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Author Topic: Anyone just feeling miserable  (Read 2422 times)


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2023, 10:59:02 AM »

Just had a call from my Gp.  She thinks that my symptoms are not progesterone related and are really due to my low mood and anxiety.  We talked about alternatives and the only real option was to have the mirena coil fitted.  I expressed my concerns at this as it's a procedure that may not work.  We talked about cyclogest and has asked the practice pharmacist about its use in hrt regimens.  She  also suggested sleep apps and drinking peppermint tea.  Under no circumstances was I to stop the utrogestan.  So basically I've to take it in the morning and have an omeprazole before breakfast.   She also asked why I wasn't using my private consultant to discuss these issues with, as she could also provide her with guidance on how to move forward with me.  Also GPs are not a liberty to check oestrogen levels and do not do that for women on hrt.  I have made an appointment with my consultant for the 10th of Aug, but at  £200 it's not many people that can sustain this.  Left feeling defeated.  She also mentioned we could try a new anxiety med.  I'm currently taking 200mg sertraline prescribe for severe pmt in my late 40's.  Realistically I think I was perimenopausal.  At least she hoped that I had a good holiday, and that maybe a change of scenery would do me some good...........youve got to laugh 😃


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2023, 11:10:05 AM »


I'm so sorry, your gp sounded dismissive, but this isn't surprising.

Let us know what she says regarding the cyclogest, as my doctor prescribed it no problem. It is used for fertility treatment but all it is, is progesterone, and then all you have to do is get the dosage correct.

Why on earth can't gp's check estrogen levels for women on hrt? I know some women say that you don't need to get blood levels checked however at least they can give you a ball park as to what you're levels are doing. And you're right £200 for a consultation privately is a lot of money.

To be honest, when I've asked to get my blood estrogen levels checked my gp, he's always arranged that for me.

Are you going to take your utrogestan vaginally in the mornings?

Take care, I'm sorry your gp wasn't more help xxx


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2023, 11:13:04 AM »

I take my omeprazolol capsule with my breakfast to layer the digestive track for the day.

£200.00 isn't a lot to spend for advice that will help. I was paying £150+ for private treatment in the 1990s, supposedly for an hour's consult.  However ....... [long story short].

 As you say, this in't possible for many: I would like to see private practice advising GPs who would oversee treatment/s suggested with an annual private review to make sure that we get as much good advice as is possible.

Many women have problems with progesterone, your GP should be aware of this.  It is so tiring!  Hormone blood tests are reliably un-reliable.

Go on your holiday.  U may be surprised !  Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2023, 11:30:49 AM »

Thanks guys.  I may try the utrogestan vaginally and see how I get on regardless of my gp.  The reason apparently the dont test estrogen levels is because they do t necessarily reflect how a woman is feeling.  The levels may be OK but you may still feel that you need more.  She suggested that I might also need more estrogen.  My head hurts🤪🤪🤪


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2023, 11:37:37 AM »

Hi Nellf,
I hope you had a better night last night, it can be soul destroying trying to keep it all going when sleep deprivation and heartburn are tossed in the mix as well as everything else.

Those seem to be my two main side effects from utrogestan 100mg dosed vaginally, unfortunately the heartburn's still awful even though it's reduced when dosing vaginally, there must be a systemic action causing it rather than a local reaction.

The UTIs sound draining too. Can you improvise an inserter tool? Like maybe cutting the end off a neurofen syringe, then you could try dosing utrogestan rectally. Some people use a finger, disposible gloves come to mind plus lube of course. I've done it with other meds and if I develop a problem with taking it vaginally, I'll go that way instead. It must go at least two finger knuckles deep to get absorbed properly.

I sometimes use omeprazole, but it makes me nauseaus after a few days, by a week or ten days I stop it again because any ulceration pains will be easing by then and I'll need to feel better from the nausea.

I recently bought a CBD vaporiser, it was reduced from £35 to £17 and I was going on holiday, to England actually, where THC isn't allowed yet and I thought it would be a reasonable substitute for getting to sleep. (Note the price, cheap ones are basically empty of CBD and don't work.)

I was surprised, it didn't help with sleep, not that I noticed, but it was amazing for anxiety when I was away and I'm still using it now even though I'm home and can do my own thing again. I plan to buy another when it runs out (non refillable unfortunately).

Someone sent me this link for a factsheet on medical uses which I found interesting.

PS I just read the new messages, I'm sorry your GP is an idiot, progesterone intolerance doesn't feel like needing a holiday, it feels like your entire world has crashed into the suburbs of hell and everyone gets transported back home safely except you.
I asked repeatedly can I use utrogestan vaginally, spoke to maybe four different people from both the GPs and the HRT clinic, who all were going to find out and get back to me. I'm still waiting for all of them and using it vaginally anyway.


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2023, 11:43:12 AM »

Thanks meno-Mel.  I ferl my GP is on a different planet.  I guess you've just got to use trial and error.....onwards and upwards xxxx


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2023, 11:46:56 AM »

I don't think that any HRT is designed to be delivered rectally ?  By doing this with mediation it gets the drug into the body really fast which probably would defeat the object with an HRT regime?  This should be done under GP supervision, literally.

Occasionally a drug can be inserted vaginally to ease symptoms of taking some orally. 



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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2023, 07:18:03 AM »

I don't think that any HRT is designed to be delivered rectally ?  By doing this with mediation it gets the drug into the body really fast which probably would defeat the object with an HRT regime?  This should be done under GP supervision, literally.

Occasionally a drug can be inserted vaginally to ease symptoms of taking some orally. 
You're right, as with so many hrt bits and pieces it's borrowed from the more glamorous fertility treatments and not created with hrt in mind, but progesterone is progesterone, I don't think it's fussy where it goes in!

When it's inserted vaginally the advice is to wait half an hour before showering because by then all the dose you are getting should have transferred over to the bloodstream. If its faster rectally, it can't be by much.


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2023, 08:28:42 AM »

Medication delivered rectally is fast tracked through the body which would surely defeat the object of HRT being slow release  :-\.  Bums aren't built for things to be pushed into, they are for expelling rubbish.


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2023, 09:14:56 AM »

Hi meno-mel,

I use cyclogest pessaries rectally as I am literally suicidal on utrogestan, whichever way I shove it.

My GP, said that the cyclogest pessaries are fine to use either rectally or vaginally and on the balance menopause website they giving cyclogest pessaries as an alternative to utrogestan capsules while the shortages are in place.

I've done research on line as well and there doesn't seem to be very much difference regarding the two drugs and absorption time into the blood stream

I hope this helps xxx


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2023, 11:22:55 AM »

I mentioned cycligest to my GP.  She wasn't sure whether or not it was avaliable to give as part of an HRT regimens.  She was checking with the practice pharmacist.  But she never mentioned it as being an option.  The only thing she offerd was the marina coil.  But as I'm sensitive to synthetic progesterone, one of the reasons I was put on the utrogestan I don't think that would be an option.  I've managed to get an appointment with my private consultant on the 10th of August.   Her secretary was wonderful and squeezed me in at the end of one of her clinics.  I've started taking the utrogestan orally in the morning so we'll see how that goes


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2023, 11:38:11 AM »

How R we all this morning?  R U getting enough sunshine 🌞?


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2023, 04:27:38 PM »

I'm in the garden right now.  It's lovely.  Didn't sleep that great last night, but I'll continue to take the utrogestan orally in the morning.  Gonna start getting holiday things sorted.  Who knows my GP may be right, maybe I'll come back a different woman.  That would be nice.  Preferably one who isn't sensitive to progesteroneand is 30 years younger.  Thanks for all the advice it's really good to know that you're not aline in the journey of ours xxxx


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2023, 04:37:08 PM »

hi Nellf

Im so glad you're having a nice afternoon.

you go and have a lovely holiday.

by the way if you do find that time machine while your on holiday that can take you back 30yrs be sure to let me know where it is!!!


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Re: Anyone just feeling miserable
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2023, 05:30:03 PM »

..... and breath. 
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