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Author Topic: Can any one help?  (Read 1087 times)


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Can any one help?
« on: July 07, 2023, 10:57:10 AM »


I wondered if anyone can give any advice on hrt implants?

Ive been in Surgical Menopause since 2014. (ovaries removed)

2017 hysterectomy after seeing Nick Panay and being diagnosed with hypersensivity to hormone fluctuations.

I'm still having cycle related symptoms around 10 - 12 days before my daughters have their periods.

I have been on Testosterone gel and  2 x 100mcg Estradot patches since 2017 and Everol when Edtradot not in stock. I felt I got on better with Estradot but not been able to get any for about a year.

The cycle related symptoms continue.

Ive been on the gnrh injection to switch off my pituitary gland. This caused trigeminal neuralgia and I ended up at A&E with excruciating pain. It then caused bone loss in my gum and  I ended up losing a tooth.  I also felt I was having a breakdown on it. So that was obviously stopped.

I started having 50mg estrogen implant and 100ng testosterone implant in January this year.

Initially Felt well for a few weeks on the first implants. Tapering off the patches. Then symptoms came back for a couple of months so was back up to 100mcg patch. I was told this is the max dose with the implant.

Symptoms improved on the fourth and fitfh month. My estrogen levels were in the 256. Which seems quite low for me, but the nurse said its due to the estrogen being continuous.

I had the second implant on 11 may and I was doing ok. I left the 100mcg patch off although I could feel symptoms coming back I was coping.

Eventually I went back on the patch as my mood had dropped 10 days before my youngest daughters period.
Symptoms have been worse than ever this time:-
Itching scalp roots of hair painful when washing it
Mood swing
Zero energy
Head feels fuzzy
Off balance
Appetite off
Aching all over like my body had no life in it
I was just slumped ocer
Waking at 2am and 5am with night sweats on my chest
Sleeping alot during the day
Awake at night

I have lost interest in everything

My daughter started her period and there was a bit of relief.

I have emailed the gyna admin and they replied saying the clinicians don't reply by email and get advice from my Dr!!!!!!!
I thought they were the experts that's why I was referred in the first place.

Ive obviously had all these symptoms before. It's been going on for 20 years. Initially Dr just gave me anti depressants.

I would feel suicidal, emotional,  no energy, low mood prior to a period.

Given the metina coil for fibroid which made me feel suicidal.

I also had endometriosis which was dealt with when I had my ovaries removed.

Just feel I've taken 5 steps forward on the implant and 10 steps back.

I just feel so low I'm struggling to get out of bed in the morning. I feel so zonked out and lifeless.

The only thing I can ask the Dr to do is a blood test to see what my levels are and reduce or higher the patch off my own back

I just feel I've been left to suffer and it's bad 😭

Does this ever end????

Sorry for the long post




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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2023, 11:42:21 AM »

If U have cynical symptoms would a small piece of ovary have been left behind = triggering of symptoms?

Once we have been seen in a private clinic, if the GP is prepared to act and prescribe on advice given, then they should be up to date with what each lady might require.  GPs should of course contact the private clinic when necessary .... but I expect that there isn't any joined up thinking on that 1

Zero energy may be due to a VitD drop - 4 me I felt so tired after 20 mins weeding that I had to sit.  Still. For at least 2 hours  :-\.  Thyroid function can also affect energy levels.

As oestrogen levels drop so the body may become dry: inside and out as well as muscles becoming lax = aches and pains.

GPs often don't realise how hormonal upheaval can impact Life!


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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2023, 12:09:21 PM »

No piece of ovary left behind. I had a scan to check that.

Vit D and levels and thyroid have been OK.

All seems hormonal with all the other symptoms.

Just seems to have been a downward spiral over the past two weeks. Same timing as my daughters cycle.

Either too much estrogen or not enough? Not sure on the testosterone implant? Whether that is too high or too low.

Nothing seems to be working.

Thank you for your reply.


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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2023, 01:15:55 PM »

What do the medics suggest?

As for trigenimal neuralgia you have my sympathy.  In the 1990s I suffered for several months, when it struck I would hit the ground, the pain was so sudden and severe. I'm sure that when I was out walking my dog that people thought I was drunk!  I had dental treatment more recently which aggravated the nerve fortunately it resolved after a few weeks.

Hopefully someone will be along with advice.  I thought that ovaries triggered the cycle  :-\


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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2023, 01:35:54 PM »

I haven't felt up to going to the Dr's with the way I'm feeling. Just don't feel like anything.

Going to see if I can get an appointment on Monday.

I only found out on Wednesday the advice from the gyna admin to see Dr.

Yes Trigeminal neuralgia us terrible I agree. I can sympathise.

 Thank you



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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2023, 01:41:59 PM »

Sorry CLKD Mr Panay diagnosed the cycle related symptoms even though I'd had a hysterectomy and ovaries removed😭

It must be like when women live together they all have periods together.

As my daughters still live at home thats what's happening to me obviously without the bleed.

I just thought after having the hysterectomy /ovaries removed things would improve Not the case 😭


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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2023, 01:46:06 PM »

There has been much discussion about periods regulating together with women living in close proximity.  I believe it to be true because when holidaying with other women, we all started bleeding within 3 days of reaching our destination: even though I wasn't due a period for weeks.  Some blamed change of water!

Has your pitutatry [sp] gland been investigated with scans in recent months?  Might be the way to go as a starting point.  If U don't have any ovary segments left in situ, then something is triggering your 'cycle'.


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Re: Can any one help?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2023, 01:55:35 PM »

Yes it's definitely true.

No I haven't. Thank you for the advice.