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Author Topic: Sense check please  (Read 634 times)


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Sense check please
« on: June 04, 2023, 07:37:16 PM »

Hi all / some background / I’ve been on hrt since November ish - I’m on 200mg of Utragestan and the Evorel 50 patch - I’m 46 and have had peri menopausal symptoms for a few years I think - which came to a head in November with a begging trip to the docs. Anyway almost instantly in November I noticed an improvement in hormonal feelings, aches and pains went hair loss stopped, vaginal dryness went etc etc - in April I noticed that some of these symptoms came back so I researched (ie asked real women) and cut an extra patch in half - felt better
I rang the doctor to see if I could
Have levels checked after a couple
Of weeks and of course was told no - keep a diary for 6 months and remove the patch - i shouldn’t be doing that at all
I did as I was told and honestly I’m
An achy mess - my hips and legs ache I’ve noticed more hair loss again and vaginal issues are back
I so want to add half
The patch back on as I don’t want to feel like this for next 6 months - has anyone else been through this ?
Thank you if you got this far 🙈


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2023, 07:39:47 PM »

What was the Drs reason for saying you have to stay on Evorel 50 and you cannot increase it? I am confused because you are on progesterone so that indicates you can increase. In time I have found we may need to increase our oestrogen. The NHS can prescribe up to 100 Evorel.


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2023, 07:43:57 PM »

She said that I shouldn’t be cutting and pasting the patches myself and to keep a diary for 6 months rather than just adding more because of one bad month 🙄 she also said that it’s all risky and should be prescribed properly
I feel that I’m low on Estrogen - feel like I’ve gone backwards to how I felt at the beginning …. She would probably give me more if I showed her my diary but 6 months is so long to wait


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2023, 07:48:27 PM »

Six months is far too long to have to wait. They say to give HRT three months to see if it works so I do not know were she got six months from. I personally do not agree with her. Is it possible to see another Dr and ask to be referred to an NHS menopause clinic?

If you feel better on 75 then I do not see why you cannot be on that dose.

Just checking, are you taking any localised oestrogen for the vaginal symptoms?


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2023, 07:52:54 PM »

I asked for a referral - they don’t have one / she told me off for cutting the patch and I said I wouldn’t do it again but the aching legs and my boobs are huge ! All of a sudden and so achy - no idea if this is related but it’s a new rubbish feeling - they are so sore it wakes me up- a bit like when I first
Started the progesterone ( which I take vaginally )
No nothing else other than the patch and pill / to be honest the main issues I’ve got are aches and pains / the other ones are just inconvenient but nothing I can’t handle - it’s so hard to find the right balance !


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2023, 07:56:57 PM »

There is no menopause clinic in your city/town? The GP does not sound knowledgeable at all. Many of us have cut our patches when we feel we need extra oestrogen. Aches and pains are often a sign we need more oestrogen. Your boobs being big would not really mean you need more oestrogen. This can be a side effect of being on oestrogen. I have heard starflower capsules can be helpful for breast pain.

It sounds to me like you would benefit from some localised oestrogen. Vaginal dryness, soreness, UTI type feeling are signs of vaginal atrophy. This needs treating with something like vagifem which is a pessary or ovestin which is a cream. It is very important this is treated as soon as possible because it can become sore.


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2023, 08:15:24 PM »

I totally agree with Flossie on this. I just do not accept that your g.p can be right in this, you certainly sound like you do need to increase your estrogen.

I have steadily increase my patch strengths but luckily with the full agreement and knowledge of my g.p. Yes, it does often take a good three months after altering a regime to feel if the benefits have taken full affect, but I just cannot see why she is insisting on you having a six month diary rather than the usual three, as you are clearly suffering.
If you are (like me) peri, then our own natural cycles seem to give some real ups and downs to our  symptoms,  are as our own oestrogen and the introduced oestrogen from the hrt can cause fluctuations. So for me, each month can seem to differ and that  symptoms can feel worse without any rhyme nor reason.

The localised oestrogen is vital to help with those of us who have the horrible discomfort of vaginal dryness. I feel it is a real game changer.

Evening primrose.oil capsules helped me with pms tender boobs.

I am sorry your g.p does not seem at all understanding. Is there another g.p within your surgery who you could speak with, or a nurse maybe?

Please do not feel the need to thank readers for 'getting this far'.  Some of my posts ramble on and on... Peri\meno can be hard for some of us, and tbh, you should be treated better by your surgery. Please use this forum as often as you need to, for information, advice and supoort.


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2023, 04:31:15 AM »

Thank you for your replies - I’ve tossed and turned all night due to painful boobs which I find strange - like the first time I started Utragestan- I will see this month out then I’m going back in - I can’t cope with this
And I will definitely ask for some
Localised Estrogen !
Thanks again


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2023, 08:56:53 AM »

Thank you for your replies - I’ve tossed and turned all night due to painful boobs which I find strange - like the first time I started Utragestan- I will see this month out then I’m going back in - I can’t cope with this
And I will definitely ask for some
Localised Estrogen !
Thanks again

I hope it goes well. It is horrid to have breast pain. Perhaps you could try starflower or evening primrose oil capsules to see if that helps at all.


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Re: Sense check please
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2023, 09:40:41 AM »

Is there more than one GP at your surgery, could you book in with someone else as it sounds like this one is being particular inflexible?
Breast pain indicates some kind of hormonal fluctuation and I only usually get this when either my estrogen is too high, or just before I get a bleed. Assume estrogen is low then so don't know what causes it in second half of cycle.
I thought UK guidelines were to go on symptoms rather than levels. In which case I can't see why she is making you wait that long. My GP also said three months rather than six. I'd try and see another GP.