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Author Topic: Terrified and hysterical  (Read 3556 times)


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2023, 08:12:33 AM »

Toms get cut don't forget ;-)

Is the vomiting liquid or dry retching?  I had the latter when very anxious  >:( :-\

Do ask your GP for an anti-anxiety mediation i.e. a short course of valium (5 days) as well as to use when required.  I found Bach's rescue remedy mouth spray useful, I wouldn't think whether it worked/not once I'd sprayed.  Never needed to use another spray after the 1st.

You will be sore - what have you in the cabinet to use, i.e. KY Jelly-type to apply?


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2023, 09:06:32 AM »

That’s true!  :D

A bit of both. I know it’s just anxiety making me sick.

I do have some diazepam should the propranolol not continue to help.

It’s more period pain type cramping that I have. Just taking paracetamol.

I just wish I could calm down and be rational about the whole thing.

Thank you for your reply x


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2023, 11:08:26 AM »

I have been there. Extreme anxiety just turns my appetite off. Make sure you eat something before taking the diazepam as it'll just upset your tummy even more. Perhaps pick simple, easy to digest foods for the moment and make sure your eat regularly even if you don't feel like it. Such an awful thing to have gone through, sounds like you need to talk to someone to help process it.


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2023, 11:57:54 AM »

I'm the same, straight off my food and not eating within a few hours  :'(

Which is why I graze when ever possible ;-).  Try sitting in the shade to listen/watch the birds.


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2023, 02:24:24 PM »

I was so crippled with anxiety before the minor operation. I didn't sleep the night before, I was sick and having panic attacks. I wasn't allowed to take medication to calm myself down. In the morning I couldn't go to the hospital and rung the GP pleading to perform the operation in the surgery. They told me that I have to go to the hospital that day, nearly shouted at me. I somehow dragged myself there, had to wait for hours but I was fine when I got there and everything went well. It's awful what the mind can do to us, imagining the worst. If we could just imagine that everything will be fine instead...and usually all is well at the end x


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2023, 02:40:28 PM »

Stella2 - what triggered the anxiety  :-\.  4 me it's making arrangements then having to back out = justification  >:(   :'(

1 time I shook so badly that the 4-poster bed moved  :o

Recently I was reading a report written by Mum about Dad's stay in Hospital - that he was cold and shivering; probably anxiety attacks but no-1 realised  :'(


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2023, 03:43:27 PM »

Sorry to hear that CLKD.
I suffered from agoraphobia I guess and could not go to the buildings, use lifts, public transport, cars other than ours etc so going to the hospital seemed like an impossible task. Also health anxiety- imagining worst outcome.
I went through CBT and changed my lifestyle so I am better now.


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2023, 04:11:07 PM »

Oh Stella its awful not being able to take the medication that will help you calm down before something you are scared of isn't it. I was told by surgeon I could, then on the morning the anaesthetist said I couldn't, as it'd mess with his meds and make coming round take longer.  I was a wreck, went through with it, but it wasn't pretty. Lol looking back now tho, it took three people to get me into the little room where they put you to sleep 🙈


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2023, 04:14:16 PM »

So glad the CBT helped you. I've just finished a course of it, it has given me tools and I'm definitely more capable of more balanced thinking, but there are some things that just feel too instinctual and deep rooted that the CBT strategies just don't touch. A shame really, the therapist was lovely but I just don't feel cured as such. Health anxiety absolutely sucks.


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2023, 04:15:47 PM »

Nik2502 how are you feeling now? Have you stopped being sick? I hope you are feeling ar least a little calmer. Diazepam defo takes the edge off for me when I'm really bad xx


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2023, 04:25:46 PM »

It must have been awful Penguin. I am also not completely cured but I can now recognise patterns and triggers, and notice my thoughts and feelings. But I still don't feel safe what stems from my childhood.
Nik, I also hope that you are feeling a bit better. Hope you will get the results soon so you can start to relax xx



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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2023, 07:34:35 PM »

Even now I can travel with DH ......... otherwise  :-\.  But at least we do get out  8)

I don't do buses, trains, trams which can be limiting. 


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2023, 12:50:57 PM »

Thank you for all your replies.

I’ve been to see my GP today and she actually listened and made me feel normal!

She says the period pain and ovary pain will be from the hysteroscopy and can last a few weeks especially as mine was so traumatic. She also said they don’t lie and hide things from you!

She’s referred me for specialist health anxiety counselling. Fingers crossed the wait isn’t too long x


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2023, 04:32:33 PM »

At last you've been listened too which will help a lot.

In the meantime, how about deep breathing and stretching: when I can't sleep I start at. my toes and stretch them gently; hold, relax.  All the way up to my stomach and upwards, however I never get by my thighs B4 I'm asleep  ::)

There doesn't seem to be any joined up thinking in the NHS any more  >:(.  This is something that should have been explained to you at the investigation!!!  :bang:  It would have saved a discussion with the GP ......... mayB taking pain relief regularly will ease symptoms?


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Re: Terrified and hysterical
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2023, 04:34:45 PM »

I would also agree that they wouldn't lie and hide things from you. They have a duty of candour which means being straight with you and not telling you things are okay if they aren't. All doctors have to follow that.

Glad you are being referred for specialist health anxiety counselling. If you are flexible in how you're willing to be seen, e.g. zoom calls rather than face to face, then you may well get seen sooner. And make sure you really say how bad it is when you have your assessment, as that also may help you get seen sooner.

There's a good book too, called 'It's not all in your head' which has helped me before and you can get from amazon.

Above all, I'm glad you were listened too, so important xx
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