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Author Topic: UPDATE: PMB - 7 Years Post menopause  (Read 1640 times)


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UPDATE: PMB - 7 Years Post menopause
« on: August 28, 2023, 10:19:59 AM »

Hello everyone,
I'm 7 years post menopause, 59 years old and dont take any hrt. Have suffered from VA since about 2017, but because of a pre-existing medical condition, I'm not able to have HRT. Last week i noticed a browny/pinkish discharge and saw gp who said she could see, what she described as a large cervical polyp. She's put me on the 2 week path and I have an ultrasound booked for wednesday and a colposcopy on Friday. The bleeding has increased since Tuesday and is now red; it's not running out of me but I find it very disturbing.
This probably sounds pathetic but I'm worried sick.  I actually felt ok on the day I went to the gp but have felt terrible since; tired, can't eat and have had lower pelvic pain since.
There's so much conflicting information on the internet and the more I read, the more worried I become.  Is it likely that the polyp has caused this bleed?
Thank you in advance.
T x
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 07:16:39 PM by Tabethalj »


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Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2023, 11:05:48 AM »

No advice re the polyp itself but anxiety causes both loss of appetite and tiredness in me - being on high alert with all those stress hormones  when you are worried about something is very draining. So see that part for what it is, anxiety because you are being investigated, its not necessarily anything to do with the polyp. Don't conflate the two or you'll be looking for signs everywhere- I know this because I've done this soooooo many times.

I hope your tests go well ans hopefully someone will be along who has more experience about the polyp x


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Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2023, 12:12:36 PM »

I had exactly this two years ago. Post menopausal and on HRT. I was referred under the two week pathway and a polyps on my cervix was found. A hysteroscopy was booked and It was removed . Tests proved it was benign and all bleeding ceased. Hope your story is the same!


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Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2023, 09:22:44 PM »

Thank you both, I do appreciate that. x


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Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2023, 02:04:49 AM »

Hi, Tabethalj!

I'm 51, still having periods, not on HRT and at my annual exam last winter my gyno found a large cervical polyp.   He removed it and sent it for biopsy (it was negative).  During my appointment he told me not to worry because in all his years of practice (he's in his 50's) he has never had a patient's cervical polyp be anything but benign.

Odds are high that your polyp is benign, too.   :)    One note:  after my polyp was removed I had bleeding like a medium flow period for a few days (totally normal).  I thought I'd mention it to give you a heads up that you may need some pads.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 02:06:29 AM by SadieLou »


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Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2023, 07:33:51 AM »

Sadie Thank you..I had my Scans yesterday.  They weren't willing to say too much but did say that my uterus measured 4mm, which is promising. My colposcopy is tomorrow (Friday). Surprisingly they weren't able to see the polyp the GP saw, but she said they can't always see them. I suppose the scan is to look for other things too.
I really appreciate your replies, it's a great comfort.
T x


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UPDATE Re: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2023, 04:26:19 PM »

I've now had my ultrasound and colposcopy.  Ultrasound found my uterus is 4mm and endometrium appears irregular (she referred to the surface as being uneven). She wasn't able to see any polyps in my cervix.

The colposcopist wasn't able to find any cervical polyps either, so I've no idea what my GP thought she saw.  So the bleed is from the uterus not the cervix and I've now been referred for a Hysteroscopy, again fast tracked.

A bit disappointed to be honest, I'd built myself up to the polyp been removed today but there's none there to remove!  :)



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Re: UPDATE: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2023, 04:56:58 PM »

Hello Tabethalj and welcome to the forum.

Thank you for the update and I am sorry that the result wasn't what you were expecting.

I had the experience of a polyp disappearing when a small one was identified on a scan but on a later scan it was no longer there. There was some time between appointments and I am no expert but perhaps polyps can change quite quickly considering that they respond to Oestrogen levels.

If your bleeding is from your uterus the fact that your lining is only 4mm is a good sign, I was told that 4mm or less is considered normal.

I hope your hysteroscopy goes well, many of us have had this procedure so feel free to ask any questions if that helps you.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: UPDATE: Polyps and post menopause bleed
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2023, 05:36:31 PM »

Hello everyone
I thought I'd just update.  I now have my hysteroscopy booked for 27th, I'm very anxious about it.  I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the ultrasound result please.

The scan report says, "The endometrium appears irregular measuring 4mm. No focal pathology identified. The post meno uterus is anteverted with a coarse myometrial echotexture." 
I'm now 5 days not bleeding, which is a blessing.
Thank you in advance.
T x
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 07:19:06 PM by Tabethalj »