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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Right side pain, Ovary?  (Read 12340 times)


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Right side pain, Ovary?
« on: March 12, 2017, 02:53:49 PM »

Hi guys.  I am having a bit of a worry today and my good old health anxiety has been properly spiked by a weird sudden but fleeting sharp pain in what I think is the area roughly where my ovary would be.  It started this morning out of the blue and I had a few spasm.....they last a few seconds is all then go away.  Then another and so on.  Then nothing for several hours and now just another.  Not excruciatingly painful but enough to make me take notice.  No pain on palpation or anything else to see.  I am post meno so I am told so no idea whn last period was as have had no bleeding since mirena was fitted for heavy bleeding 6 years ago.  I have had a recent cystoscopy and pelvic exam.....last November and ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis for cause of uti.  Nothing unusual showed up.  I wondered if this sounds familiar to anyone?  I tend to totally panic over any new symptoms as have had terrible anxiety related to my health in the last few months.  I will have to see doctor when I can if it continues but am trying not to keep running to the doctor as its all part of my HA cycle!  Thanks for reading.

ancient runner

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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2017, 03:09:44 PM »

Hello Jessie
I've had similar to what you describe on my left side and it's flared up with a vengeance in the last 24 hours. Like you I had ultra sound, etc, and nothing found when it all started up a couple of years ago. Fresh on HRT and not sure if it's taking me back physically to an earlier bit of peri where I had the same symptom. It is really hacking me off today!


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 03:17:15 PM »

Hi ancient runner and thanks for replying!  Im sorry you are having this pain also.  You have had it for sometime then.  I cannot really remember having this type of pain before....maybe back when I was having periods I would get random ovary pains at around ovulation time but now I shouldnt be having any activity there so it worried me a bit.  It has only just started so I know I am panicking early but I always think cancer and then get myself in a bit of a tiz! Did you have a transvaginal us?  I only had a normal US for kidneys bladder etc. As was having utis for a while and they wanted to rule out anything there.  I have no idea if they would have looked at ovaries.  I had pelvic exam in october for rectocele problems and she passed no comment about anything being enlarged down there.......wish my mind didnt always go to worst case scenario.  Have you had pain all the time for 2 years?  Or does it come and go in cycles?  Have you ever had cysts at all?


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2017, 03:22:13 PM »

Hi ladies I also had this pain a few years ago, I had endrometrosis before but this was like my ovary was throbbing, I had a laporscopy and could find nothing to explain it in the end I had a tube put in and they clamped my veins, I'm not 100% sure but it's when I was on premique but I've been on it last year or so and only comes now and again. Xxx


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2017, 03:28:31 PM »

Are you sure its not colon? I often get a right sided stab of pain, figured out its colon, prob wind passing through. Its too high to be ovarian in my case, they are fairly close together though.


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2017, 03:41:37 PM »

Hi Cassie, I guess it could be but it just didnt feel "bowelly" to me and I am expert on wind pain!  Its sort of inside the hip bone and maybe a tad lower.  I think I vaguely remember ovulation pain being in a simialar place but that was a while ago.  These pains pass quickly so its hard to know exactly where it is.  Grrrr.  I am probably overreacting.  :-X


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2017, 03:51:09 PM »

Could be just a nerve pain, as it comes and goes quickly. Have you been doing any lifting or different physical activities lately.


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2017, 04:03:01 PM »

erm.....not really.  I carried some very heavy bags to the car yesterday,  I avoid heavy lifting due to the rectocele, so I guess it could be.


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2017, 05:24:28 PM »

Hi Jessie
Recently I've been getting a sudden sharp stabbing pain when I stretch or roll over in bed at night. It's always on the right side, about 1-2 inches in from, and about 2-3 inches above my hipbone. I never get it in the day - I can stretch up, bend over, twist etc. with no pain at all, though I do have a constant crampey-type feeling in my lower stomach most of the time during the day.  I had scans and exams (vaginal as well as bladder, kidneys etc.) about 3 months ago and was all clear. A quick glance online mentioned what sounds similar to my night-time spasms - "round ligament pain" but this is usually found in pregnant women. I'm definitely not pregnant!
Like you I freak out when I get a new symptom and also like you I am trying not to run to the doctor every second day, so I don't know what this could be. If you do go to your GP, please let us know what they say.



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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2017, 06:13:48 PM »

Oh Sparkle, you have a lot going on in there.  Im sorry that must be painful for you a lot of times.  Its hard to believe our insides can get so messed up by child bearing and middle age.  Guess father nature didnt intend for us women to hang around once we were spent! :-\

I will definitely report back if I go to the docs.  I wont go if it happens to go away in a day or two.  It will take me a week at least to get an appointment which will probably be a waste of time first time anyway.  So I dont expect any fast action.  I read some stuff on another forum about ovary pain being normal fro time to time in meno.  Someone with a medical background had commented that the ovaries when stimulated from time to time may produce and egg or try to produce an egg and the fact that the ovary is generally withered and with some dead cells on the outside means that any live eggs left would be deep inside and would try to break out of the toughened material giving rise to the pain many women experience sometimes.......I guess it sounds possible and plausible.  So long as the pain doesnt become persistent I will try to imagine thats what it is! ::)


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2017, 07:59:00 PM »

I get sporadic stabbing pains on my lower right side which I presume is ovarian pain since it is definitely not gut! I have never mentioned to doc as it doesn't occur often enough to warrant a visit and I take comfort from the fact that my CA125 (I think this is the one) has always come back normal ( last done a year ago) and they (docs) haven't found enlarged ovaries when they have been scanned - in fact they can't find them any more as they have atrophied so much so are also hidden... I would say I have felt this pain occasionally for several years so if it was something sinister I would know by now!

If your pain continues for some time and does not go away over the next week or two then defo see a doc. Also is your Mirena still in place? If you are post-meno then perhaps have it taken out? Could this be the cause of the pain as it's been there some time? if you are post-meno then too much progestogen can cause endometrial atrophy and some spotting/bleeding - although yours will probably be very low in progestogen by now.

Hurdity x



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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2023, 10:42:01 AM »

I know this thread is years old, but I just wanted to say thank you to jessieblue: your initial post could have been mine, word for word, from the right ovary pain to worrying about the worst-case scenario. However, the explanation you found and posted - "the ovaries when stimulated from time to time may produce and egg or try to produce an egg and the fact that the ovary is generally withered and with some dead cells on the outside means that any live eggs left would be deep inside and would try to break out of the toughened material giving rise to the pain many women experience sometimes" sounds so plausible, especially given other symptoms that would make sense in that context (despite being two months away from 12 months of no periods), that I feel reassured - as by the fact that you didn't post again after that, and so I am hopeful that your pains were, indeed, temporary and nothing to worry about - and that mine are, too. If they don't subside in a few days I will, of course, check with a doctor to make sure.


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Re: Right side pain, Ovary?
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2023, 07:33:50 AM »

Update: yes, the pain has gone  :) Lasted approx 40 hours.