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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Is my hrt doing enough?  (Read 748 times)


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Is my hrt doing enough?
« on: May 17, 2023, 07:21:24 PM »

Oops. Just deleted My own post. One of those days. Again...

I am not sure things are working as they should for me hrt wise.

I am 56, still peri, natural cycle shows no sign of stopping, pms every 4 weeks without fail.  Currently on estradot 100 and mirena coil (could not tolerate utrogestan)

I have seen  some improvements in that :

My severe cyclical mood swings, are a bit better this month, given the terrifying pmdd symptoms I have had previously.
My anxiety is either improved, or the methods I use to cope are helping. Still anxiety every day, but not as bad.
My VA is helped with ovestin, nightly and sylk.
Night sweats are not as bad.
Brain fog just as bad, as are teary episodes.
Joint pain a but better.

But what is actually worsening, significantly, is my extremely low energy levels. I can only do an hour or so garden or house work and I am shattered. Given that a few months ago I was doing a full days activities, and taking two long hard walks every day, this is just so debilitating. And it seems to be getting worse.
I am mentally motivated, but physically unable to do things.

My underactive thyroid was checked in Dec and tyroxine increased to 125. Weight is creeping on too.

My energy levels were better in the 2 weeks last month prior to pms and my period week. So I assume the increase of oestrogen was taking effect.

But is this the best I can expect? Having two okayish weeks a month and two where I can barely function?

Is my hrt not working for me? Would testosterone help ? (Side effects worry me)

Any ideas ?

I do not want to come of hrt given improvements and benefits. But I feel I am living half a life. Surely I shouldn't be like this?

Rambling. Sorry but am struggling with this.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2023, 07:37:20 PM »

Oops. Just deleted My own post. One of those days. Again...

I am not sure things are working as they should for me hrt wise.

I am 56, still peri, natural cycle shows no sign of stopping, pms every 4 weeks without fail.  Currently on estradot 100 and mirena coil (could not tolerate utrogestan)

I have seen  some improvements in that :

My severe cyclical mood swings, are a bit better this month, given the terrifying pmdd symptoms I have had previously.
My anxiety is either improved, or the methods I use to cope are helping. Still anxiety every day, but not as bad.
My VA is helped with ovestin, nightly and sylk.
Night sweats are not as bad.
Brain fog just as bad, as are teary episodes.
Joint pain a but better.

But what is actually worsening, significantly, is my extremely low energy levels. I can only do an hour or so garden or house work and I am shattered. Given that a few months ago I was doing a full days activities, and taking two long hard walks every day, this is just so debilitating. And it seems to be getting worse.
I am mentally motivated, but physically unable to do things.

My underactive thyroid was checked in Dec and tyroxine increased to 125. Weight is creeping on too.

My energy levels were better in the 2 weeks last month prior to pms and my period week. So I assume the increase of oestrogen was taking effect.

But is this the best I can expect? Having two okayish weeks a month and two where I can barely function?

Is my hrt not working for me? Would testosterone help ? (Side effects worry me)

Any ideas ?

I do not want to come of hrt given improvements and benefits. But I feel I am living half a life. Surely I shouldn't be like this?

Rambling. Sorry but am struggling with this.

Hey lovely
Bless you it must be so awful feeling exhausted like this my sister gets the same. I know you already take vits and supplements and I have heard testostetone can help with energy levels. Do you have a meno specialist you could ask to be referred to? As I understand Gps won't prescribe this.
I think its worth having a discussion about and the side effects dont appear if you stay in the female range I believe  I can understand your concerns though.
Big hugs hunni as you know I am with you on the anxiety every day and that will be v exhausting for you too. Well done though if you are managing it with coping methods as that's a positive for sure. Wish I could help more hunni but not sure what else to suggest xxxx
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 07:40:21 PM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2023, 07:41:20 PM »

If you have been on this HRT for more then 3 months then it could mean it needs tweaking. The list of things that have improved are so positive but I understand why you are concerned as you have a list of symptoms which are horrible to have to deal with.

If you have been on HRT for 3 months then one option would be to discuss increasing the estradot just to see if that helps you at all. I know meno can cause fatigue and it can be difficult to know why sometimes.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2023, 07:47:20 PM »

Believe me, your support is massive to me. I don't often have practical advice for some posts, but an understanding message goes  a very long way for me.

I think I need to wait another month of the increase of oestrogen to see how it all goes. But I do feel the exhaustion is worsening, so I think something is wrong.
Possibly contacting g.p for blood test or just to discuss. I genuinely do see improvements in some areas (even if pms is back after months) but this energy thing is not feasible to live with on a mostly daily basis.

Thanks a s a always, ( do call your own Dr 're Overton  though) xx


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2023, 07:53:45 PM »

Thanks Flossie,

I have been on estradot for 9 months in total, starting at 50 and in the last month increasing to 100 to try to suppress my own cycle as pmdd symptoms were getting so very bad. So I feel it is too soon to think about another increase? (Also sore boobs and return of pms this month may indicate any higher oestrogen levels may be problematic ??)

Yes, I am pleased with improvements, even slight ones, I never expect hrt to be a total cure.But this exhaustion is not workable. It is getting worse.
Many years ago I had cfs, and This fatigue is concerning me.



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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2023, 07:55:40 PM »

Thanks Flossie,

I have been on estradot for 9 months in total, starting at 50 and in the last month increasing to 100 to try to suppress my own cycle as pmdd symptoms were getting so very bad. So I feel it is too soon to think about another increase? (Also sore boobs and return of pms this month may indicate any higher oestrogen levels may be problematic ??)

Yes, I am pleased with improvements, even slight ones, I never expect hrt to be a total cure.But this exhaustion is not workable. It is getting worse.
Many years ago I had cfs, and This fatigue is concerning me.

I agree it would be too soon to increase then. I notice it can take time for the body to adjust to an increase.

Perhaps you could arrange to have a blood test just to check all is okay there. I can understand why you feel concerned if you have had CFS.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2023, 08:05:57 PM »

Thank you.

Yes I think I will contact my g.p.  The symptoms seem endless and varying, so much so that  I sometimes think it's like when I first got peri symptoms a few years ago and thought, because of ignorance and the belief peri\meno was just a few hot flushes and periods stopped (!!!l) that it  'weak' or ''cheating' to have hrt!
Now it's just a case of trying to manage separate symptom, even as they alter, but I can't believe I should still feel so bad physically, even if I am working hard to alleviate some of the mental health stuff.  Grrr.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2023, 08:12:29 PM »

Maybe the CFS has flared and this is causing you the fatigue. I hope you can get a blood test soon.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2023, 01:11:39 PM »

Hi Sarah

Sorry I can’t offer any practical advice (really wish I could) but just wanted to know I’m thinking of you.

This really isn’t fair is it, on top of everything you really shouldn’t have to put with this horrible fatigue. As has been said going down the route of a blood test sounds a good idea.

Do try and focus on the improvements, which I know is easy for me to say, but sounds like you have got good mental coping skills and you will get there in the end.

Hugs to you xx


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2023, 01:40:09 PM »

Believe me, your support is massive to me. I don't often have practical advice for some posts, but an understanding message goes  a very long way for me.

I think I need to wait another month of the increase of oestrogen to see how it all goes. But I do feel the exhaustion is worsening, so I think something is wrong.
Possibly contacting g.p for blood test or just to discuss. I genuinely do see improvements in some areas (even if pms is back after months) but this energy thing is not feasible to live with on a mostly daily basis.

Thanks a s a always, ( do call your own Dr 're Overton  though) xx

Ahh hunni I just feel for you so much. Its just one thing after another for you. Which I can totally relate too.

I think blood tests are a good option. Hopefully you may improve after this next month. If not defo need more investigating as dealing with fatigue daily will be horrendous for you.  I have spoken to my sugery about ovestin and been told to ring a week or so.before I need next HRT as it has requested by Gp they can't put HRT on repeat.

I now have oral thrush! but hopefully antacids Gp has prescribed will calm that down. touch and maybe get an appointment booked in for a blood test to outrule anything else.



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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2023, 03:14:11 PM »

Blimey girl. Oral thrush as well? I just hope you are getting all this thrown at you all at once, and then it all goes away so you can get a deserved break from all this.
Good the drs are up on the anti acids and the ovestin. It's a right juggle with multiple symptoms and then the side affects of medications but someday we'll get there.

Have a drs appt in two weeks so I am going to monitor and note tiredness to see if again, I can see a cyclical pattern. Least boob pain has gone....but only because my period has broken through the mirena coil which up to now stopped bleeds... Honestly, you couldn't make it up could you?!

Trying to keep above it,at least my mood is okayish so I'll take that as a positive.

Thanks sweetie for checking in. Xx


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2023, 03:36:38 PM »

Yes I am hoping its all coming now and thens my lot wishful thinking. Think the oral thrush has been around for a while but with so many bloody things happening at once I will soon have a list as long as my arm for my meds and HRT but what the hell as long as it helps!
Well thats good you have a GP appointment coming up soon hunni. Like I have said many times who the hell wants to be a woman! Its like totally shite! Lets wade through this crap together and one bright day we will be symptonless or with symptoms we can tolerate.
As always I have to keep telling myself we will get there and I know you will its time your due a break xxx


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2023, 06:02:24 PM »

Hi SarahT
Could you possibly be anaemic? Are your bleeds any worse on hrt than before starting? Anaemia can creep up on you.


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Re: Is my hrt doing enough?
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2023, 06:20:20 PM »

Hiya Penguin,

Thanks for the thought. My iron count has always been low, since I was a teenager. So I have been prescribed iron tablet most of my life. My last bloods showed they were ok, but given I am still on two iron tablets a day, and my diet is pretty rich in iron I should hope so too!

But drs in a couple of weeks, yet review due then anyway.

I have had periods every 4 weeks without fail for 43 years (am 56 now). And still no end in sight.  Had the mirena coil fitted in October as I could not tolerate utrogestan, and after spotting for 3 months, I am mostly bleed free, except a light period in March, and again now.  And it is a light bleed. Maybe caused by needing to up hrt to suppress cycle... Obviously not working yet...

Am still doing a few notes just to see if I can see any pattern to all this. Am trying to stay positive, my mood swings seem a bit better, though pms is back with a vengeance. But this exhaustion is getting worse. It can't be right. More a case of just about functioning rather than living a quality of life. Even a few weeks ago I was able to do a full days activities. Now an hour and I've had it.😵

Peri is utter hell. I thought over 45 years of bad  pms I  would be rewarded with an end to periods and it would get better at last. Had no clue it could be so much worse.

Sorry. Rant. Moan. Mood could be so much worse so grateful really.

Thanks Penguin. X
