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Author Topic: Anyone with the same experience?  (Read 1630 times)


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Anyone with the same experience?
« on: July 17, 2023, 05:28:51 PM »


I've been perimenopausal for 3 years and on hrt all that time. Tried a couple but currently being prescribed 200mg Utrogestan taken vaginally and 2/3 pumps of oestrogel.

Throughout this time I have been tired, lethargic, but this year has been awful. I have had bouts of extreme lethargy and very, very low moods.  I have booked an appointment with my gp to talk about this. Appointment in a couple of weeks.

However, I have been having problems with my right leg, mid calf right down to the sole of my foot. Feels very heavy and on the verge of going into pins and needles. This has been intermittent for 5 years. This current bout has lasted 3 weeks, usually only lasts a couple of days. I have always thought it was either Psoriatic Arthritis as I have other symptoms of this or nerve damage due to a bite 5 years ago. Had a bullseye rash, thought it was a tick that had bitten me. Was treated with antibiotics at the time and 2 years ago gp agreed to do a lyme disease test. Results came back abnormal according to Patient Access app, but gp said it was normal. So what that's about, I don't know.

Anyway, made another appointment with gp, broke down in his office, about feeling so low, lethargic. Did blood test and the results were normal apart from

Serum Forate 4.9
(Normal range 5.4 - 24.0)

Platelet Count 128
(Normal range 150 - 400)

2 others were on the cusp

Serum Vitamin B12  214
(Normal range 211-911)

Serum Creatinine 49
(Normal range 49 - 90)

GP wants to speak to me, so booked an appointment.

Sorry for the long post, my question is

Has anyone had a similar experience where they were feeling really, really rough, thought it was down to perimenopause/menopause/hrt, found out they were deficient in Serum forate, treated it and now feel great?

I really hope so, I need to know there's light at the end of this seemingly endless tunnel.




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Re: Anyone with the same experience?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2023, 07:37:40 PM »

Hi! there is light at the end of the tunnel!   :welcomemm:

Your GP is remiss in not rechecking for Lyme disease, so many medics have no idea wha to look for!  How have you been since?

Did the GP test for low VitD levels as well as thyroid function tests?  These can cause intense tiredness.  What advice has the GP given thus far?

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use. 

Browse round. 


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Re: Anyone with the same experience?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2023, 08:41:03 PM »


Thanks for replying.

You replied to me on a thread last week, I was saying how rubbish I felt.

When I was first bitten I had palpitations and cold like symptoms. The bullseye rash didn't appear for a couple of weeks.
Thing is I live in West Yorkshire and there aren't many, if any, reports on Lyme Disease. So I think the gp thought it couldn't possibly be that. But I had a rash & symptoms plus we have deer in the woods back of our house. So I wasn't taking any chances.
Questioned 3 GPS about my app showing abnormal results, they just look at me blankly or shrug their shoulders.
Most of the bite symptoms have gone, just the fatigue and this leg business.

They didn't test for vit d, but they did for thyroid, that was normal.  Got appointment on the 2nd aug to discuss the results.

I kept a diary for the last 3 months or so, I was just analysing it today actually, and found that I am at my worst when I stop the progesterone. Do think it might be progesterone withdrawal that's not helping me.

It's just trial and error :)



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Re: Anyone with the same experience?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2023, 09:10:46 PM »

Of course, being menopausal, I wouldn't remember replying even if it were yesterday  ;D

I may have mentioned that there is a UK Lyme Support group ??  that's a problem when members don't add to their original thread, I can't scroll down to remind myself  :o  :-\
Let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Anyone with the same experience?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2023, 08:43:26 AM »

Trish, if you're worse after stopping the progesterone maybe you could be prescribed conti instead of sequi? Then you'd not get the dip in hormones that is upsetting the applecart a bit when you end that phase.

I don't like progesterone so I switched from conti to sequi in order to give myself a break from it each month, even though I'm post meno by the 12 month period free rule. I have no periods "naturally" any more, although the HRT nurse said I might still be ovulating.

I only have periods on HRT, with either conti or sequi, so it doesn't make a difference that way to me, some people find their periods stop on conti, or even on sequi, but I don't claim to understand it, both these regimens make me bleed in a regular cycle even though the conti doesn't include any cycle!

Sorry I know nothing about lymes disease.