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Author Topic: Sertraline  (Read 8619 times)


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #75 on: October 29, 2023, 01:50:33 PM »

I started this thread back in May when I was in a very dark place.  Up until a a week ago I was doing great, however the last few days I have started to feel particularly low.   I always struggle in the Winter months ( lots of bad memories, family losses and the stresses of Christmas).  I need to be kept busy and stimulated, or I end up sitting worrying about my life.  I have started  a course on mental health illness, both to keep my brain activated but also to hopefully extend the small knowledge I have to help myself personally or others.
I live alone a lot as my Husband works away.   As I said I have started to feel down again,  I am absolutely terrified that I end up back to the place I was almost 6 months ago.
Was wondering if anyone else struggles in winter and what they do to help,  I am  thinking of taking Multi vitamins (especially VitD) .  Any help is REALLY appreciated

I think taking a high strength vitamin d would be great. I use a spray one (under the tongue) by BetterYou which is D3 and K2 (K2 being a co factor of D3, so good for absorption). That gives you 3000iu of D3, I'd say then check levels after Christmas. Bear in mind GP will tell you levels are normal even at low end of range and that is unlikely to be optimum level for you.

Have you thought about getting a light box to use during winter months, that can also be really helpful? I have one which slowing mimics the sun rising. It also makes it easier to get up on darker mornings! Also suggest making sure you get out in daylight in the morning.

I have the same as you, although mine involves anxiety as well. I used to love autumn but it's the time of year when my work contracts always dip for a bit, plus was when my mum first started her declining,  and is now a time when I dread as I know how I'll feel. So big hugs to you, it is so bloody hard I know xx


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2023, 02:04:41 PM »

The other thing re supplements is that there are some things you cannot take when on anti depressants. For example, 5-HTP which is good for depression, is not allowed with any ssri (which sertraline is) as it can cause serotonin syndrome. It's a shame really as it does work well, I used it for many years before I needed to go on an anti depressant for my anxiety. So please make sure you check that any supplements are okay with the sertraline too. Some of the combined mood lifting ones will either have 5-htp or St John's Wort, neither of which would be safe for you to take so please be careful x

tambourine queen

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #77 on: October 31, 2023, 03:26:43 PM »

HI Annie
Sorry that i've just seen this. I hope you're ok! I don't have this issue in Autumn/Winter but I totally sympathise with this feeling.  Do you need to tweak your dose of Setraline?  I have been having some therapy along with starting the Setraline and i had a particular kind called EMDR therapy. It is used for traumatic memories or thoughts and feelings that have got stuck and are affecting your behaviour and how you feel. I don't totally know how it works but it has really shifted some things for me that were not what i would consider traumatic in the scale of trauma, but had obviously had an affect on me at the time.  I have had 6 sessions altogether and I am sure that has helped. Its good to try to get to the bottom of anything that keeps dragging you back. I was coming to things that happened years ago but still had a hold over me.  And also I think looking for things that interest you to go and do - for me its history talks, gigs, dinner with friends, family days out - trying to build your life with things that you really value.  I don't know about supplements as i have stopped everything for now till i get used to the Setraline but i do believe without the therapy i wouldn't feel as well as i do now.
I really hope you're ok! We are here for you anytime!

Anxiety Annie

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2023, 08:07:27 AM »

Thank you ladies for the kind comments and Suggestions.

I am certainly not in the dark place that I was, I got really anxious last week as I was feeling very lonely and vulnerable, I got really worried that I was slipping back to that dark place that I hope never to return too. 

I  have been seeing a therapist, which I have found very helpful, has made me do some really deep thinking into what triggers my anxieties. 

I have started going for a walk at lunch time to get some sunlight and trying to keep my self busy and not over think EVERYTHING

As I said previously winter (particularly Christmas) is a very tough time for me.



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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #79 on: November 01, 2023, 11:49:43 AM »

Hi Anxiety Annie

Sorry to hear about your ongoing symptoms. I haven't read this whole thread though I had a quick look at your profile and your previous posts.

As this is a menopause forum when I see posts like this I am always curious as to whether women are taking HRT, or where they are in menopause.

I see from one of your posts in May I think, that you started a 25 mcg patch and Utrogestan but still experienced problems - and unfortunately did not get the replies you were probably seeking.

It would definitely have been advised to 1) increase the patch dose and see how you felt 2) consider whether the continuous progesterone could be causing some of your lingering symptoms especially negative ones. It has a sedative and sometimes depressive effect, sometimes with head fog and headaches, especially when taken all the time.

I would have said try to optimise the HRT before considering an AD - because if your symptoms are due to the hormonal changes of menopause and are farily new to you with no obvious other life reason, then NICE Guidelines do say that HRT is the first line of treatment. Of course if the symptoms do not resolve after much tweaking then of course an AD should be considered.

Not sure if tweaking of your HRT has already been suggested in the thread but do give this some thought. Even if you do have a tendency to some of these negative thoughts, the hormonal effects of menopause can mean that we are less able to overcome them, and can make us less resilient.

Great idea to get some sunshine and a walk! Hope you generally feel better soon, despite the dark evenings.

All the best

Hurdity x


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #80 on: January 22, 2024, 10:10:45 PM »

Looking for some support and found this old post. I started taking sertraline 2 weeks ago 25mg for 1 week and 50 mg  now. I feel shocking, like internal tremors ans jitters. How long did it take you to start feeling the benefits? Will there likely be an another increase in dose?
I am on hrt oestrogel and mirena coil for perimeno.
Thanks XX


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #81 on: January 23, 2024, 09:03:08 AM »

Hi Christine
I’m going to ask for sertraline too, mainly for anxiety and jitters. Scared of the sife effects but they say often you feel worse before feeling better. Maybe dial down to 25mg again?



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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #82 on: January 23, 2024, 09:28:39 AM »

Hi Christine,

Sorry to hear you're going through a hard time.

Did you feel ok on the 25mg? My daughter started Sertraline a couple of years ago, she stayed on 25mg for at least 2 weeks as she initially struggled with nausea. She gradually went to 50mg.

Just letting you know - she did settle on Sertraline and it has been a game changer for her.

Take care. X

tambourine queen

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #83 on: January 23, 2024, 09:49:19 AM »

Hi Christine
So i went straight onto 50 mg and as you can see if you read back, i felt crap for about two weeks! Wired, internal jitters, not sleeping, rushes of adrenaline. And then after 2 weeks its just kind of calmed down. I've been on them now since September, still on 50mg and i feel totally fine.  Sleep can still be a bit off but I think thats the peri rather than the drugs. I do get mad vivid dreams though. But they have totally taken the edge off all the anxiety i was feeling. i also did a bit of therapy to back things up. I am no longer on HRT as my doctor and i felt that it was making my anxiety worse as i was possibly still a bit too early to have it in terms of my own hormones.
I hope you start to just even out soon. It is so weird that there has to be this awful start to it but then its ok??? I would let it calm down and see if you feel better before you potential try something else. I have hope for you that it will be better soon.
Take good care and post anytime.


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #84 on: January 23, 2024, 11:24:12 AM »

Thanks for the kind words. It definitely gets worse, I feel like I have internal shakes and tearful this morning, but less nauseous. I know I need to ride it out to hopefully feel the benefits.
The last couple of days I've felt very sleepy to the point where I've struggled to get out of bed.
This is my 1st ever episode of severe anxiety brought on by perimenopause its making me feel so low and now off work.

tambourine queen

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #85 on: January 26, 2024, 07:11:31 PM »

Hey Christine
How are you doing now?


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #86 on: January 26, 2024, 08:00:05 PM »

Hey Christine
How are you doing now?

Thanks for the check in. Today the nausea has settled and I actually feel like eating. My sleep is all over the place I was still awake at 4am and then just kept wanting nap during the day. I've been taking it in the evening but wondering if morning would be better. Xx

tambourine queen

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #87 on: January 26, 2024, 09:20:14 PM »

I take mine in the morning. Might be worth a try. My doctor also told me to take a drowsy antihistamine at night when I was struggling to sleep in the early days. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #88 on: January 27, 2024, 11:30:27 PM »


I’m so pleased to have seen this post too, it’s comforting to see other experiences.

I was given Sertraline this week 50mg.

I’m peri menopausal and on HRT, I’ve been on HRT for about a year and a half.

I’m experiencing terrible anger and then awful anxiety, so I’ve been given this medication after talking to the nurse.

I’ve decided to take 12.5mg to introduce it slowly to my body, whilst I know this is a very low dosage I wanted to take things slowly.

This is day 2, and I take it before bed, as I cannot take with my thyroid medication.

One thing I’ve noticed and I accepted this as being normal, but the constant ringing in my ears (tinnitus) is not as loud as normal, it’s still there but definitely not as prominent.

Has anyone else experienced that?

I can’t report anything else at this stage, as I know I’m on a very very low dosage.

I’m also convinced it’s the progesterone that I cannot tolerate. I changed it to taking it vaginally, and it helped for a while but back to feeling anxious.

What other choices have I got with regards progesterone?

I used to have the coil (I think it was called  T Nova) and  I suffered with terrible mood swings and very heavy periods.

Thanks x

« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 11:37:26 PM by Peanut31 »

Anxiety Annie

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Re: Sertraline
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2024, 09:47:52 AM »

Good Morning ladies,

I started this thread back in May 2023, I was in a awful place emotionally, struggling to sleep, eat and general thrive as a person, I felt like all the joy had been suck out of me and a huge cloud of doom was permanently hanging over me.

I started on patches, then sertraline was added to my prescription. 

The first few weeks were not great at all, some days I felt brighter, then the cloud would return, on a few occasions a full force tornado  was  circulating above me.   One one particular day it was so bad I cried uncontrollably all day !

Fortunately the dark days have passed and have been gone for a few months now.  I am still taking Sertraline ( I take it at bed time) and HRT

I really hope it works out for you.  I did consider coming off (gradually) as I feel so good.  But honestly the thought of returning to that dark place fills me with dread.

Please try and keep going ......  brighter days are ahead  :)
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