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Author Topic: New member HRT help ☺️  (Read 1408 times)


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New member HRT help ☺️
« on: July 19, 2023, 07:17:08 PM »

Hi, I am new here, have been reading so many threads which are so useful.
I started HRT roughly 7 weeks ago, I had felt peri menopausal for around 3 years. Had been told by nurse I was, but when I saw male  Dr I was told to go to Holland and barret as I was too young. I am 45.
Fast forward I was having so much stomach trouble was on 4 different medications, then a different Dr recommend HRT. He prescribed Oestrogel 1pump or ‘see how I feel’, continual Ustrogan 100mg pills 1 a day and carry on taking the logynon combo pill which I had been on for over 20 years.
The first month I felt soooo much better, loads of benefits no night sweats, sore mouth, stomach troubles etc.
Then I went for my repeat prescription and Dr told me to stop logynon that HRT was enough to act as protection. I knew this wasn’t true but he wouldn’t have it.
So I went to see the nurse who was horrified I had been taking logynon and HRT together. Also that I had been taking ustrogan pill continuously, as I still have periods. She told me to take 2 pumps of Oestrogel and ustrogan 21 days then 7 day break and take the mini pill.
Taking 2 pumps of Oestrogel I feel so jittery, tense with daily headaches then by the afternoon like I’m comatose! When starting to retake the ustrogan after the 7 day break, I wake up feeling like I’ve taken night nurse it makes me feel spaced out, anxious and wheezy. I love exercising and now I’m like a snail! I don’t know whether to get a mirena coil instead? And if there’s any point me taking the Oestrogel if I only feel comfortable with 1 pump? When the nurse said 2. Or are these side effects because I’ve come off logynon after 20 years, does my body just need to adjust? Sorry it’s so lengthy any help really welcome!!???


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2023, 08:07:39 PM »

Pity that medics don't have joined up thinking  ::). Seems like none of them really understand HRT!  I would be asking for a referral to a dedicated menopause clinic.

If you are having periods you will need birth control of some kind.  Some find that progesterone is difficult to tolerate ........

Hopefully some1 will be along with advice about the regime which you should be using. 

 :welcomemm:  browse round.  Make notes ;-)


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2023, 08:10:08 PM »

Hello Mazy,

Welcome to the forum. Like me you had a good browse around before feeling brave enough\desperate enough to post.

I have to say I am no expert on all this hormone stuff, am still working on my own regime. But my gut instinct on reading your post is that you have been given so many conflicting ideas that both your body and you yourself have had too much going on in such a short time.

If it were me, I would carry on with the single pump and utrogestan  for now. 7 weeks is quite early for your birth to adapt. I cannot advise on the mini pill as I have no experience here.
 I personally do use the mirena coil for my progesterone part, but I feel this may be something for you to consider later on. Your poor body must be all over the place and adding something else in right now may not be the best thing. Many women ( me too) build up their oestrogen slowly so the body can adapt, some are more sensitive to changes than others.

I am sure someone else will be along who may have better knowledge than me using your hrt regime. I am a patch and coil lady.

Nice to have you here. Oh, Never apologise for a long post....  Some of mine make war and peace look like a short story.😁


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2023, 08:25:35 PM »

Hi CLKD and SarahT, thank you for your replies. So good to be able to talk to other people about it.  I knew I was right about still needing birth control as it was written everywhere. I found it quite scary my Dr had no understanding of this. Luckily the nurse is a lot more informed and helpful. But I do feel as you say Sarah T like my body and mind have been on/off all these different doses and types of hormones and I don’t know if I’m coming or going!
 I’m glad you say 7 weeks is a short time as I’ve felt in a rush to get these side effects over and for it all to work and fall into place. Really swapping to a coil would just be yet another change so true and maybe a bit too much. Also I do feel so much happier on the 1 pump, just the nurse was so matter of fact that 2 pumps was the dose and looked at me like why on earth would I just take 1.


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2023, 08:34:34 PM »

It's about the body adjusting  ::).  She doesn't seem much more informed than the GP!

If you find 1 pump suits for now, stick with it.  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress.  And get on a waiting list ;-).

Also read the 'bladder issues' and vaginal atrophy threads: 4 warned if 4 armed ;-)


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2023, 08:57:10 PM »

Yes I will try and get on waiting list. The nurse is quite old school and reels off info like a computer! I can tell she has her eye on the clock for the ten minute appointment! I’ve been using the balance app the last few days to  record how I’m feeling definitely a good idea. It’s weird as I’ve had no appetite and I’m normally a real grazer!
Thanks for the heads up about the other threads will have a read indeed, good to get clued up! It’s hard to know whats best to search for subject wise.
I think I just need to stick to 1 pump and take it slow, as I have had so many benefits and really don’t want to give up! Thank you 😊


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2023, 06:23:55 AM »

I found 2 pumps too much and quit during my first go at hrt as doctor in Australia wouldn't hear of me using less, said it wouldn't work. Back in the UK and 9 months later, I tried again with clear advice from my GP here to start with 1 pump and give it 6 months for everything to settle. It's only last month that I started increasing from 1 pump with advice from this group. Low and slow would be my advice and defo give longer for side effects to go.


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2023, 08:37:47 AM »

I think you should report your gp so he can have some appropriate training. There are some pretty clueless ones about when it comes to hrt but he's downright dangerous.
Agree with the advice to reduce to 1 pump, too much oestrogen can be as bad as too little. If it was me I'd change to the mirena now then you're on something you can use long term and don't need to start changing again. No personal experience but there are lots of posts of here by people having problems using part bcp and part hrt, it seems to make it more difficult to get the balance right.


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Re: New member HRT help ☺️
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2023, 09:01:36 AM »

Thank you Penguin for your reply it helps so much to hear other people’s experience and to know I’m not the only one finding it hard to adjust to the number of pumps. I will stick to 1 pump for the time being and then slowly introduce another, there seems so much great information on here ways to do it. Like you were, I was feeling is it really forme, but the help on here is so reassuring!
Shelia99 I hadn’t actually considered the fact of course that I’m getting two different types of progesterone I will have a read up on here thank you. It is just such a balance and because that wasn’t  explained, like the fact too much oestrogen can make you feel even worse.  This website and people’s help I’m finding invaluable.😊