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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game  (Read 1080 times)


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HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« on: July 26, 2023, 02:53:09 PM »

Hello ladies.

I wonder if I could ask for your opinions please?

I am post meno and using Sandrena gel and Cyclogest as my HRT. This combination is mostly controlling my physical symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and vaginal dryness, unfortunately the emotional symptoms continue and my moods are still very changeable.

I am loathe to increase my Oestrogen or change my progesterone for fear of feeling worse or developing the breast tenderness and bleeding issues that I have experienced in the past.

Although this situation is less than perfect  I wonder if my body will at some point settle on the current regime and my hormones eventually balance out.

I realise there are options to change products, stop HRT altogether, increase or decrease dosage etc but I wonder if just being consistent and waiting for my body to adapt is another strategy worth trying?

Any thoughts on this would be most welcome ladies and I wish you all well.



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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 04:02:56 PM »

Hello Kathleen
I hadn’t been on MM for a long time as my hrt and menopause journey were settled, however lately this is far from the case!  Whilst I wouldn’t know what to suggest for you I’ll share what I’m currently doing to try and find some balance.  My oestrogel and Utrogestan (pv) were going ok, only 1 pump of gel and 100mg Utro for days 15-26.  Not the licensed dose  but I don’t tolerate progesterone.  I was pre covid getting regular endometrial scans to check lining etc, but the scans stopped.  My anxiety has crept in again and my mood quite low.  I have decided to stop the hrt altogether until after my scan in a few weeks time.  I need to change regime as I’ve been on this for years, I’m 63 so we’ll post meno.  My oestradiol level is 134 which I’m told is an ‘adequate’ post meno count????? I have no idea if that means adequate if not on hrt or with.  I so hoped to be settled at this stage of life but nope.  If scan ok I will be trying a patch (50), and another type of progesterone but not pv as I now have problems in the nether regions with dryness burning and general discomfort 🙄
If you’ve only recently become unsettled I would maybe hang fire for another few weeks to see if it’s just a blip, you don’t want to break up a winning team, but if it’s been for a while then maybe a change of one part may be worth a try.
Hopefully this will just be a blip for you.  Sending best wishes …. Lilyloos


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2023, 04:57:42 PM »

Hi Kathleen,
No words of wisdom unfortunately.

I’ve ditched the patch for a pump of gel ( coil in situ) I really want a complete restart and have no idea what’s going to happen next, having gone from 100 patch to a pump of gel. It did make me feel jittery, so there’s no way I’m increasing yet !

Eventually the body will balance out and only then, can you see what symptoms you are dealing with and what you can/ can’t live  with.

I may even go without any HRT to see what happens.

Good luck x


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2023, 05:37:09 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Lilyloos - I am sorry that you have had problems recently, it must be so frustrating to feel that you have the correct regime and then have issues again.

Unfortunately this is not a blip for me as HRT has never completely conquered the emotional symptoms but I was told years ago that this is often the case.
I need to check my diary but I believe that I have been on this  particular amount of gel for less than three months so perhaps I will get to that landmark date and think again.

I will be 67 in September and my last period was in 2010, like you I can't believe that things haven't settled by now but perhaps our HRT has played a part in that.

As you probably know a 50mcg patch would be an increase of Oestrogen as this is the equivalent of two pumps of Oestrogel. I assume you are thinking of a combination patch that will include the required amount of progesterone? I wish you luck and please keep us updated.

Nas - I can understand your need for a restart.
To go from a 100 patch to one pump of gel is a big leap and I am not surprised that you felt jittery!

I have in the past come off all HRT and I have also reduced to very low levels. In my case the flushes returned and the dryness started but the big problem for me was random crying spells. It was at that point that I upped my Oestrogen.

I haven't ruled out being HRT free again in the future as I really am tired of all this fiddling about lol. I also know many women who are doing well without any HRT do it is clearly possible.
Thank you for commenting and best of luck with your latest regime.

Wishing you both well.




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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2023, 06:31:59 PM »

Thanks Kathleen for your response and thoughts 😘 I understand entirely about the emotional episodes, I too have these and they can catch me at the most inappropriate of times, my mood can change from a few hours to the next so please don’t feel that you are the only one, even though at times it feels so solitary and isolating.  I’ll let you know how this all goes over the next few weeks and send the best of wishes to you too x


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2023, 07:42:05 PM »

Hello again Lilyloos.

Thank you for your post and I hope things go well for you.

Take care.




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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2023, 08:12:09 AM »

Nas, Kathleen, lillyloos
Morning/afternoon to you and all you lovely ladies.
Re changing and then restarting something, it takes time for the body to accept something it's not used to. Our bodies @ moment are behaving like toddlers. Can't control emotions, tantrums etc . This too shall pass ??(please)
I came off last set of HRT due to bad reaction but after last night & this week in general I know I need something.  These forums & little chats help massively w moods.  I can be crying, shouting everything & why! As  the story says, we can't go over it, we can't go under it, we'll just have to go through it.... And it sucks ::)


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2023, 08:53:56 AM »

Hello MrsE!

I have often thought that I am living with a toddler in my head and as with an actual toddler it can be exhausting!

When I came off all HRT a few years ago I weaned off gradually and didn't feel much different but after a while the physical and emotional symptoms of low Oestrogen became more apparent and I eventually decided to try HRT again.  Within about two weeks my symptoms improved which was a relief.

I hope you find a regime that works for you and wishing you well.



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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2023, 11:06:22 AM »

Hi Kathleen,  thanks for the reply 
It's not just me then
I had to come off it because of really bad reaction quite quickly so another one has bitten the dust 
The magazine came yesterday, read through with some hope, however because of 2 serious underlying health conditions I've got to be careful about what I can have  . Stay well, and hopefully today is going to be a better one
Don't worry about the small stuff
X :)

Julia Dizzy

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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2023, 01:01:37 PM »

Hi Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear you are still having issues with your HRT regime, it seems to be very common that a lot of us are still endlessly trying to find the right balance. It has never been the miracle for me either. It does relieve the hot flushes, but I still suffer with anxiety and joint pain and much fatigue.

My body isn't quite the same anyway any more, as I had a shock diagnosis of bowel cancer in July 2021 following a routine bowel screening test. I subsequently had major surgery and part of my bowel removed followed by horrendous chemo, which has left me with neuropathy side effects in arms and legs. I am so far cancer free thankfully and am being monitored every 6 months, but it always lurks in the back of my mind that it may return.

We have previously been in contact a couple of years ago over our "situation" similiarities and I hate to say I am still struggling to find the right balance after being on HRT for 4 years! I too will be 67 in September and we did share some e-mails regarding our trials and tribulations with HRT.

I am on Estradot 50 again after another trial of Oestrogel for the past 6 months, I never seem to know which is the best. I take Utrogestan 100mg every night along with Tostran gel twice a week, which I'm thinking of increasing to every other day. It does seem to have worked wonders for my VA which has definately improved from a few years ago when it was really painful. I am on Vagifem every other day but have been having some bladder twinges lately so still don't know what to do!!

My Gp said after 5 years maybe have a trial off HRT to see how my body adapted, but have tried before and the flushes just come straight back. I was told by a consultant at a meno clinic that I was one of the unlucky ones when it came to flushes, as I had had them for 9 years before I'd had enough and finally went on HRT.

I hope one day we may find some ideal balance and live in hope, I am reluctant to stop at the moment for some of the benefits, although part of me just wants to throw in the towel!

Take care and know you are not alone in this ongoing quest! So good to be able to share our experiences on here. x


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2023, 05:01:28 PM »

Hello again ladies.

MrsE! - I am sorry that you are still searching for the right HRT. It is beyond frustrating isn't it! There are times when I feel much better and think I've finally found the answer only to then realise that I am still on the roller-coaster ride. I still however hope to find that elusive hormonal balance that I had when I was younger. Fingers crossed for us all!

Julia Dizzy - Nice to hear from you again.
We are very similar although I have been fiddling with my HRT for ten years now, so a bit longer than you . I actually resisted HRT at first and didn't begin treatment until I was three years without a period, perhaps waiting so long was a mistake, who knows?
I haven't had cancer but I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis the same time my periods stopped. I take a daily medication plus I have twice yearly blood tests. So far so good but I understand your comments about other health issues always being a concern.

I am using 1mg of Sandrena gel which I think is the equivalent of a 50 mcg patch so a similar dose as you. My progesterone is Cyclogest pessaries on alternate nights. I gave up on testosterone a while ago as I didn't notice much difference and I haven't missed it. I don't use anything topical for VA and I don't really have a problem in that area. I did notice some dryness after reducing to less than one sachet but that resolved as soon as I increased again. The 1mg Sandrena sachet seems to control the flushes and night sweats plus VA fairly well but my mood changes continue to bother me.
At the moment I am carrying on with my current regime but I would love it to work a little better and help with my remaining symptoms.  I haven't ruled out coming off HRT again at some point and I feel I know what to expect it's just a question of if I can tolerate the returning symptoms and for how long.
In the meantime I am always on the lookout for lifestyle changes that might help and I live in hope lol.

Thanks again ladies and take care.




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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2023, 05:06:17 PM »

Hello ladies.

I wonder if I could ask for your opinions please?

I am post meno and using Sandrena gel and Cyclogest as my HRT. This combination is mostly controlling my physical symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and vaginal dryness, unfortunately the emotional symptoms continue and my moods are still very changeable.

I am loathe to increase my Oestrogen or change my progesterone for fear of feeling worse or developing the breast tenderness and bleeding issues that I have experienced in the past.

Although this situation is less than perfect  I wonder if my body will at some point settle on the current regime and my hormones eventually balance out.

I realise there are options to change products, stop HRT altogether, increase or decrease dosage etc but I wonder if just being consistent and waiting for my body to adapt is another strategy worth trying?

Any thoughts on this would be most welcome ladies and I wish you all well.


Hi Kathleen

I'm really sorry you're struggling with your regime.

I'm sorry if I've asked you this before but how long have you been using the sandrena gel.

As you know I'm using cyclogest and I much prefer it to the utrogestan. On the utro I was getting horrendous low moods but not so with the cyclogest, however I do take 100mg of cyclogest everyday.

So I'm wondering if you've only been on the sandrena for a short while if maybe you just need time to settle on that

Take care xxx


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Re: HRT and Playing a Waiting Game
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2023, 08:59:44 AM »

Hello discogirl.

Thank you for your comments.

I am pleased you are doing well with Cyclogest, I have always found it easy to use and I haven't identified any other problems with it.

I have been using Sandrena gel for over two years so I am fairly familiar with it. I have used various doses from three 1mg sachets which is the equivalent of six pumps of gel, to only a quarter of a sachet which was a miniscule amount lol.

I still like this product but my current dose of one full 1mg sachet daily is not controlling all my symptoms. Infact this morning I definitely had a hot flush and felt a bit nauseous which hasn't happened for a long time!  Perhaps this HRT is no longer effective but I am loathe to change it again. 

Thanks again for your interest and I wish you well.
