly (vulvoscopy). Maybe cut out using the 'yes' for a while if you can as that might be irritating whatever is going on right now?  I hope you get some answers and relief soon. X

Thank you for your message :)
Yes I think if it dosnt settle soon I’m going to have to go back to the drs as it’s driving me crazy.
I have seen a dr and she wasn’t bothered but the sore skin is getting worse so I might have to go back and pester  ::)


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2023, 12:13:47 PM »

Good idea to go back and say you are still in pain. Hopefully the Dr will be helpful.


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2023, 12:26:43 PM »

I meant to add that my own personal view is that it is probably a good idea not to add anything else into the mix (ovestin, tea tree oil, savlon etc) unless your GP/nurse has advised this.. if it is more of a dermatological reaction (from the trimmer perhaps) I'd say maybe its a good idea to leave off trying anything else topical for now.. it is such a sensitive area that even the slightest irritation seems magnified ten-fold or at least that's how I often feel!


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2023, 12:30:20 PM »

'savlon' is exactly for those types of spots, soreness, to avoid a chance of infection.  Anything to ease any irritation.  Too many ABs are being handed out like sweeties these days. 

Or sit in a well salted cool bath .........


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2023, 01:03:50 PM »

I completely agree with Jane's advice here, adding more treatment to the mix might not help your situation.
Best to see the GP again before trying to sort it all out yourself, but please let us know how you get on  :)


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2023, 03:32:14 PM »

Thanks everyone!
I agree with what you say, I’ll wait till I can see a gp/nurse to do anything different.
Thanks for all your messages :)


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2023, 05:58:58 PM »

As Jane_w says, could it be a sebaceous cyst? Is it possible that a pore/gland whatever has become blocked with the cetreban maybe?

I too have had one on my inner labia and boy was it painful. My GP lanced it and the relief was immediate.

Hope you get to the bottom of it.


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2023, 09:53:59 PM »

My doctor told me that she's getting more cases of women going with infections where they have shaven etc and there's a reason we have pubic hair.  i once had an ingrowing hair after hair removal for my swimsuit. It became sore. Has your doctor taken vaginal swabs too? I wouldn't use anything new until you've checked back with your doctor


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2023, 10:32:11 PM »

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post but I’m on Vagifem and I take it every night.
Recently I’ve been getting little painless white head pimples (sorry tmi  :o ) on my vulva and it’s been super red and blotchy and sore. Seen a dr and she gave me antibiotics for the spot but it hasn’t gone away and the rest of my bits are agonising with the itch and soreness. No one wants to help :(
They won’t give steroid cream as she said it’ll make the spot worse.
My urethra is irritated and I feel like I need to pee all the time!
Last night I got desperate and took two Vagifem at the same time.  :-\
Any advice greatly appreciated!!!
Edit: I’ve also just started taking thyroxine for under active thyroid

Could the white pimple be this:

Fordyce spots are yellow-white, red, or skin-colored oil glands. These painless, harmless vaginal bumps can appear on the vulva. They can also appear on your face, on the cheek and lips. Although it’s unknown why Fordyce spots appear, these bumps are natural and noninfectious, and they don’t cause any negative health effects. They do not require treatment unless they cause discomfort or cosmetic concerns.

Your doctor doesn't seem concerned about the spot and if it's not causing you any pain or irritation I wouldn't worry about it.

As for the soreness I would stop using everything but the Vagifem. I can't tolerate YES VM it burns and causes red soreness inside and out, I'm ok with the YES WB though. Not all products suit everyone.
See how you are  after a couple of days, just wash with warm water once a day and nothing else.


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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2023, 07:19:33 AM »


It may be useful to  stop everything for a few days.
This was advised by a vulval dermatologist. This will give the skin and vagina time to recover, if it is reacting to everything.

It depends where the soreness and the spot is. Is the spot on the vulval skin , or inside the vagina?

The vulva ( outside) can behave differently from the vagina ( inside). Deal with each area seperately.

Outside the vulval skin can be irritated with what you put inside. Cytolitic vaginosis which is basically over growth of good bacteria can cause vulval soreness, as the secretions become acidic . Unfortunately most Gp's do not know about cytolitic vaginosis.

. The skin on the vulva becomes thin and delicate over time just like the rest of the body.
Use a bland ointment base ( not cream) like hydromol to wash and protect the skin. If it is dry inflammed and sore a steriod ointment can be prescribed for 3 weeks use to calm the skin. Only a tiny ammount is needed.
The vagina can also react to anything you put inside.  Go knickerless if you can - no baths just showers.
Try you local GUM clinic and get tested for overgrowth of lactobacilli/ cytolitic vaginosis as this requires an immediate swob and micoscope to diagnose.
Yes VM gel can be very useful for some as it is PH similar.
I would advise against putting loads of things in or on the area as less in more when dealing with the vulva and vagina.
Gp's are not vaginal and vulval experts - you require a vulval dermatologist and a proper diagnosis.



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Re: Is it safe to double dose Vagifem?
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2023, 11:02:11 AM »

Just popped on to say thank you SO MUCH for everyone’s input!
I have an appointment booked for Monday with my local GUM clinic doctor.
I’ve seen her before and she’s really good so hopefully that’ll shed some light on things.
As you’ve all said I’m not going to do anything different until I’ve seen her.
Thank you all again!
I’ll update once I’ve seen her  :)
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