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Author Topic: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome  (Read 639 times)


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Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« on: July 23, 2023, 09:00:49 PM »

Hi All
I’ve been on HRT over 3 years now, 3 pumps estrogel and 2 x utrogestan tablets orally for 12 days a month, for the last three or four months I have been having twice monthly bleeds, this month and last month I tried to sync my withdrawal bleed with my monthly bleed but I’m only getting 3 or 4 days in to the utrogestan and (sorry to be blunt) the blood is literally pouring out of me for three or fours days, really heavy bright red blood and I’m having to sit on a towel, it’s going through my clothes etc
I’m just tired and feeling dizzy and so fed up of it.
I’ve been to the Drs this week and she has sent me for blood tests and an ultrasound saying she wants to rule out fibroids or even ovarian cancer 😞. Obviously a lot will depend on the results of the tests but if I get the all clear I am not sure whether to just stop taking the HRT and see what happens? I’m fed up of the bloating and the bleeding, I’m 52 and really didn’t think I would be having 2 bleeds a month at this age! When I got the flooding this month I stopped the utrogestan after about three days as I was worried about the/amount of blood and it has stopped today, thank goodness
I can’t have a coil as it made me v depressed when I had one a few years ago so I can’t go through that again
If anyone can offer any advice I would be most grateful


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Re: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2023, 09:09:01 PM »

How awful, you poor thing.

What about norethistone? That is a heavy duty progesterone I think and may help you control the bleeding?

Have you ever been aware of fibroids before? They can be destructive beasts, which I believe can feed off oestrogen and can cause heavy bleeding.

Depending on your scan results, maybe you could try utrogestan continuously?

Really hope you get some answers soon x


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Re: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2023, 09:14:05 PM »

Thanks Nas
The doctor I saw was lovely but had no idea about HRT, I’ve never had my womb lining thickness checked or anything, just sort of been left to get on with it, yes I suppose I will have to wait and see what the tests say, I’m just wondering if I came off HRT although it might give me an idea of whether the bleeding is occurring because of the HRT or because of something else? Will report back when I get the results x


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Re: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2023, 09:19:45 PM »

Good plan.
There’s every chance that the Hrt is causing the issue and the utrogestan isn’t controlling the bleeding well.

Keep us posted x


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Re: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2023, 04:13:49 PM »

Hello Starshell

There have been a few times when I experienced bleeding when on HRT, usually after I had increased my dose of Oestrogen.

The first round of tests my womb lining was nearly 5mm so I had a hysteroscopy and all was okay so I was told to reduce my Oestrogen and the bleeding stopped. Similarly when I was using a lot of gel and very little Utrogestan, I had breast tenderness followed by lots of bleeding. Again trets were clear and HRT was the culprit. I reduced my Oestrogen again and everything went back to normal. 

My first experience was with a patch but clearly the prog in the patch was insufficient, the second time I was using gel and the least amount of Utrogestan possible and this obviously wasn't enough.

I hope  your tests come back all clear and all you will need to do is lower your Oestrogen a little to resolve the bleeding.

Wishing you well and please keep us updated.



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Re: Just don’t know what to do! Any advice welcome
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2023, 04:57:44 PM »

Thanks Kathleen, that’s really helpful! I will reduce to 2 and a half pumps tomorrow and gradually reduce to two, that might do it!
I got my blood test results today and they were all clear, have the ultrasound mid august so if that shows nothing then I should be ok, how did they detect your womb lining measurement, was that with an ultrasound? Thanks again