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Author Topic: Mirena  (Read 4687 times)


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2023, 09:07:27 PM »

Hi AnneDenmark,

I hope the Mirena settles for you and this is the answer you have been looking for.  I had similar to you when I got mine inserted 5 weeks ago.

5 weeks in it feels settled, cramping has pretty much gone.  More energy.  Bleeding so light it’s almost away but that was 2-3 weeks medium to light bleeding then 2 weeks light.

Only thing is I feel like I am retaining fluid and heavier.  I have switched from evorel conti to 2 pumps Estrogel.  My sleep still isn’t as good as before but slowly improving I think.

So far, so good.  I think it was worth trying so far …



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Re: Mirena
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2023, 11:52:05 AM »

Hi Jett thanks for replying.

So four days now. I feel as though a period is imminent, which is very near the truth! Otherwise fine, except I'm very bloated, which I'm hoping will pass soon. I'm on an Everol 100 patch and I'm supplementing with 1 extra pump of gel this week (temporarily I hope), and I'm also on testogel.

Jett, do you think an increase in oestrogen might help to balance things and help you sleep? Hope you get some respite and some good quality sleep soon.


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2023, 08:53:19 PM »

Hi AnneDenmark,

Thanks for your reply, my plan is to try the two pumps of gel for a month but if still not sleeping ask if I can increase.

I read on here it can take two weeks for the gel to build up in your system.  I am on 3rd week gel and 6 week of coil.

I randomly had bad cramps last night and this afternoon after nothing for a couple of weeks but thankfully has calmed down again, I do still feel really bloated too.  Have put on weight I just can’t shift over the last few months.

After the Mirena is inserted I read on here that some people bleed until the womb lining is a normal thickness again which makes sense so is possibly why we feel bloated?




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Re: Mirena
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2023, 03:00:57 PM »

It's been a week for me now and I've had a little (very little) spotting and I feel fine: no progesterone intolerence symptoms at all. Fingers crossed it stays this way. I do think that already taking the oestrogen has probably helped in my case. I hope the gel (circulating oestrogen) builds up soon for you Jett, and you begin to get some respite.
I think you're right (I'm sure I've read on here too) that the mirena will cause bleeding until the lining is back to normal thickness - hence why we're told that bleeding may continue on and off for a few months.
Hopefully if that is the case the bloating and the weight gain should disappear soon x


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2023, 09:28:18 PM »

Dear All,

my own take (although it is too soon!): I had the Mirena coil in yesterday ... Yes, too soon, but here are my comments: 1) I decided to go down this route because my endometrium was too thick and my periods were too heavy; 2) the gynaecologist felt that at this point (am 51, being on HRT since 43 due to early menopause and osteopenia) I may as well get to the point when I am no longer having periods, which is what Mirena takes you to (at least that's my understanding). Bliss: no more worries with periods!

I was on Evorel Sequi and happy with that until an internal scan last April showed my thick endometrium and a polyp. Polyp removed at the same time as Mirena coil in (with local anestesia). I would not want to speak too soon but I was bleeding a little yesterday, and none today though I feel very bloated. For oestrogen, I was switched to the gel Oestreogel; I was given the choice of a patch, but I am tired of having to remove the adhesive when changing patches on my bum!

All best to everyone


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2023, 01:45:21 PM »

Re Mirena,
Afternoon all
I'm thinking about the Mirena, after yrs of saying no to it. The fitting of it doesn't bother me, it's the fact that something plastic/metal stays inside me for yrs. Is this a weird thing . Periods are?. Some months nada, then one will be normal, then nothing again . My biggest problem are the hot flushes at night   I need lots of sleep due to other health conditions .Advice?


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2023, 09:14:28 PM »

Hi Mrs E,

I really didn’t like the idea of something being inside me either, something I couldn’t control myself.  I felt I had to try it though as I wasn’t doing great on patches and had problems with bleeding.

So far it surprisingly doesn’t feel weird at all to me and somehow feels like a more natural feed of progesterone than I was getting through the patch.

It doesn’t work for everyone but so far I am glad I tried it.  My sleep is starting to improve 6 weeks into patch and 3 weeks into gel.



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Re: Mirena
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2023, 03:14:09 PM »

Hi Jett,
Thanks for the reply.
I'm glad it's working well for you.  Fingers crossed it continues that way.
Having read so many messages from ladies re different experiences with stuff, it's hard what to do. I've got to be careful because I'm on soo many different meds, some are hideous, that could cause problems with HRT stuff .I'm going to ask for blood test and go from there . Again thanks  :)


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2023, 02:49:17 PM »

I had my first Mirena inserted earlier this month. I'm 54, 3 years post menopause and had an episode of bleeding after being on HRT for 10/11 months. Investigated under the 2 week rule and all OK, although I have discovered I have several fibroids, one of which 5.3cm, the Gynaecologist didn't seem to think this was an issue and offered me the Mirena instead of Utrogestan as I felt it wasn't working and had vomited my tablet back up a few times and it was the HRT causing the bleeding. Moving on almost 3 weeks after the insertion I am still bleeding, my lining was only 1.7mm so where is this blood coming from? It was almost stopped now started bleeding again, could it be my fibroids? Sorry for long post, looking for a bit of advice from you lovely ladies, am I being too impatient for the bleeding to stop?


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2023, 05:31:10 PM »

Hi MrsP54,

Like you I also have Fibroids and I had bleeding for a good few weeks after insertion.  I am 6 weeks in and tue bleeding is almost gone, just getting gradually and gradually lighter.  From what I have read here it seems it is possible for some people to bleed for 3-6 months until the body adjusts but everyone is different.

If your bleeding is getting heavier rather than lighter you could call your GP or the clinic that inserted it and ask for advice.  I did bleed for weeks too though but I would say it went from heavy/ medium them medium then medium/light and now light if that makes any sense.

Hope you are ok.



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Re: Mirena
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2023, 07:51:48 PM »

Hi All,

its now been 15 days since I was fitted with the Mirena coil. I was fine for 8 days (see post from 20th July) until about a week ago, and then last Saturday, 9 days in started feeling really tired, groggy, heavy, brain fog. 'Like having a head in a bucket of treacle' I read on hear somewhere once; alongside a degree of blurry vision and very loud tinnitus.
Accompanied with low mood, bloating, water retention, weight gain -though it's hard to tell.
These symptoms haven't yet passed since last Saturday, even with an extra pump of Oestrogen. All symptoms of progesterone intolerance, which is why I went for the Mirena, as I was experiencing the same symptoms on Utrogestan, Provera... any progesterone, and of course when I was younger suffered from PMS.
I have read that Mirena reaches it peak systemic absorption up to a the 14 days mark, whereupon it starts to level out and (very) slowly reduce over the 5 years. Also on here and elsewhere on the net I've read that others have also had fatigue/ symptoms for around 3 weeks, and then they pass. I guess like a lot of drugs the body needs time to adjust.
I'll give it another week (3 weeks then) and then post again with an update, and then I think if I'm still suffering like this at 4 weeks I will contact the meno clinic for removal.
And (I thought) it was going so well :(


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2023, 09:02:37 PM »

Hi AnneDenmark,

Oh no I am sorry to hear your symptoms have gotten worse,  that sounds horrible having to endure so many side affects.

I really hope it settles for you in the next week and eases, it sounds pretty severe what you are experiencing.

I am 7 weeks tomorrow, still bleeding (albeit very lightly now), occasional cramps but it feels better I think than the progesterone I was getting from the conti patch.  I am still bloated and heavy and no amount of exercise or careful eating seems to make a difference yet.  Mentally a bit calmer though and less anxious.  Not too foggy.  Occasional nausea but had that before anyway.  Sleep improving very gradually - I sleep some nights, wired and hot others.




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Re: Mirena
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2023, 10:22:27 AM »

Hi Jett,

Thanks for replying. I'm pleased you are feeling calmer and less anxious and not too foggy anymore, and that it seems (fingers crossed) that it is settling in for you, I hope your sleep improves too. And I really, really hope the bloating passes soon: I'm the same- I'm eating less since it was put in and I'm doing more regular exercise, and still look pregnant.

I am feeling better. The brain fog mostly cleared Saturday  (29th) evening, a little tired again yesterday, but I'm okay this morning. I have though increased the estrogen by yet another pump to get me over these debilitating side effects for a few days. So I intend to stabilise how I'm feeling (which seems to be working) and then gradually dial back the oestrogen. (I am seeing a meno consultant, BTW) I've been sleeping solidly for 8/9 hours since I had the coil inserted, though last night was only 7 (raised oestrogen?)

I've been spotting since insertion, 19 days ago, and since increasing the oestrogen the spotting has developed into more of a bleed.

Hope it all settles for you soon xx


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2023, 07:52:47 AM »

Dear All,

it sounds like the progesterone of the Mirena can be pesky ... For what it's worth I can give my take now that it's two weeks since my insertion. I cannot tell much difference from my previous regimen (Evorel Sequi patches), other than difficulties sleeping. Strangely, only spotting so far, and intermittent, that is, not coinciding much with when I'd normally get bleeding with the patches. I'm onto two pumps of Oestrogel and all seems fine ... But I don't wish to speak too soon, especially what you, Annedenmark, was saying about the peak on day 14 of the release of progesterone! Incidentally, I did not know this.

At any rate, I hope you manage to continue to settle, Annedenmark, and that you get some insight from the consultant soon!

All best to everyone


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2023, 11:49:42 AM »

Hi All,

My Mirena was removed yesterday: 20 days in all.
Late Tuesday (after I posted I was feeling better) the brain fog returned along with the groggy feeling, some slurred speech and blurred vision, along with severe tinnitus, difficulty thinking, being coherent. It felt like I had taken sleeping tablets, either too many or they weren't wearing off (I wasn't taking any other meds, just to clarify). I was unaware how severely I was presenting - it was good friends who pointed out I was really unwell and called 111.
Anyway, after calling 111, the gyne nurse at hospital where it was inserted said it needs to come out now as those symptoms are signs of an overdose. No infection found.

I feel exhausted today but clearer headed.
I suspect the extra oestrogen helped to mask the symptoms for a few hours but never really made a difference, if I'm honest. I suspect that the systemic progestin was continuing to build and/ or not being cleared, even though the literature suggests  it reaches its peak output before/at 14 days after insertion:
After insertion of MIRENA, levonorgestrel is detectable in serum after 1 hour. The maximum
concentration is reached within 2 weeks after insertion
(10.3: absorption)

So, Jett, I really hope you are okay, and it continues to settle, and Cocobra I hope it does for you too. It doesn't sound as though you are presenting as severely as I did, fingers crossed it works for you xxx
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