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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Anxiety & Perimenopause  (Read 1604 times)


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Anxiety & Perimenopause
« on: June 30, 2023, 09:01:30 PM »

Perimenopause hasnt been.confirmed but i can only assume that is what is happening to me....
Was suppose to go away this weekend - 2 nights, thats all with a friend. I went once before the end of last year and even though felt nervous and anxious, managed to go through with it (had never stayed away with her before) Today though, the anxiety was so intense i havent been able to go. Shaking, crying, really didnt know what to do with myself. I have never ever felt that bad before 😪 Has anyone else had similar and is it menopause related??


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 09:39:32 PM »

Hi Mazria,

So sorry to hear your are feeling this way. Have you had anxiety before or is this a new symptom? How old are you?

I'd never experienced anxiety before my mid/late 40's and having been a happy/confident person I really didn't know what was happening when anxiety kicked in out of nowhere as I was unaware of menopause symptoms, period. Let alone anxiety being one of them.


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2023, 09:51:25 PM »

Very likely meno related. Anxiety and insomnia were my worst symptoms, I'd never suffered from either before. Cured by hrt.


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2023, 01:26:21 PM »

Hello MazRia and welcome to the forum.

I had similar experiences to you and it was definitely meno related.  The problem with this type of anxiety is that it can strike at random and is totally illogical. Earlier today I was talking to a friend as she was serving me in Sainsbury's. She is menopausal and has several symptoms and today she was so anxious she wasn't sure that she could go to work. Obviously there was no need for her to be anxious, the feeling just came out of nowhere as it does.

How you deal with these problems is for you to decide but there is plenty of support and advice on this forum should you need it.

Take care.




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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2023, 08:46:56 PM »

Thank you for your replies. Knowing that this is 'normal' has made me feel a bit better.
Have spent today pottering about, trying to be kind to myself but feeling very exhausted and numb. Regretting not going away but cant help that now. When i kept telling myself yesterday id regret it if i didnt go away i just couldnt see past my anxiety.
First thing Monday morning i will call the doctor.


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2023, 03:02:01 PM »

Hi MazRia

Anxiety was one of my first perimenopause symptoms.  It literally came on overnight.  I went from being a fairly confident, outgoing person to a nervous wreck.  That was 1.5 years ago.  I'm on HRT now and trying to get the dose right, but much better than I was.

My advice is to not try to 'fight' it.  I tried everything to get rid of it but ultimately just accepting that it's because of hormones was the thing that helped the most.  I think if you get 'anxious' about the 'anxiety' it makes it much much worse.  I've had CBT for the past year and my therapist says to notice it but not react.  So i say to myself 'i notice that I'm feeling anxious right now because of (whatever reason)'.  It passes much quicker now.

Hope that helps!  You are not alone xx


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2023, 07:54:21 PM »

Hi MazRia

Anxiety was one of my first perimenopause symptoms.  It literally came on overnight.  I went from being a fairly confident, outgoing person to a nervous wreck.  That was 1.5 years ago.  I'm on HRT now and trying to get the dose right, but much better than I was.

My advice is to not try to 'fight' it.  I tried everything to get rid of it but ultimately just accepting that it's because of hormones was the thing that helped the most.  I think if you get 'anxious' about the 'anxiety' it makes it much much worse.  I've had CBT for the past year and my therapist says to notice it but not react.  So i say to myself 'i notice that I'm feeling anxious right now because of (whatever reason)'.  It passes much quicker now.

Hope that helps!  You are not alone xx

The advice your therapist told you sounds like good advice - i shall remember that :) xx


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2023, 07:58:07 PM »

So...rang the doctors today and due to staffing issues the Mental Health Nurse is going to ring me tomorrow morning. Mental Health Nurse for menopause??? I did question it but apparently it's because i am already on anti-depressants, so that's why she is going to ring me and not a doctor.
All of this is now becoming too real and I am scared :(


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2023, 08:02:52 PM »

I can understand you feeling scared. It can be really difficult to ask for help and then get help because it confirms how you are feeling. The nurse is just going to have a chat with you. It is nothing to worry about. She will just ask you how you are feeling. Be honest with her because it is important you get support.

I know you have been struggling for a while now and you are so brave to realise this and reach out. I think you should feel proud of yourself.


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2023, 08:24:28 PM »


You've been so brave and assertive phoning the surgery today and although you may feel scared today I'm sure tomorrow you will feel much better. As Flossieteacake said the nurse will just have a chat and then from that you should  get the support you need to help you feel better.

I hate the whole palava of phoning the surgery, waiting for call backs etc and it can feel easier not to bother. But you should be proud of yourself that you are taking control of sorting this out.

Hope it goes ok tomorrow. Write down what you want to cover beforehand so you don't get side-tracked and make sure you cover everything you want to before the end of the call. Good luck, Deep breaths and let us know how it goes X


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2023, 09:28:38 AM »

So the MH Nurse has suggested upping my dose of anti-depressants to 50mg daily. As it appears that I am more anxious than depressed the type I am on should help with that. She has scheduled in a follow up call for a months time. Everything else she confirms leans towards perimenopause. She was going to ask a doctor to call me about HRT but as that takes a couple of months to settle in your system will then review the anti-depressants and either reduce dose back or come off completely.



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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2023, 09:34:37 AM »

It is a good idea to increase the dose of your antidepressant. I hope that helps. I am glad she has arranged a follow up call too.


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Re: Anxiety & Perimenopause
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2023, 09:50:40 AM »

Hi MazRia

Anxiety was one of my first perimenopause symptoms.  It literally came on overnight.  I went from being a fairly confident, outgoing person to a nervous wreck.  That was 1.5 years ago.  I'm on HRT now and trying to get the dose right, but much better than I was.

My advice is to not try to 'fight' it.  I tried everything to get rid of it but ultimately just accepting that it's because of hormones was the thing that helped the most.  I think if you get 'anxious' about the 'anxiety' it makes it much much worse.  I've had CBT for the past year and my therapist says to notice it but not react.  So i say to myself 'i notice that I'm feeling anxious right now because of (whatever reason)'.  It passes much quicker now.

Hope that helps!  You are not alone xx

That is so true