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Author Topic: Mirena decision  (Read 2747 times)


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Mirena decision
« on: August 02, 2023, 04:16:58 PM »

Hi ladies

I've recently asked for a Mirena due to long standing issues with utrogestan, but the more information I find on Mirena the more worried I get. I just read that it contains silica and barium(!) and that the risk of breast cancer is not known. Also in Meno-Mel's recent post I see it can become embedded in the womb and this can result in a long wait to have it removed. I did look into taking Utrogestan vaginally but I found a reputable document (I forget where) which said there is no evidence that the utrogestan reaches the place where it is needed via this route. I am starting to think it might be better to just try and withdraw gradually from HRT. It is such a shame because I find oestrogel really good. I would welcome any thoughts that might help me decide whether to go ahead or not as I am so confused.


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2023, 04:29:20 PM »

If you might be at all progesterone intolerant don’t have one. I had to have mine removed after trying it for 6 months, it never got any better.

That said lots like them, but they tend to be the ones who don’t struggle with progesterone

I’m sure utrogestan is safe to use vaginally I used to use it this way for years and it worked perfectly well for me. I have to say I only used it x 7 days per month and had regular scans.

Wishing you well whatever you decide and please let us know x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2023, 04:34:26 PM »

Hi perinowpost, I have read that Mirena is better for women who have issues with oral progesterone because the hormone stays in the womb instead of your whole system and my gp said the same. However many people have said they have had issues with Mirena like you. I have also read that only women who have had at least one child should have a Mirena and I've had none. I guess I could use utrogestan vaginally and have scans like you. I will have to decide soon as I am on the list. Thanks for sharing xxx
« Last Edit: August 02, 2023, 04:36:10 PM by Katherine »


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2023, 04:41:49 PM »

The medics do say the prog stays in the womb but I can tell you from personal experience that is not the case. The key is if you have any sensitivity.

It’s not an easy decision I know x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2023, 04:47:28 PM »

I believe you. It does stand to reason as oestrogel does not stay on the skin it goes into the bloodstream. I wonder why you have to have a child to have a Mirena. I am going to have to really research this x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2023, 04:53:29 PM »

Hi Katherine and Perinowpost,

I'm not sure if you've read my post on Mirena today, but I agree completely with Perinowpost. If you've any sort of Prog. Intolerence then I really wouldn't suggest it. It absolutely is systemic, there are threads on where where Hurdity demonstrates that there is systemic absorption from the Mirena.  I did try Utrogestan for 12 days a month, and I had scans (2 x yearly) to confirm the lining stayed thin. My intolerence symptoms usually started around day 7, hence why I went for the Mirena as I believed I needed to take it for a minimum of 12 days. My next step is to see if the meno consultant will assist me in reducing the number days and having scans.
Good luck Katherine, keep pushing for what's right for you, I hope you get some success x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2023, 05:01:01 PM »

Hi Annedenmark, Thanks for the info and good wishes, I will look for Hurdity's posts. Do you know if you can get scans on the NHS or do you have to go private and if so how do you go about getting scans? I don't have medical insurance but could pay for scans.x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2023, 05:11:10 PM »

Hi Katherine, I agree with Perinowpost - if you have felt unwell on oral Utrogestan then I'd explore all other options first rather than opt for Mirena at this stage.  I've not had one myself because I'm highly progesterone intolerant & it seemed like too big a gamble to  agree to have a progestogen releasing device fitted that I couldn't remove myself if it made me unwell.  I was repeatedly encouraged to have one & even though I'd always declined, the consent form I was presented with on arrival for hysteroscopy included a clause to the effect that I agreed to have one fitted during the procedure.  I firmly crossed it out & wrote NO THANK YOU.

As Perinowpost says, for many women they are an ideal solution, but there's no knowing whether you will be among them.  Sorry not to be encouraging/reassuring about Mirena, but sometimes on here we have to sound a note of caution & hopefully you have other options as you don't mention having tried anything other than Utrogestan.


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2023, 05:14:38 PM »

Thanks Katherine.

I went through Ultrasound direct/ babybond, and the endo thickness scan is / was £90. I paid privately, whilst waiting for the meno clinic appointment to come through; it was the meno consultant who convinced me to try the Mirena on the grounds of the low(er) absorption of prog. Huh.
Good luck,  I really, really hope you find the right treatment for you x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2023, 05:24:04 PM »

Hi wrensong, thank you, that’s why I’ve resisted for so long having a Mirena, the thought of having something inside me releasing hormones that I couldn’t remove myself, it’s only because I’m so sick of utrogestan and through reassurances from my gp that I’ve finally considered it. But there are just too many serious negative Mirena experiences on here to not doubt my decision. I’m considering utrogestan vaginally but to be honest I don’t know what other options there are, I’m going to research it all properly this weekend. Thanks again x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2023, 05:25:21 PM »

Thanks Katherine.

I went through Ultrasound direct/ babybond, and the endo thickness scan is / was £90. I paid privately, whilst waiting for the meno clinic appointment to come through; it was the meno consultant who convinced me to try the Mirena on the grounds of the low(er) absorption of prog. Huh.
Good luck,  I really, really hope you find the right treatment for you x

Thanks so much annedenmark, you’re so kind x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2023, 07:51:13 PM »

no problem, good luck x


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2023, 04:40:17 PM »

Hello ladies,

I got my appointment for a Mirena through today and said I'd changed my mind briefly explaining why. They were very understanding.
I don't feel I'm in the right frame of mind to take the risk with so much going on. Thanks everyone for helping me decide. You would think Utrogestan would be the best progesterone given its body identical. It must just be the dosage or the fact it's taken in one go rather than released gradually and in the right place.


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2023, 04:51:45 PM »

Glad they were understanding Katherine & that you are a bit more comfortable with the decision not to go ahead at this stage.  I sense the problem with Utrogestan for some of us is that the dose is too high.  It felt waaay to strong for me.


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Re: Mirena decision
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2023, 05:22:33 PM »

Wrensong sorry if I’ve asked this before but what type of progesterone do you take?
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