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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Feeling flat  (Read 764 times)


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Feeling flat
« on: May 31, 2023, 08:34:16 AM »

Hey everyone,
Just wondering if this feeling of feeling flat ever passes?
Im on my 2nd month of HRT and its helped so much with some symptoms. Intense furnace heat, palpatations, brain fog.  I have Ads to help me with anxiety and the horrendous early morning crippling anxiety has calmed right down in fact thinking about it it has actually stopped!. And my panic attacks brought on by the intense early morning anxiety that could then continue into the day have also stopped! Haven't taken Propananol for atleast 2 weeks. So alot of positives.
I do feel my motivation has got better I have started yoga and find that helps me unwind along with the other benefits to help my body.
I still have some feelings of being overwhelmed although these have reduced too but still not completely feeling like me.
I will be returning to work in a couple of weeks and just hope I can cope as this whole peri meno has scared me so much in how bad my mental health actually got.
I am just looking for positive stories I guess to reassure that you can find yourself again after all this settles. I am being kinder to myself too and that is helping me as I often neglect my needs.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 08:36:29 AM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2023, 08:46:32 AM »

Hi Losingtheplot
Is your sleep okay? I find myself flat and tearful if I'm not getting enough good quality sleep.
Also wondering re your vitamin d levels and if you're getting out in daylight in the morning? That can also help mood.
After a bad time / feeling down / stress, it seems to take awhile to get back in a positive cycle as its not a linear process and it seems you are noticing some improvements already which is good. Hopefully they'll continue. I'm not there yet but also hoping some others will come along and say it does all get better! I wonder if I'll ever feel how I used to do before all this started, and I live in hope too!


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2023, 09:09:17 AM »

Hi Penguin

Thats for replying hunni I know you have a lot going on yourself.
I didn't sleep very well last night which is unusual for me as I generally sleep well. Which is quite annoying as I did yoga yesterday and usually have a great sleep that night. My bloods GP took a few weeks back showed all levels were good. I go into the garden upon waking up weather permitting and have been getting lots of sunbathing in lately.  I think you are right in saying that it takes a while to recover and I do feel in a better place mentally than a few weeks ago. Could be HRT and Ads helping and I've started Lions mane supplements too. I take MSM capsules that have helped my joint pain and take Well Woman multi vits daily too. So I just need to appreciate how far I have come as the anxiety got that bad I didnt even want to leave the house! The driving anxiety has gone too so lots of positives.


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2023, 09:46:55 AM »

Hi Losingtheplot. I was thinking, have you read your posts from when you first joined the forum? You have come such a long way since then. I understand how horrid it is to feel flat and you so badly want to feel better but sadly it can take time. You have been through such a lot and you are doing such a great job of trying to take care of yourself which can be very difficult. It is wonderful you are doing yoga and have found it helpful. I do not think you could have even attempted yoga a few months ago. :)

I feel with HRT the emotional side seems to take the longest to improve. Two months is still early and some say you do not even feel the full benefits of HRT until three months. So far it sounds like a lot of the physical symptoms have improved so there is a good chance the emotional ones will soon improve too.

A therapist once told me, it is okay to have days you feel low and there may not even be a reason why. Rather then to try to stop the feeling, she said I should just accept it and know that it will pass. I am not sure if that is of any help to you but just thought I would share that with you.


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2023, 10:54:20 AM »

I agree with Flossie there, and Penguin too covers that some of us have been through some pretty horrible and deep physical and emotional times, some get a bit better and then others seem to worsen. As poppytoast writes, our own cycles would be all over the place even if we were not on hrt...add that necessity into the mix and our dreadful and overwhelming dips are 10 times worse.

I am beginning to think of this flatness as almost recovering from the 'shock' of peri and the effects it has on our lives minds and bodies.

I think I am seeing some improvements at some point in my cycle. I will take this flatness as a kind of recovery space from all the scary, can't take it any more times, and hope, in time and with the right settled regime, it too may lift.

But whilst still in peri with all the hormonal haywire it brings, we may still have some bad ups and downs. Like you losing the plot, I try to see the good stuff, the positives and plod on , with the help and support of all on this forum.😍




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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2023, 11:07:12 AM »

Hi Losingtheplot. I was thinking, have you read your posts from when you first joined the forum? You have come such a long way since then. I understand how horrid it is to feel flat and you so badly want to feel better but sadly it can take time. You have been through such a lot and you are doing such a great job of trying to take care of yourself which can be very difficult. It is wonderful you are doing yoga and have found it helpful. I do not think you could have even attempted yoga a few months ago. :)

I feel with HRT the emotional side seems to take the longest to improve. Two months is still early and some say you do not even feel the full benefits of HRT until three months. So far it sounds like a lot of the physical symptoms have improved so there is a good chance the emotional ones will soon improve too.

A therapist once told me, it is okay to have days you feel low and there may not even be a reason why. Rather then to try to stop the feeling, she said I should just accept it and know that it will pass. I am not sure if that is of any help to you but just thought I would share that with you.

Hi Flossie

Ahh thank you so much! Yes I went thru an awful.time your right just slowly but surely crashed. And now I am coming thru the other side.
Things are improving and I do really appreciate your advice and encouragement and I understand low.points will happen and the advice about reassurring will pass is good as your right it does!
Being kinder to myself and acceptance has helped me too but don't ever want to feel like I did again.

Thanks again for your kind words and making me see actually how far I have come xxxx


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2023, 11:12:32 AM »

Hi Losingtheplot, It has to pass, as all things do, lets hope it's sooner not later!

I am completely controlled by this HRT at the moment, today not a problem, it's oestrogen only and I'm good for the next two weeks. It has to have the capacity to make you feel well, it has such massive effects, there is potential there for anything, has to be.

Last week I was on provera and wanting to die. It is so completely controlling I couldn't call the effects subjective even though they are technically in my head, it's a night and day difference.

Get it right and you'll be fine, we all will be, but until then, we can add hormones but not take them away, so I think what is happening with us is our hormones are too high at times as well as too low at other times.

The HRT works when we are in a deficient phase of our cycle, it won't work if we are already overloaded with that hormone.

As we go into menopause all our hormones will eventually be the same low level, but now in peri they can be too low or too high, makes sense we're going to feel awful if already suffering too high amounts and then add more.
Depends on what order and how fast you get through peri.

Example, oestrogen falls, progesterone remains normal, giving heavier more frequent periods, give that woman more progesterone as well as the oestrogen that she is deficient in and she's going to overload with PMS and have even heavier periods, like me! They decided it's not allowed to give oestrogen only, even though progesterone comes with risks of it's own, we aren't allowed to chose our risks.

On the other hand, if progesterone falls and oestrogen remains normal, periods will become lighter, less frequent with some breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, bloating and nausea will be dominant symptoms I guess rather than the mental health problems caused by progesterone overload. In this case it's allowed to give just progesterone.

I wish they'd done their homework, but it seems they thought HRT died as a profitable endeavour in the nineties and that is the decade it's been stuck in ever since.

Even things like early age at first period and bigger boobs indicate a possibility of oestrogen dominance while later onset but heavier periods indicate progesterone dominance, there is no reason why we shouldn't know these things about ourselves, I don't know what is taught in schools now, but every stage of a woman's reproductive life should be covered, not just the bit relating to teenagers where they verbally descibe a condom to you and tell you your periods aren't actually very heavy at all, you are just a bit silly, as girls often are, at which point I stopped listening, lol.

Thank you hunni and explaining the dip in hormones so well! So yes things have to improve once we are thru it and levels even out even if low and then managed by HRT. This has given me hope. I totally agree with the education side its ridiculous that puberty and periods are part of what is taught but nothing about menopause! Things need to change as it has such an impact on our lives and those of our nearest and dearest that preparing young girls for what will happen later is the right thing to do
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 11:14:53 AM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Feeling flat
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2023, 11:19:39 AM »

I agree with Flossie there, and Penguin too covers that some of us have been through some pretty horrible and deep physical and emotional times, some get a bit better and then others seem to worsen. As poppytoast writes, our own cycles would be all over the place even if we were not on hrt...add that necessity into the mix and our dreadful and overwhelming dips are 10 times worse.

I am beginning to think of this flatness as almost recovering from the 'shock' of peri and the effects it has on our lives minds and bodies.

I think I am seeing some improvements at some point in my cycle. I will take this flatness as a kind of recovery space from all the scary, can't take it any more times, and hope, in time and with the right settled regime, it too may lift.

But whilst still in peri with all the hormonal haywire it brings, we may still have some bad ups and downs. Like you losing the plot, I try to see the good stuff, the positives and plod on , with the help and support of all on this forum.😍


Thank you hunni and all.of you ladies.
Sarah I know what you mean about the flat feeling to mean things may be evening out fingers crossed.  I am pleased you are doing better too. Just have to focus on positives and look after ourselves and remain supportive to each other on here which we all do amazingly well at.
I would rather be flat at min than how I was even 2 weeks ago!