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Author Topic: Despair  (Read 3771 times)


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« on: August 29, 2023, 07:47:16 AM »

Oh god, I’ve hit  the depths of despair.

Post meno, but either not absorbing oestrogen, need more, coil or circumstantial reasons
( maybe all of them!).

It feels like permanent pms.
I could murder someone with rage. I can’t focus. My tummy hurts. I’m irritable. Annoyed with life, the kids, hate partner, the house, where I live, my job.. everything! Nausea every few days.

I’m ready to leave, but where to, I don’t know!

I can’t increase the oestrogen, this fibroid is bothering me. The PMT tummy ache is awful.

Back to work next week.
What am I going to go?

I’m on the 2w bleeding pathway, so I’m hoping a gynae appointment soon.

I don’t understand what’s happening.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 07:54:31 AM by Nas »


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Re: Despair
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2023, 07:52:40 AM »

Hormones can cause such huge upsets.   Dr Kath Dalton did a lot of research and I found The National Association for Pre-menstrual Syndrome [NAPS] had good advice and support.

MayB ring the Dept to see if there is a chance of a cancellation or at least to get an appt. directly? 



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Re: Despair
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2023, 07:59:29 AM »

Yes, it’s hormonal, most definitely. I wish I understood, but I don’t. Post menopausal by 5 years. Same HRT patch for 3 years.

Pain in my tummy like no other  :'(


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Re: Despair
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2023, 08:11:54 AM »

Awww Nas, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. All those feelings, PMS, etc went when my coil was removed. I have everything crossed that you get your gynae appt very soon and it’s sorted out.

Ermin x


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Re: Despair
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2023, 08:33:49 AM »

Thanks Ermin,
I’ve had my coil in since May 2022. Could it really be that causing me this bother now? Maybe there isn’t enough oestrogen to balance things out?

I wish I knew.


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Re: Despair
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2023, 08:53:58 AM »

Hi Nas,

I'm so sorry you're feeling awful.

Maybe Ermin2trude has a point about the coil?

I hope you get your gynae appt soon.



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Re: Despair
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2023, 09:13:07 AM »

Hello Nas

I am so sorry that you are feeling this way. I completely sympathise and I have been there myself. Hormones are so powerful as we  know.

Many ladies report  changing symptoms when on a steady or regular dose of Oestrogen so  it seems likely that our responses to progesterone can change as well. Also we know the importance of balance so again if our HRT is off kilter we are bound to feel it.

I hope you can get this resolved soon and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Wishing you well and sending hugs.



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Re: Despair
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2023, 09:18:08 AM »

Hi Nas,

If you go back to the hormonal basics, PMS, irritability, rage, etc are caused by low progesterone. Fibroids might be due to high oestrogen. An HRT tweak or reset will sort you out. At the moment there’s an imbalance somewhere.

My own experience was the coil wasn’t enough progesterone after a while and I had to add in utrogestan to stop all the symptoms you are suffering from, and well……you know the rest.

I’m really hoping your appt happens this week.

Thinking of you.


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Re: Despair
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2023, 09:57:58 AM »

Thanks all.
Oh crikey, I have no clue what to do next. As you say ladies, the hormones are most definitely off somewhere.

I’m not sure I have the headspace to deal with this now, it’s exhausting.

PMT is what it feels like though. It feels as though I could fly off the handle into a rage any second!

I wonder if I add in utrogestan tonight, it might help. I’ve also taken the patch off ( in temper  :-\) and applied a sachet of gel instead.

How are you feeling now Ermin?

Disco, did you purchase the CBD gummies in the end ?

Kathleen, I hope you are feeling a little more balanced?

What a totally rubbish stage of life. I’m absolutely hating it.


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Re: Despair
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2023, 09:59:49 AM »

Morning partner,

Sorry things have got even worse for you. Wish I had advice or words of wisdom but  nothing can seek in when we hit rock bottom.
I join the others in sending hugs and understanding at just how bad you feel. Seems reasonable that maybe the progesterone in the coil may be too much and everything is unbalanced.
Still seems wrong that most of us are trying to diagnose and great ourselves. That appt can't come quick enough for you.

Thinking of you xx


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Re: Despair
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2023, 10:06:44 AM »

Thanks partner,
Yes all out of balance ( again!)
I am sick of trying to fathom all this out Sarah, it’s exhausting.

Too much progesterone?
Too little oestrogen?
Too little of both?
Too much of both?

 :o :o


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Re: Despair
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2023, 10:10:08 AM »

Hi Nas

I'm thinking of you. It really sounds like more progesterone might help. If I were you I would take some utrogestan for a few days and see if you feel better. Personally I would have the coil removed to see if that helps. At least you can control when you take utrogestan. I've just had an awful week due to too low progesterone and after a few days of changing how I take utrogestan (I've gone back to oral from vaginal) I feel so much calmer, and can sleep again. Please don't suffer. I would also get an emergency appointment with your GP and tell them how you feel - there must be something they can do in the short term to help you feel better until you get your gynae appointment. Sending hugs xxx


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Re: Despair
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2023, 10:30:49 AM »

Thanks for asking Nas. I stopped the oestrogen a few weeks before the coil was removed because I was feeling so awful and haven’t restarted it, so at the moment I am HRT free.

I feel really well, so much better than I have done in years. Emotionally I’m happy and stable. I had a night sweat early on, a few weeks of headaches which stopped and haven’t returned, bleeding still ongoing but MS said it could take a few more weeks to settle down. Otherwise all is good.

However, when I saw the MS last week, she strongly suggested I went on testosterone only HRT (??), so now I have a tube of Androfeme accompanied by a head that says HRT is great, go for it, and a body which says NOPE, no more. I admit the science and research she showed me were compelling for testosterone only HRT and it’s becoming more common. If it were to be believed, all of us would be on testosterone only……sorts out everything from hot flushes to brain fog and everything in between apparently.

But still…… everyday I look at the tube of testosterone and wonder if todays the day……

Anyway, back to you. I would take some utrogestan if you have it. I phoned Newson Health for advice when I felt like you are feeling right now, and they told me to add utrogestan back in. It did work for the PMS, rage, etc. felt much better the morning after.

Sending hugs xx

« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 10:34:55 AM by Ermin2trude »


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Re: Despair
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2023, 10:45:46 AM »

Hi Nas

Sorry to hear about your ongoing issues

Hi Nas,

If you go back to the hormonal basics, PMS, irritability, rage, etc are caused by low progesterone. Fibroids might be due to high oestrogen. An HRT tweak or reset will sort you out. At the moment there’s an imbalance somewhere.

My own experience was the coil wasn’t enough progesterone after a while and I had to add in utrogestan to stop all the symptoms you are suffering from, and well……you know the rest.

I’m really hoping your appt happens this week.

Thinking of you.

Thanks partner,
Yes all out of balance ( again!)
I am sick of trying to fathom all this out Sarah, it’s exhausting.

Too much progesterone?
Too little oestrogen?
Too little of both?
Too much of both?

 :o :o

I can pretty confidently say that your issues are NOT to do with too little progesterone and that PMS is NOT caused by too little progesterone. PMS is characterised by symptoms that occur in the second half of the cycle. If it were due to low progesterone then most women would feel bad during the first part of the cycle when progesterone is almost non existent as in post-menopause - still there but nothing compared to later in the cycle.

PMS as I see it has 3 components depdning on your sensitivity:

1   Progesterone intolerance - mild or severe - side effects from the progesterone that is produced in increasing quantities during the second part of the cycle - sensitivity to the physiological changes in the body
2   Decrease in oestrogen - there is a sharp decline post-ovulation, then a rise and then a marked decline before the bleed starts - this is the casue in many women and what HRT helps to cushion when the level stays low for longer or drops too low I would say
3  Progesterone withdrawal - this has known effects as the physiological changes brought about by progesterone are reversed. The main thing is that the withdrawal symptoms and associated PMS are TEMPORARY and as soon as the progesterone has gone and the bodily changes have stabilised, most women feel well again. so NOT low progesterone per se.

I would suggest from what I've read that PMS is one or a combination of several of these.

Hope that's cleared that up.

I'll do another post for other comments

Hurdity x


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Re: Despair
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2023, 10:48:21 AM »

However, when I saw the MS last week, she strongly suggested I went on testosterone only HRT (??), so now I have a tube of Androfeme accompanied by a head that says HRT is great, go for it, and a body which says NOPE, no more. I admit the science and research she showed me were compelling for testosterone only HRT and it’s becoming more common. If it were to be believed, all of us would be on testosterone only……sorts out everything from hot flushes to brain fog and everything in between apparently.

I would like to see the science and research that shows that testosterone only is recommended for menopausal symptoms in post-menopausal women - ie trials that show its efficacy and safety in the absence of oestrogen. Which is the clinic where this has been recommended? I would be very interested if you can get hold of the links to the refs!

Hurdity x
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