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Author Topic: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel  (Read 4710 times)

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2023, 11:05:14 AM »

As Crispy said, you need body identical progesterone that mimics your own progesterone, not the synthetic variety which is really only for womb protection.
I had oestrogen dominance in peri, my symptoms were very severe, simple Mirena coil, which is synthetic progesterone and supposed to be only for womb protection, successfully  treated all oestrogen dominance symptoms in my body. For some reasons Mirena didn’t work only locally in my womb, it worked generally for the whole body. Why? GP didn’t have an answer, it just worked for me.

That is brilliant and long may your success continue.  If it works, don't be tempted to change it.

I had my very first Mirena coil back in 1998 for contraception and I didn't have any problems with it.  My silent migraines started in 2004 (the very beginnings of the menopause) and my coil was up for renewal in 2005(ish) so I went ahead with it but unfortunately the migraine auras continued so I finally had it removed in 2010.  I also had breast pain.  Migraines are very difficult to treat but I can well imagine the Mirena coil would dampen down the effects of oestrogen. 

I have never been pregnant (through choice) so having the coil fitted was the worst pain of my life, it really was agony and I broke into a shaky sweat afterwards.  After I had my first coil fitted I was in such a state, the doctor had to drive me home and I almost fell out of his car - luckily I was his last appointment.



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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2023, 08:20:49 PM »

But. Your story shows how diff we all are.
Yes, you are right, in my case Mirena couldn’t stop me producing my own progesterone simply because my body already could hardly produced it at that time, but only high level of oestrogen. Actually, as I remember, I didn’t have migraines when oestrogen was dominating, I had depression, panic attacks, non stop heavy bleedings with big clots. I started experiencing  migraines only now, 4 years later, when my oestrogen level eventually dropped to the bottom.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 08:23:19 PM by AngelaH »


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2023, 08:43:06 PM »

That is brilliant and long may your success continue.  If it works, don't be tempted to change it.

It’s time for me to have another one, because I have it now for 4 years and it should be changed soon, but this time my body stopped producing oestrogen and now I have symptoms of low oestrogen, I will keep Mirena for progesterone part of HRT because natural prog makes me feel sick, my body doesn’t tolerate it at all.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 08:45:38 PM by AngelaH »

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2023, 11:58:03 AM »

But. Your story shows how diff we all are.
Yes, you are right, in my case Mirena couldn’t stop me producing my own progesterone simply because my body already could hardly produced it at that time, but only high level of oestrogen. Actually, as I remember, I didn’t have migraines when oestrogen was dominating, I had depression, panic attacks, non stop heavy bleedings with big clots. I started experiencing  migraines only now, 4 years later, when my oestrogen level eventually dropped to the bottom.

It's a difficult balancing act getting your oestrogen dose right if you suffer with hormonal migraines. 

Do you have migraines with or without aura?  From what you have said, it sounds like your trigger is low oestrogen.

I started having silent migraines (aura without headache) in early menopause and I have to keep my oestrogen levels at no less than 300ish.  I also have to avoid oestrogen spikes, high doses of progesterone and bleeds are completely out.  I also take amitriptyline (an AD) as a preventative and it's very effective.



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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2023, 01:23:53 PM »

This is a general post, not aimed at any poster or post in particular.

The whole concept of “oestrogen dominance” is based on the premise that there is a magic ratio of oestrogen to progesterone needed for well-being and when this gets out of balance, as it does in peri-menopause, then what is needed is extra progesterone, for therapeutic reasons.

We first discussed this may years ago on the forum and I think all the earlier posts were archived, but from what I recall this term and this theory was invented by John Lee to sell natural progesterone cream.  That was from memory. Since then there have been numerous proponents and equally many practitioners and products all making money of the back of it notably in US where there is no NHS and all sorts of people set up to promulgate all sorts of treatments and products in an unregulated fashion.

Having just googled it again for the first time for years I found this:

“The term was originally coined by Dr John Lee in the 1990s [1] and was based on his experiences of treating women with natural hormone therapy. His theories have been criticised because they are based on anecdote rather than scientific evidence [2]. There are still very few published scientific papers on oestrogen dominance and no widely accepted criteria that doctors can use to diagnose the condition.”

So what is actually meant by oestrogen dominance? To me the most obvious time when oestrogen predominates is during part of our natural menstrual cycle during our fertile years. For the first part of the menstrual cycle oestrogen rises and reaches a peak around the time of ovulation.  At this time, oestrogen dominance ie the ratio of oestrogen to progesterone, is at its highest. Once a woman has finished the main part of the bleed then this is the time when most women feel at their best – obviously, otherwise we would never reproduce! Post ovulation, oestrogen crashes and progesterone start to rise, and later oestrogen rises again and then both fall and then the period starts when oestrogen and progesterone are at their lowest. Women usually feel at t heir worst during the last part of the menstrual cycle – either when progesterone is high relative to oestrogen or oestrogen has fallen or because of the progesterone withdrawal. During the whole of the second part of the cycle the ratio of oestrogen to progesterone will be lower than the first half and around ovulation.

If oestrogen dominance was a thing, the reverse would be true, surely ie we woud feel at our worst during the first part of the cycle and around ovulation?

It’s important to distinguish between “oestrogen dominance” (high oestrogen relative to progesterone), and very high oestrogen per se, both of which occur during peri-menopause.

The lack of ovulation during some peri-menopause cycles means that the ratio of oestrogen to progesterone remains high for some time and progesterone is needed here to regulate the cycle and protect the endometrium, but not because the progesterone is needed for well-being.

The very high spikes of oestrogen which undoubtedly occur during the peri-menopausal hormone fluctuations are a different matter altogether. As I understand, the side effects/symptoms of very high oestrogen at this time, have nothing to do with oestrogen dominance but purely because of the oestrogen itself – sudden high levels ( as we notice during pregnancy) can cause amongst other things very tender breasts – but adding progesterone won’t prevent this. Only suppressing or controlling the cycle can dampen these fluctuations eg through the pill, some types of mini pill, or the Mirena coil (which doesn’t always suppress the cycle) or very high consistent doses of oestrogen. Of course eventually the oestrogen levels continue on their downward trajectory, no longer spike very high, and that’s when HRT comes in. A progestogen is always needed to protect the womb.

Also progesterone has been used in pharmaceutical quantities (rather than physiologically for “balance”) – but this is not because of its role in alleviating “oestrogen dominance”, but due to its sedative effects - though I don't think it is indicated for this?

That being said if anyone feels they want to take progesterone for whatever reason, in the doses used for HRT or less, then why not, though as far as I know there is only anecdotal evidence for its efficacy? However no need to go to an expensive private clinic to get it prescribed.

As always wishing everyone the best, but trying to see the wood for the trees….

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2023, 01:40:46 PM »

Hi amberc


Sorry to hear about your menopausal woes. Also that you felt you needed to pay for a private and expensive clinic to get treated.

If you read my previous post, it is not surprising that you haven't heard of oestrogen dominance - at least as a condition that needs treating in the way that it can be.

Firstly about the blood test. You are right in that any blood tests taken while you are on an HRT regime will not be a reflection of your natural state. A better indication of where you are in menopause would be what your periods were doing in the months leading up to your starting the HRT? Was this regime on the NHS? What was the dose and regime of the progesterone?

It is not possible to know if you need oestrogen or not from this blood test, but really a better guide is what your cycle might be doing, (what periods you eventually have) or if your menopausal symptoms return when you stop oestrogen (assuming you had irregular periods and flushes/sweats and other symptoms before you started HRT?).

If you were taking progesterone continuously then this could have been the cause of your fatigue but obviously other causes such as underactive thyroid or vitamin/mineral deficiencies also need to be ruled out so hopefully you had tests with the doc for these?

Continuous progesterone can also have the effect of reducing libido ( as well as some anti-depressants) and testosterone itself also reduces with age - you haven't said how old you are. Similarly weight gain is not a function of HRT (though progesterone can cause fluid retention and bloating) and is sadly  a feature of our slowing metabolism as we age - and it is hard work to prevent this - mainly through diet and exercise, especially strength training to minimise muscle wasting ( and this is where testosterone can help, along with the exercise).

If you find after a few months that the lozenges are not working and as you say, very expensive to keep buying, then do come back to us and ask for further advice that doesn't involve parting with lots of money - there will be something out there that works for you!

All the best

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2023, 03:15:40 PM »

I'm so glad you never had to live through the hell that is estrogen dominance hurdity.

Estrogen dominance, estrogen spikes, just high friggin Estrogen. Who cares what it's called. I'm still living through it. Awful.

And, my follicular part of my cycle is my worst.

And, as ive said many a time in this forum, if left to the NHS...I'd just be poisoning myself even more in this peri with added estrogen.  I agree, we shouldn't have to look to the private sector either. But that's the reality.

Cyclogest is bhrt progesterone and is licenced to treat severe pms. This doesn't fit with your theories, I'm afraid.

I'm trying cerazette just now to suppress my system. It does. But unfortunately because it stops my prog production, I have horrific pms and migraines. So I'll be going back to bhrt progesterone - as we know is licenced for pms.

I'd love to just take utrogestan. But 100mg hit orally knocks me sideways.

Good luck Amberc. Leg is know how u get on with the lozenges. Xx


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2023, 03:24:13 PM »

Yes good luck amberc, the lozenges may work really well for you. I hope so!

I’m glad this discussion is ongoing on the main forum as it’s had to be buried within alternative therapies previously. But it’s a common problem and better recognised in the US and Australia.

There is no magic ratio that will work for all but everyone’s has a balance that works well for them and it’s so tough to find for many. Oestrogen just isn’t sadly the answer for a lot of women. In fact it can make them very ill.

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2023, 03:37:30 PM »

I'm so glad you never had to live through the hell that is estrogen dominance hurdity.

Estrogen dominance, estrogen spikes, just high friggin Estrogen. Who cares what it's called. I'm still living through it. Awful.

And, my follicular part of my cycle is my worst.

And, as ive said many a time in this forum, if left to the NHS...I'd just be poisoning myself even more in this peri with added estrogen.  I agree, we shouldn't have to look to the private sector either. But that's the reality.

Cyclogest is bhrt progesterone and is licenced to treat severe pms. This doesn't fit with your theories, I'm afraid.

I'm trying cerazette just now to suppress my system. It does. But unfortunately because it stops my prog production, I have horrific pms and migraines. So I'll be going back to bhrt progesterone - as we know is licenced for pms.

I'd love to just take utrogestan. But 100mg hit orally knocks me sideways.

Good luck Amberc. Leg is know how u get on with the lozenges. Xx

I agree with all of that, it's not as simple as ABC,123.  You should not feel like you are being judged because you have an "inconvenient" condition that apparently doesn't even exist!

Equally nobody on here should feel judged if they seek help privately.  If you choose to spend your money on fast tracking to better health care that is your business.  People spend their money on all sorts of different things like holidays etc so they are allowed to choose to spend it on their health if they wish.  If someone is ideologically opposed to private health care, nobody is forcing them to use it.

As I've said on numerous occasions, no wonder so many women have horrendous problems with Utrogestan, the 100mg dose is too much in one hit.   That is why the Newson clinic prescribe 100mg , every other day.



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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2023, 04:34:10 PM »

I’m another one that wishes amberc good luck.

Oestrogen dominance/excess/whatever you want to call it genuinely exists. We are all too familiar with symptoms of low oestrogen, but high oestrogen levels can make you very ill indeed. I have it. My GP says I have it. My menopause specialist diagnosed it. My gynaecologist grudgingly admits it too (and he’s only dealing with the fibroids and cysts……thanks oestrogen) It’s hellish to manage. Other countries recognise the condition and treat it. Why is the UK so backwards on this?

I have been criticised on here before, (not by Hurdity for clarification) for suggesting oestrogen dominance /excess exists. It’s real. It’s difficult. It makes you very ill. The follicular phase is hell.

Let us know how you get on with the lozenges. I take utrogestan. It’s not perfect but it’s the best the NHS can offer me.


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2023, 01:01:38 PM »

But. Your story shows how diff we all are.
Yes, you are right, in my case Mirena couldn’t stop me producing my own progesterone simply because my body already could hardly produced it at that time, but only high level of oestrogen. Actually, as I remember, I didn’t have migraines when oestrogen was dominating, I had depression, panic attacks, non stop heavy bleedings with big clots. I started experiencing  migraines only now, 4 years later, when my oestrogen level eventually dropped to the bottom.

It's a difficult balancing act getting your oestrogen dose right if you suffer with hormonal migraines. 

Do you have migraines with or without aura?  From what you have said, it sounds like your trigger is low oestrogen.

I started having silent migraines (aura without headache) in early menopause and I have to keep my oestrogen levels at no less than 300ish.  I also have to avoid oestrogen spikes, high doses of progesterone and bleeds are completely out.  I also take amitriptyline (an AD) as a preventative and it's very effective.
I never had aura, and now, probably because I am on low dose of oestrogen spray, I have stopped having headaches at all. But in general it’s more difficult for me to manage the right oestrogen dose, it’s a complicated hormone to deal with.


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2023, 04:43:30 PM »

Hi AngelaH

I have followed this post with great interest.

I am 4 years post meno and never needed hrt until last year, I lost loads of weight ( which I have since put all back and then some) and maybe my hormones took a nosedive, I don't know but I went on hrt last August.

I am now on 3 pumps of gel and 100mg cyclogest. Over the past few weeks, I have had really sore, swollen and tender boobs  and I'm wondering if my gel is too high. Is that all estrogen dominance is, just when your estrogen is higher than your progesterone. I had my estrogen blood levels checked last week and they were 448 xx


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2023, 06:56:38 PM »

I think it's not about absolute numbers of estrogen and progesterone, but the ratio between the two. I don't know what sort of ratio indicates estrogen dominance but I do know I was told that it isn't the numbers that matter as such. I was diagnosed with this during my monitoring cycle for ivf, so way before peri reared it's head. They had to manage my estrogen levels really carefully.


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2023, 08:42:25 PM »

Hi AngelaH

I have followed this post with great interest.

I am 4 years post meno and never needed hrt until last year, I lost loads of weight ( which I have since put all back and then some) and maybe my hormones took a nosedive, I don't know but I went on hrt last August.

I am now on 3 pumps of gel and 100mg cyclogest. Over the past few weeks, I have had really sore, swollen and tender boobs  and I'm wondering if my gel is too high. Is that all estrogen dominance is, just when your estrogen is higher than your progesterone. I had my estrogen blood levels checked last week and they were 448 xx

Hi discogirl  :)

Estrogen dominance means estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. Personally I can see how it works in reproductive age and during peri, when both hormones play the main role as reproductive hormones. But when it comes to menopause and post I honesty can’t see how imbalance may look like. What sort of balance is needed between estrogen and progesterone if the body doesn’t need progesterone at all? :-\ The main role of progesterone in the body to prepare lining of uterus for pregnancy and maintain early stage of it.  In menopause and post we use it just to protect uterus, but not for the natural original use of it. So in this case I would rather talk about overdose of oestrogen than about imbalance between two hormones. But this is just my own thoughts, it is not necessarily true. ::)

I believe sore, swollen and tender boobs can be due to high oestrogen, I have the same symptoms on 2 pumps of gel, 1 pump doesn’t give me those symptoms.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2023, 08:51:01 PM by AngelaH »


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Re: Oestrogen dominance - stopped oestrogen gel
« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2023, 05:15:16 AM »

Thanks for that AngelaH

I believe that my estrogen is too high, however I am loathe to reduce it just yet, and I was wanting to increase my progesterone to see how I got on.

I really appreciate the information xxx
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