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Author Topic: Stopping HRT abruptly  (Read 1361 times)


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2023, 06:40:34 PM »

Hello Katherine,

I have to say I really did not get on with utrogestan. After an awful time with that I opted for the Mirena coil. As you say, there are so many different stories regarding this ( but also those who love their utrogestan!)  I feel stud Mirena was the right choice for me. Also plus point  is after it settled down, spotting and lightbleeds, it stopped my periods. At the age of 56 I was massively relieve by this. A big psychological bonus for me. I have to accept that with all medications there may be side effects and for me sometimes the positive effects outweigh the not so good. But am lucky I dont suffer HA like some do.

Maybe talk to a nurse At your surgery about the possibility? Or of other progesterone options? X


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2023, 10:57:20 PM »

Hi Sarah

I’m really glad Mirena works for you.
It must be a relief. I think I would rather just have menopausal symptoms than take utrogestan. I think my worst fear with a Mirena is heavy bleeding because my iron levels have been low for years and I don’t have the spare capacity to lose any more without becoming anaemic. I wonder if one can have a Mirena removed in A&E in such circumstances. I need to speak with my gp or a nurse as you say. X
« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 10:59:11 PM by Katherine »


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2023, 11:14:32 AM »

Hello Katherine,

I have to say I really did not get on with utrogestan. After an awful time with that I opted for the Mirena coil. As you say, there are so many different stories regarding this ( but also those who love their utrogestan!)  I feel stud Mirena was the right choice for me. Also plus point  is after it settled down, spotting and lightbleeds, it stopped my periods. At the age of 56 I was massively relieve by this. A big psychological bonus for me. I have to accept that with all medications there may be side effects and for me sometimes the positive effects outweigh the not so good. But am lucky I dont suffer HA like some do.

Maybe talk to a nurse At your surgery about the possibility? Or of other progesterone options? X

SarahT, can I ask if you felt any different mentally or emotionally after getting a Mirena?


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2023, 01:26:48 PM »

Hi Katherine,

I definitely felt relief at not having periods anymore, that was a big thing for me. It is also easier in that they are no times to remember to take utrogestan. So that did help mentally.
I  do seem to have a more severe form of pms, particularly mood swings,but this was getting worse prior to the mirena, I understand peri can make this worse so I genuinely do not feel they are connected.
In fact, during the rest of the month I do feel a .lot more stable if that makes sense. I have upped the hrt to 125 and have just started ADs in the days running up to my period,bit Jekyll and Hyde in those days.... I checked with my gp that the mirena has enough progesterone to balance the higher patch and she affirmed this.
Personally I do feel the mirena has not affected me emotionally or mentally in a negative way.

 Also my iron levels have always been low..I am on two prescribed iron tablets a day and my last blood showed a pathetic 64! Apparently only under 50 is a concern. I think the ranges are something like 12-265. Seems a bit mad to me.  So not bleeding each month psychologically benefits me in this way too.
I hope a nurse can help you with whatever choice you decide is better for you Katherine.


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2023, 05:22:47 PM »

Thanks so much Sarah for telling me all that, it is very helpful. My GP did tell me when I first started HRT that in here opinion the oestrogel and Mirena combination would be best for me but there was a long wait list for a Mirena so that's why I took utrogestan. However I felt the utrogestan made me sleep more deeply so I cancelled the Mirena. Now though I think if I continue on HRT I need to give the Mirena a try, I'm scared of the procedure (I've always dreaded smears) but it would be worth it if the progesterone suits me. Like you I have to take iron every day to stop myself becoming anaemic so not having to take iron would be a big bonus too. Thanks again Sarah and I'll post on here when I've sorted the progesterone.


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2023, 06:29:32 PM »

Katherine In fact my last smear was just plain awful,  so much so I went back to my gp because it had hurt so much. One hospital appt later to investigate and VA was diagnosed. And it took me 3 years to realise VS and all the following symptoms were actually me in perimenopause!! . Think I learned everything I know from this forum. :o
But using Ovestin each night and YES has really helped for that, so not dreading next smear so much. The hospital endorsement were able tonite lubricant to make me comfortable.

And I had heard many horror stories about coil fitting. I hit the jackpot with my two nurses. They were so kind, explained everything, let me see a ' dummy ' coil before and showed me each step of the way, let me ask any question,  and took  their time. It wasn't pleasant of course, tolerable is best description. I had taken painkillers beforehand,  and rested for a couple of hours after with some cramping pain. Felt strangely tired. Next day I was fine. I had spotting and light bleeds on and off for about 3 months, and a couple of times when I upped my hrt I had light spotting.  But the relief at last of no periods.
I know some really do not get on  with the mirena but I do feel it is the right method for me. As we all know there can be a huge amount of trial and error with hrt.

Do feel free to message me with any questions or you like. I am totally honest and upfront with anything that may help someone on here

Take care x


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Re: Stopping HRT abruptly
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2023, 06:40:41 PM »

Thank you so much Sarah, all of the info and your support is really helpful, you're so kind. x
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