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Author Topic: Embarrassing, noisy, wind problem from front ‘down below’ every evening…  (Read 2163 times)


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Hi All,

I’m really hoping someone can help, as I don’t know what best to do. My background is I have been on continuous HRT for over 2 years ( patches and utrogestan), but for most of that time, had issues where after having estradiol blood tests, it showed I was not absorbing eostrogen whatsoever. I had been suffering symptoms of  bad anxiety and insomnia all that time, but thought that it was ‘normal’. I also had post menopausal bleeding, which was investigated and my endometrium was atrophic (no lining) and is now believed to have been caused by low oestrogen. I take a medication which can cause HRT problems, so there can be a need for adjustment.

Fast forward to now. My GP didn’t know what to do, so since June I decided to go to a private gynae who inserted a mirena coil, which has been fine since, so that’s all good. It’s my 3rd coil, but my first on HRT. I then saw a private menopause specialist about my oestrogen issues, with a view to once being settled in something and a dose that works, I’d be referred back to my GP. I’ve been on 3 sprays Lenzetto, for 6 weeks now and symptoms have improved slightly, though still not perfect, but I’m thinking that as I’m virtually starting again, it might still take time. However, I do have an embarrassing problem now…

Every evening, (never during the day), if I’ve been sitting down for a long period, watching TV etc after dinner, when I get up, a large amount of wind comes out from my vagina area. I know it’s that part as I can feel it. There is no smell, but it carries on coming out very noisily for about 2 or 3 minutes  :-\ sometimes a watery, or slightly white discharge also comes out during the day and also at that time, when all the wind is coming out. My son and husband hear it and I have to tell them where it’s coming from and they both laugh, but it’s every night now. :-\
I’m worried now about going out and seeing friends as there is nothing I can do to stop it happening when it does. It stops after a couple of minutes and then is no more until the following evening. I did have a minor amount of similar wind, hardly noticeable before I had a coil and Lenzetto, so something had definitely changed. I used to have a watery, white discharge before I went on Lenzetto.

Does anyone else suffer anything similar? What is it? My menopause specialist also thought I had been suffering vaginal atrophy when I wasn’t absorbing the oestrogen and I have some vagifem pessaries, but I haven’t started using them yet. I do still feel a little dry down below, but was hoping that the Lenzetto would help there. I have a further estradiol test booked for a couple of weeks time and then a follow up call with my specialist in September.

Please someone help!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 08:27:12 AM by Teresa »


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Oh yes, fanny farts. I  have heard of this, but not been a sufferer myself so can't say a lot about it. It is sometimes mentioned on the Vaginal Atrophy FB group. This is a symptom of VA, as is the discharge and dryness, so you should start using the Vagifem. Unfortunately systemic oestrogen often doesn't address the Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause, so one needs to use local oestrogen in addition.
JP x


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Yes I have too suffered these and seemed to have stopped since ive started using ovestin nightly. It is so awful and uncontrollable and I am so happy you have posted as I never connected this to be linked to VA.
Hope you get sorted hunni xxx


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Hi JoaniePet,

Thankyou - Ah, so it could be VA then? Do you remember anything about it only being in the evenings though?

Perhaps I’d better start on the pesseries then - and I wonder now if the Lenzetto might still not be giving me the required eostregen that I thought it might be, ( last estradiol test before Lenzetto was a dismal 88 pmo/L)




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Hi LosingthePlot,

It’s horrible isn’t it? I’m sorry you suffered too. Are you on HRT too? How long did the ovestin take to work? Did you get them after periods of sitting down, at night? I don’t get them at all during the day. I walk quite briskly for about half an hour every afternoon, so I wondered if I was getting some ‘trapped air’ too, which might not be helping. I am however dry down below still….

I’m thinking now that as I’ve got atrophy( which I suspected), the Lenzetto might not be working after all  ???




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Three sprays of Lenzetto is a medium dose, roughly equivalent to a 50 mcg patch, so it may be that eventually you will need an increase in oestrogen if your other symptoms (apart from the VA) are not controlled. It's usual to give any regime 2-3 months to see if it's working, so you could stick with the 3 sprays a bit longer and see what happens.
JP x


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Hi JoaniePat,

Thankyou, Yes, I knew it was that equivalent when I started the spray and I questioned it at the time, as I had been on a 75 mcg patch for ages, but as I was only getting a reading of 88 after being on the patch for so long, the specialist said that if I absorb the Lenzetto properly, the three sprays may be enough to get it to what it should be, which could be true, if it works. However, I am doubtful now, but I think it is doing something, though it sounds like not enough, if I’m getting this atrophy problem.

I’ll se what my levels are in a couple of weeks - I’m hoping higher than 88. Ideally at least 300, as I need to get the benefit of it somehow.

The Specialist said she would increase the dose beyond the maximum stated three sprays if it was needed which is good, as I know my GP would never do that, without her advice.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 03:41:36 PM by Teresa »


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Hi LosingthePlot,

It’s horrible isn’t it? I’m sorry you suffered too. Are you on HRT too? How long did the ovestin take to work? Did you get them after periods of sitting down, at night? I don’t get them at all during the day. I walk quite briskly for about half an hour every afternoon, so I wondered if I was getting some ‘trapped air’ too, which might not be helping. I am however dry down below still….

I’m thinking now that as I’ve got atrophy( which I suspected), the Lenzetto might not be working after all  ???



Hi Teresa

I am on HRT now yes since May. The 1st HRT I was on didn't agree with me
 The ovestin ive been using since April every  night took about 6 to 8 weeks to make me stop feeling so dry and raw inside. The vagina wind for me was on an evening and during the night. Hope you find something that helps xxx


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Thankyou for coming back, Losingthe Plot,

So very similar to me….I’m sorry you had it too, but glad I’m not alone abd that you managed to get rid of it and feel more comfy  :)

Thanks again for coming back,



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Hi All,

Since posting this a week or so ago, I’ve started using Ovestin cream. I’ve used it just twice and I know that it can take time to feel better ( it doesn’t yet) I’ve noticed that the wind sounds have got worse  :o I only used to get them in the evening ( usually after sitting down and watching TV) but today, I’m getting them every half hour or so as I go about the day. It wouldn’t be so bad, but they’re loud and can go on for about 30 seconds sometimes. Do they get worse before they get better, once you start using pessaries/creams in that area?

I ordered some ‘Yes’ cream too on the recommendation of some ladies on here, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I’m hoping that might help….

Just want some reassurance really, as if this carries on, I think I won’t be able to go out or see anyone  ???

