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Author Topic: How long is the wait until HRT relieves symptoms? Should I give up now?  (Read 2206 times)


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  • No ovarian function & I bleed cyclically on conti!

Are you using any localised oestrogen? This will help with the urge to go to the loo. It sounds like you have vaginal atrophy.

I think your idea of using the ultrogestan is a sensible one. You can always see how you find it and then review from there.
Yes, I took your advice and have used a vagirux every day for the last few days, I've weed myself three times today already! I wonder does it start working with a slight backward step first? Some meds can make you worse before you're better, but this isn't new to me.

If I'm constipated or it's just before my period, then things start getting squished inside and I start weeing myself, although neither of those applies atm. I have no need to go, then ten seconds later I can't hold it, definitely inconvenient, but I've not weed myself when out of the house, not yet  :-\

It's great to have this forum to say that on, it's kinda personal, y'know?


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As you have not been using the Vagirux for very long then it is still early days for it to work.

I understand what you mean, this is something personal and can be difficult to talk about. Does your GP know you are having these issues?


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  • No ovarian function & I bleed cyclically on conti!

As you have not been using the Vagirux for very long then it is still early days for it to work.

I understand what you mean, this is something personal and can be difficult to talk about. Does your GP know you are having these issues?
Weeing myself is the single reason why I'm prescribed vagirux!
I told them two a week doesn't work, but two a week is where they are stuck at, refusing to allow me it daily. I wonder what would happen if I just kept ordering a new box every month instead of every three months?
Would they even notice?
I had a few bogus UTIs, I don't know what a UTI actually feels like, I've never had a positive result for it in my life. Comparing the symptoms I thought UTI and was given antibiotics, but I always test negative for UTI.
Thanks to this forum I can put the two things together and stop taking antibiotics, lol.

I'm just far too impatient, and I want to feel better than I did when I was young, not just the same old, same old, why settle for that?  ;D


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As you have not been using the Vagirux for very long then it is still early days for it to work.

I understand what you mean, this is something personal and can be difficult to talk about. Does your GP know you are having these issues?
Weeing myself is the single reason why I'm prescribed vagirux!
I told them two a week doesn't work, but two a week is where they are stuck at, refusing to allow me it daily. I wonder what would happen if I just kept ordering a new box every month instead of every three months?
Would they even notice?
I had a few bogus UTIs, I don't know what a UTI actually feels like, I've never had a positive result for it in my life. Comparing the symptoms I thought UTI and was given antibiotics, but I always test negative for UTI.
Thanks to this forum I can put the two things together and stop taking antibiotics, lol.

I'm just far too impatient, and I want to feel better than I did when I was young, not just the same old, same old, why settle for that?  ;D

That is just so frustrating because when VA is bad using treatment daily will help. The silly outdated leaflet even suggests to use it daily for two weeks and then drop to twice a week. You could try ordering it more often but with my practice that would not work as it would not be available for me to order it until the date has arrived.

I wonder if you could gather information about VA and email it to them. Perhaps then they would understand a little more and let you have it daily. Some people have found it helped to talk to the practice manager.

It is a relief you now know you do not have a UTI and can refuse any antibiotics. I understand what you mean. VA is awful and you just want it gone.


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  • No ovarian function & I bleed cyclically on conti!

As you have not been using the Vagirux for very long then it is still early days for it to work.

I understand what you mean, this is something personal and can be difficult to talk about. Does your GP know you are having these issues?
Weeing myself is the single reason why I'm prescribed vagirux!
I told them two a week doesn't work, but two a week is where they are stuck at, refusing to allow me it daily. I wonder what would happen if I just kept ordering a new box every month instead of every three months?
Would they even notice?
I had a few bogus UTIs, I don't know what a UTI actually feels like, I've never had a positive result for it in my life. Comparing the symptoms I thought UTI and was given antibiotics, but I always test negative for UTI.
Thanks to this forum I can put the two things together and stop taking antibiotics, lol.

I'm just far too impatient, and I want to feel better than I did when I was young, not just the same old, same old, why settle for that?  ;D

That is just so frustrating because when VA is bad using treatment daily will help. The silly outdated leaflet even suggests to use it daily for two weeks and then drop to twice a week. You could try ordering it more often but with my practice that would not work as it would not be available for me to order it until the date has arrived.

I wonder if you could gather information about VA and email it to them. Perhaps then they would understand a little more and let you have it daily. Some people have found it helped to talk to the practice manager.

It is a relief you now know you do not have a UTI and can refuse any antibiotics. I understand what you mean. VA is awful and you just want it gone.
I can order more over the phone whenever I run out, the receptionists don't like taking prescription orders, but it's the only way open to me because my GP won't put it on my repeat list. I've always to be careful because other medicines I get are more important to me.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 02:54:03 AM by meno-mel »


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It is unfair how being on a few medications can have the stigma of being a drug seeker. VA treatment is vital and it should not be so hard for you to get it.

Hopefully the reception will give you enough then.  :)


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  • No ovarian function & I bleed cyclically on conti!

I've just started taking utrogestan vaginally, 1pm yesterday.
My hope was that the side effects of insomnia, depression/anxiety and heartburn would be less than taking it orally.
I think it takes me three weeks to recover from the last time taking utrogestan. The heartburn goes in a few days, insomnia is on most of the days I take it but the mood problem stays with me another week.

13 hours after taking the first one, I woke at 2am wanting a divorce (which I fortunately kept to myself, but his snoring was loud!) and also planning ways I could kill myself. Maybe some irritation down there too? Maybe just a rough dressing gown.

How much of this is reasonable I wonder? I don't mean to put others off, it's just how I've always reacted, if you don't already know this about yourself from the pill then you're probably safe enough to take any old progesterone for hrt as well.

I'm chewing mango, vaping something soothing and sipping somthing even soothier. At some point I'll go back to bed and not sleep until I've had coffee  :'(

It's just not nice lying there wishing I could die and knowing I can't.

My point is I wanted to believe utrogestan doesn't go further than locally if inserted vaginally, however for those who believe other women like myself, I can confirm it has definitely crossed the BBB and is racing around my cranium just as readily as if I'd popped it in my mouth instead of inserting it as far up as it would go.
I've bad heartburn too even though I didn't take it orally. I believe that progesterone opens valves and relaxes tissues in general, so that figures.
So much burping! I forgot how bad the first day had been that way last time.


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  • No ovarian function & I bleed cyclically on conti!

Well, eight days after I phoned the HRT clinic, they returned my call late yesterday afternoon and I missed it. Now the relevant nurse isn't there today, sigh.

I'm feeling ok, but only because I probably could have ODed yesterday with the amount of crap I threw into myself to cheer the day.

But feeling ok right now is fine to be going along with, I'll do anything to avoid that suicidal feeling.

My throat is raw from snoring, I only snore if I'm either pregnant or on progesterone, so that 100mg of utrogestan is certainly absorbing from my vagina but I managed 6 hours unbroken sleep, so it's not making me as hyper as it did last month.
I took 200mg utro a day last month for three days, I only had provera for the first 9 days of progesterone last month, that made up the twelve days and my period started early anyway.

My thoughts now are, the main difference is I'm off work already and not stressed from taking off sick time. I still couldn't possibly work like this, I nodded out dozens if not hundreds of times yesterday.

This time I'm taking utrogestan in the morning as I get dressed. I'm not as scared of it now and I want to sleep all night if possible.

I'm inserting the vagirux with it, but still weeing myself a little at every toilet trip and cleaning fanatically to avoid smells. I'm hoping that improves soon.
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