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Author Topic: Internal Jittery sensation  (Read 2728 times)


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2023, 06:59:08 PM »

I never had anxiety symptoms before perimenopause and now I have built up a menu of them, and not by choice  ::). They have come and gone and keep coming back over the past few years. I have learnt not to panic so much when they occur but they are still very unpleasant.

They range from:-

- jittery "exam type" feelings in my stomach like something bad is about to happen
- jittery/shivery/fizzing feelings like whole body is shaking uncontrollably inside (like low blood sugar)
- buzzing sensation like internal bodily tinnitus that flicks on and off usually during the night (this for me is the worst)
- fluttering palpitations in chest/throat
- pounding loud heart but not fast
- ectopic beats (I hate these)

I have had various tests and nothing sinister has shown up so when they occur I just try and live through them. Its worst during the night.

When I wrote them down they sound mad. Having this forum to refer to has been a godsend as I realise that I am not alone and that helps greatly.

It will pass.

Hey Dotty
Wow now I can see your list I have been suffering a few things you have listed over past few years and not once did I think it was connected to peri meno/meno.
I get internal buzzing noises but from my pelvic and vagina area on and off not constantly which I find very strange and stabbing pains very infrequently over past couple of years in vagina. Must just be depletion of hormones causing diff things ! I get we are at an age where nature feels we don't need to reproduce anymore but we need these hormones to lead a quality of life its just so backward how our bodies deplete vital hormones we need!
You do so well to deal with so many symptons hunni bless you xx


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2023, 07:07:50 PM »

Just to add to the above, I also dont think I feel "anxious" to cause them when I experience them, but just having them makes me feel anxious. If that makes sense? Particularly when I wake in the middle of the night with them.

Ahh yes I totally relate to this! I could be fast asleep and be woken up from a deep.sleep due to the jittery feeling. Every morning I suffer loud heart beats like my heart is ready to burst out my chest and this can go on for up to an hour at various times but can filter into the day as palpatations. Oh the bloody joys! Not. Thank you Dotty for sharing as like you I find the anxiety coming on as a result of the above x


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2023, 08:08:28 AM »

Hello again ladies.

I just wanted to add another twist to the internal shaking scenario. I always feel much better when they stop so I believe that they create a lot of my anxiety. I have also noticed that if I have a sleepless night or just wake in the night I am always calm and the jitters never bother me. They usually start mid morning and last until the early evening.

My trusty Meno book describes these sensations as a subtle fluttering but I don't think they are subtle, I also think that I have become very sensitive to them, a bit like a pain that I expect to begin so I am waiting for it. The book also mentions a sense of unease that comes along at the same time and I can definitely agree with that!

Wishing you well ladies and take care.



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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2023, 09:02:53 AM »

Hey Kathleen

Thank you for this info yes I get the unease too! And your right as we experience these internal shakes frequently I totally relate to the waiting for these to happen! Lets just hope they do get less frequent like your book suggests I do feel mine aren't as frequent as was happening every morning for past couple of months whether they are now just calming down or whether HRT/Ads I am on are helping control who knows. Still early days for Ads so maybe the HRT. I so dislike the side effects of Ads looking at alternatives as they upset my stomach so much


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2023, 12:39:03 PM »

Just to say that l, too, suffer with  the jitters. My worst meno symptom by far. Started 11 years ago when l hit meno and have been on and off ever since. However, l can go for months without any and then they come back. I think l just accept them now and don’t worry; just distract myself and they disappear. I’m not, and never have, been on HRT, so l put it down to drops or fluctuating oestrogen levels. Touch wood, not had a bad day with them for several weeks now. Perhaps they’re gone for good 🤞


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2023, 01:18:51 PM »

I wonder if these settle in post meno?


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2023, 01:37:41 PM »

Kathleen, can I just ask, what is the memo book you mention? I have yet to find one that lists my weirdest symptoms but would dearly love to!


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2023, 01:54:30 PM »

They range from:-

- jittery "exam type" feelings in my stomach like something bad is about to happen
- jittery/shivery/fizzing feelings like whole body is shaking uncontrollably inside (like low blood sugar)
- buzzing sensation like internal bodily tinnitus that flicks on and off usually during the night (this for me is the worst)
- fluttering palpitations in chest/throat
- pounding loud heart but not fast
- ectopic beats (I hate these)

This thread has been an absolute revelation to me. I was thinking seriously of giving up on taking statins, eating dark chocolate and beetroot that I have been consuming over the last few weeks, all items I thought were causing the above symptoms. Throw in being totally stressed out with it all made the whole situation worse.

But reading this thread I find that its quite common, again like VA I had never heard of this condition.  I've been a lot better because I am more calm and accepting what's happening but I have realised that eating dark chocolate does make me buzz more, and not in a good way  ;D



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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2023, 10:21:48 PM »

Hi Ayesha,

Glad this thread has helped. I feel the same. When I try and explain most of the above to some people they look at me like I am mad, so having others who understand or can relate is such a great comfort.

It will pass. X


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2023, 04:58:26 AM »

I am so pleased so say that yesterday was the 1st day in literally 2 months that I didn't experience the jittery feeling  :) So it does pass lets hope it stays gone!


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2023, 08:26:52 AM »

Hello again ladies.

Jjumper -  I bought my meno book from a charity shop twenty years ago. I remember because I was forty eight at the time and my GP had just suggested that I needed to prepare for the menopause. At that age my periods were regular and I didn't have any menopause problems. Oh happy days!

The book is very comprehensive and at that time I hadn't experienced any symptoms and hoped I never would. I remember reading the chapter on emotional problems and not recognising a single one. Oh well, we all know how that has worked out.

Having said all that the book may still be in print or available somewhere so here are the details for you :-

Title. Menopause
Author Dr Miriam Stoppard
Publisher Dorling Kindersley
First Published in Great Britain in 1994, then again in 2001.

ISBN  0 7513 3426 X

I hope this helps you and good luck. If you track it down please let us know.

Losingtheplot - It's good to hear that your jitters have given you a break. Fingers crossed it lasts.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2023, 02:06:57 PM »

A friend lent me this book years ago, she was five years older than me and at the time I was only suffering from hot flushes and subsequently went on HRT for five years only.
On reflection I wish I had read it more comprehensively because I wasn't at the time looking to the future not realising that symptoms of the menopause can give you severe conditions right up to over 70's.

I remember it being a fabulous book, one of the very best at the time, I hope it's available somewhere for younger women to read and take seriously, education is power!


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2023, 02:52:48 PM »

This thread has been really helpful to me too 😊

When first reading I thought ‘no I don’t get that’ but now it’s just occurred to me that sometimes and it’s usually afternoon I’ve felt like I’ve had too much caffeine when I haven’t had any for hours. I feel like I’m on edge and not knowing why. So thank you, another thread to assure me I’m not going totally insane ….. yet.


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2023, 03:37:58 PM »

Bless you Torijj its just awful I get it throughout the day too makes you me think sometimes if its visible I am shaking but its all internal bloody peri meno!


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Re: Internal Jittery sensation
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2023, 07:00:56 AM »

Kathleen and Ayesha thank you so much. I will track it down!!!!! And will also report back. I’ve already read several books about menopause and i plan to continue reading anything I can - there is so little research done into women’s bodies and I agree, information is indeed power! Thank you again!
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