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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Morning anxiety  (Read 2798 times)


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Morning anxiety
« on: May 11, 2023, 02:24:05 PM »

So I have been having awful morning anxiety waking at 3am/4am every morning for the past 8 weeks. Does this ever go away? I am just so exhausted with it now and it has me feeling so low. I get awful jittery churning feeling in my stomach followed by nausea and its starting to control my life.
I am on HRT and started Ads almost a week ago. I broke down in tears to hubby this morning as I am so exhausted and its gone on for so long.
I have beta blockers s too but don't feel these help very  much. Im now off work on sick leave as I am not coping
« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 02:25:43 PM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2023, 03:14:22 PM »

Hi sweetheart,

It's all so hard isn't it? Especially when you are doing everything you can to help yourself. Do it all right and still feel so bad. Overwhelming at times isn't it. None of us deserve this.

Whilst my sleep is broken, I am now on otc sleeping tablets to help get a better sleep. Leaves me a bit drowsy next day, so I only take half.
Not sure this would work best for you to add something else into the mix whilst your other medication is still taking to full effect.

I am glad your husband could comfort you. Also to take some much needed time off work. I'm sorry I am not much help practically, someone else is bound to offer some proper  advice. Just wanted to say hello, and sorry that it's all so shite.

Sending you a much needed hug. You aren't alone sweetie, you are listened to and cared for. Xx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2023, 03:53:38 PM »

So sorry you are suffering like this, I can only echo Sarah’s kind words to you.

I’m not much help at the moment and going through a bad few days but wanted to know I care and support you.

Trust me this will go away, everything passes and nothing stays the same, even though it is hard to believe that right now. You will come through this bad time, I’m sure of that. It’s so unfair that we all have to go through this and trying different things is all trial and error but you will get there in the end, I promise.

Sorry I can’t offer any practical advice either, but we are here for you xx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2023, 03:57:50 PM »

Ahh hello my lovely fellow sufferer hope your doing ok hunni

It is so difficult your right. I am pleased the sleeping tablets are helping you. I manage to get to sleep ok mainly out of pure exhaustion! Just other symptoms I have had seemed to have settled but not this one. Ive had to take time off work as its all hit me so hard and the mental side effects are just wearing me down with early morning wake ups.
Hoping all is well with you my hunni thanks for caring that means so much and ditto always here to help if I can big hugs xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2023, 04:20:19 PM »

So sorry you are suffering like this, I can only echo Sarah’s kind words to you.

I’m not much help at the moment and going through a bad few days but wanted to know I care and support you.

Trust me this will go away, everything passes and nothing stays the same, even though it is hard to believe that right now. You will come through this bad time, I’m sure of that. It’s so unfair that we all have to go through this and trying different things is all trial and error but you will get there in the end, I promise.

Sorry I can’t offer any practical advice either, but we are here for you xx

Hey Torijj

Ahh thank you for the kind words its just gone on for so long now and I just needed to hear someone say that it will pass hopefully sooner rather than later! Hope your bad days pass soon hunni bless you.

Take care xxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2023, 06:23:25 PM »

Hi Tori,

You still having a worse few days? Have things picked up at all for you?

I get losingtheplot. In that some symptoms begin to show some improvement, so we almost feel like we are  in a tentative ' recovery ' and then something smacks us down again so it seems relentless.

It's my pms\pmdd week again, same for you? I genuinely began to feel some of the physical peri symptoms felt less severe, and a bit more energy  which of course helps me mentally, and then, regular as clockwork, the pms kicks in. Teary, moody, totally exhausted, sore boobs the  works.

Am rereading your post to losingtheplot. That it will pass, nothing stays the same. But isn't it exhausting in every way??

Your words help us, and I hope your  own words help you too. China up ladies. Maybe next month will be even better. I think this month was better than last so will take that as an encouraging sign.
Take care xx



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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2023, 06:53:22 PM »

Well put Sarah xxxx Pleased your not as bad as you usually get at this time xxx


We are here for you hunni xxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2023, 09:41:05 AM »

I don't know what is happening to me  :'( :'( :'( I  am in floods if tears can't stop crying. Every morning I have such bad gastric issues makes me nauseous. I have had breakfast even though I didn't want any due to feeling sickly. I feel so fed up. I have recently started Ads again and one of the side effects is nausea ( I have had this before) Anyone have any tips on what I can take to stop my stomach feeling so gassy and sickly. I took a Lansaprazole tablet this morning before my breakfast and have done past 3 mornings.


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2023, 10:49:18 AM »

Early morning anxiety surges = nausea were my worst symptoms. Anytime from 3.30 a.m.  >:(

How do U take the betablockas?  For several years I had 40mg then dropped to 20mg every night to ease any cortisol surges.  As well as ADs and an emergency anti-anxiety medication.

Don't fight the tears.  If Nature didn't want us to cry she wouldn't have given us feelings.  R U able to describe the gastric feelings?  How is your diet?  Low blood sugar in the early hours may cause nausea.  I eat every 3 hours to stop those gut lurches. 



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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2023, 10:57:59 AM »

Early morning anxiety surges = nausea were my worst symptoms. Anytime from 3.30 a.m.  >:(

How do U take the betablockas?  For several years I had 40mg then dropped to 20mg every night to ease any cortisol surges.  As well as ADs and an emergency anti-anxiety medication.

Don't fight the tears.  If Nature didn't want us to cry she wouldn't have given us feelings.  R U able to describe the gastric feelings?  How is your diet?  Low blood sugar in the early hours may cause nausea.  I eat every 3 hours to stop those gut lurches.


Thanks for replying. The Gp told me to take them as I felt a panic attack coming on. Last night I woke at 12.30am so I took 2 x 10mg I usualy take 1 if I feel palpatations etc. This seemed to take edge off the early morning surge.  My gastric issues are me constantly burping to excess meaning at times I get to the stage where i start to retch. I can hear air traveling up when I burp. I am also shaking alot today outwards though not the usual internal shaking. Ive just taking 2 x 10mg Propananol hoping shaking will calm down.

I can't fight the tears they are just coming in waves upon waves  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( my diet currently is me forcing myself to eat as the nausea makes me not want food. I do eat still breakfast usually porridge or a granola with yoghurt and a camomile tea. Lunch I only manage soup and evening meal generally I manage ok.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 11:01:03 AM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2023, 12:49:14 PM »

That sounds like me in the 1990s  :'( when I thought that I would never eat again. 

Rich Tea or ginger biscuits. All day when I could.  Eating B4 may body needs energy i.e. every 3 hours really helps.

My go-2: Bovril in hot water.  Eventually I would add pre-cooked rice to make it more nourishing.  I would cook the rice mid-morning, literally holding my nose as everything made me feel worse - my gut was empty but I didn't recognise that.  That would take ages to face and begin to eat  :'(.

Hot toast. Dry.  Dunked into the Bovril when possible. The thought of butter  :-X

Mixed dried fruits and nuts to graze on.  My brain didn't equate that with food  :-\

That porridge in a packet, name escapes me.  Add hot water or milk and stir.  Also in the early days, those small packets of 'Kellogg's - most can be eaten dry so are handy when travelling or in the night for a snack, straight from the box. 

Cold, tinned rice pudding from the can.  Heated as I begin to feel better, add a dollop of jam even.   ::)

Breakfast has rarely been problematic, lunch however: my most difficult time of day.  Evening meal usually OK: chicken chopped small and stir fried: as I improve add ginger/garlic and a little veg..  Chicken is healing.  Curry too, once I begin to recover.  On a bed of rice.  Again the brain doesn't have to think about eating.

Your gut may be hungry, add to that anxiety surges and energy levels go tattas! [bye].  Tears of fear, frustration and probably a lack of energy aren't far behind. 

I have used rescue remedy mouth spray with some success too.



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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2023, 01:51:59 PM »

Ahh bless you thank you for all the info. So pleased you overcame what sounds like such a mega tough time for you.
I am veggie so no no to chicken but your right if im hungry as in my gut grumbling anxiety is so much worse.
I am not eatting out of enjoyment just as a necessity and to stop myself from feeling like I want to throw up from nausea vicious bloody circle. The nausea usually passes once the morning is over but is abit more persistent today. I just feel that all the surges have worn me down and where I wasn't depressed before I feel elements of it now! Just forced myself food shopping after having meltdown after meltdown in the house beforehand.

Please let it get easier


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2023, 02:07:31 PM »

Oh well done to go shopping!  Never go when hungry ;-).  Did U buy necessities or did you get treats as well?

It was mega and even now as soon as anxiety levels rise I stop eating even though my brain is screaming 'eat'  >:(

MayB make a list of what you will eat as well as treats, i.e. lollies, ice cream to keep hydration levels up.  The body needs proteins as we grow and age: perhaps review what proteins you get, 24/7.  Sometimes the body requires what we don't want to eat, i.e. meat or even food!  Bananas are slow release which help me.  The brain needs sustenance, out of sight out of mind! so if over all energy levels are down, depression may well kick in. 

Have U had blood tests ? diabetes ? as we shouldn't blame everything on peri-menopause. 


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2023, 03:13:45 PM »

Hi Sarah, thanks so much for asking, especially whilst you are going through a tough time. Last few days have been horrible, the black cloud just hovering although have felt a slight lift today so maybe it’s passing but it has fooled me before so we’ll see. It is soo exhausting, especially when life gets in the way too  :( Really sorry to hear your symptoms appeared, it just not fair but you are so right in that we can look forward and hope that next month will be better, as I’ve said before we will get there.

losingtheplot I wish I could give you a hug right now, I am with you in spirit. So sorry to hear you are having such a tough day. Sometimes when I have stomach issues or feel nauseous I take Silicolgel, it does seem to help. You can get it from Boots or Amazon, probably other places too. Might be worth a try? Really well done for carrying on with your diet when you are feeling so crap, that must be hard but shows how strong you are.

Ladies let’s hope this passes quick but at least we are all here for each other. Take care xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2023, 03:27:05 PM »

Oh well done to go shopping!  Never go when hungry ;-).  Did U buy necessities or did you get treats as well?

It was mega and even now as soon as anxiety levels rise I stop eating even though my brain is screaming 'eat'  >:(

MayB make a list of what you will eat as well as treats, i.e. lollies, ice cream to keep hydration levels up.  The body needs proteins as we grow and age: perhaps review what proteins you get, 24/7.  Sometimes the body requires what we don't want to eat, i.e. meat or even food!  Bananas are slow release which help me.  The brain needs sustenance, out of sight out of mind! so if over all energy levels are down, depression may well kick in. 

Have U had blood tests ? diabetes ? as we shouldn't blame everything on peri-menopause.

Big hugs hunni you sound such a strong person xxxx I love crisps so treated myself to a big bag of my fave crisps but only managed a very few with a sandwich I forced down.

I have had blood tests recently and all came back clear. The morning surges of anxiety and panic a very close friend of mine suffered and she was peri and my symptoms mimick hers. Ive never ever experienced anything like this before but I understand not all things mean peri x
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