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Author Topic: Morning anxiety  (Read 2794 times)


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2023, 03:39:45 PM »

Hi Sarah, thanks so much for asking, especially whilst you are going through a tough time. Last few days have been horrible, the black cloud just hovering although have felt a slight lift today so maybe it’s passing but it has fooled me before so we’ll see. It is soo exhausting, especially when life gets in the way too  :( Really sorry to hear your symptoms appeared, it just not fair but you are so right in that we can look forward and hope that next month will be better, as I’ve said before we will get there.

losingtheplot I wish I could give you a hug right now, I am with you in spirit. So sorry to hear you are having such a tough day. Sometimes when I have stomach issues or feel nauseous I take Silicolgel, it does seem to help. You can get it from Boots or Amazon, probably other places too. Might be worth a try? Really well done for carrying on with your diet when you are feeling so crap, that must be hard but shows how strong you are.

Ladies let’s hope this passes quick but at least we are all here for each other. Take care xxxx

Hey Lovely
Thanks for the hug a big one right back at ya xxxx
I have never heard of Silicogel before will look into it. I really hope your black cloud lifts soon I am so sure it will xxxxx stay strong you will get through it tomorow may just be the day it goes. Xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2023, 03:40:25 PM »

Hi sweetheart,

It's all so hard isn't it? Especially when you are doing everything you can to help yourself. Do it all right and still feel so bad. Overwhelming at times isn't it. None of us deserve this.

Whilst my sleep is broken, I am now on otc sleeping tablets to help get a better sleep. Leaves me a bit drowsy next day, so I only take half.
Not sure this would work best for you to add something else into the mix whilst your other medication is still taking to full effect.

I am glad your husband could comfort you. Also to take some much needed time off work. I'm sorry I am not much help practically, someone else is bound to offer some proper  advice. Just wanted to say hello, and sorry that it's all so shite.

Sending you a much needed hug. You aren't alone sweetie, you are listened to and cared for. Xx

Hope your ok hunni xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2023, 03:59:55 PM »

Ah thank you, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you too xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2023, 06:52:17 PM »

Hiya losingtheplot and Tori,

I am sorry you are both having bad dips again. Great advise about what to eat or take  when nausea hits. It must  be awful to awaken with that when it's hard sometimes to face a new day when times are tough. Crisp are a great treat for me too, but let's keep that  between ourselves....

Tori, I feel so much for you. It seems we are on a similar wavelength atm. That black cloud feels so heavy I know. You do  an amazing lift for us, promising us it will get better, and I hope you can see that for yourself too Tori. We know we are having to live with these inconsistencies, and that is hard. But it will pass, but I understand how bad it is to  believe when we are in the huge dips down.

Thanks for asking losingtheplot, I have been a bit reflective today, pms, which pissed me right off. My natural cycle is showing no signs of stopping, every 4 weeks without fail. Am trying to count the positives, the last couple of weeks have felt physical improvements, and slightly better moods. So I should be happy.
But at the age of 56, after 43 years of pms, I just want it to stop. I feel dragged down with it all. Instead it is so very much worse. Having to continually up my hrt to try to cease my own cycle,seeing my friends don't ever even have to think about all this hormonal crap, as they went through mostly symptomless peri and meno many years ago, and right now I am struggling to accept it. It's relentless, I just can't see an end.

I know in a few days I will lift a bit, and just carry on, until the fucking pms or pmdd kicks in again, as it will, as it has for 43 years. Sorry my lovely ladies, my support group who yourselves go through so much, it's just a shite few days for all of us.

Roll on the better days.

But hugs to you both. Xx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2023, 07:45:25 PM »

Big hugs Sarah much love to you xxxxxx I  am not coming back as a bloody woman thats for sure!
Its hitting us all hsrd lately what goes down must go up so lets hope up happens soon for us all !!!! Xxxx


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2023, 08:26:03 PM »

I was advised by NAPS to eat every 3 hours, 24/7 to counteract the low blood sugar which may cause sudden anxiety surges with nausea.  It took a while - about 3/4 months - to get into a habit as well as eating B4 my body requires energy.  Grazing works and I never put on weight as I wasn't eating any more than my 'usual'.

I have grabbed 'Kwells' years ago though they caused intense drowsiness, anything to stop the nausea.


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2023, 07:38:04 AM »

So do you get up during the night to eat? This morning I haven't felt the panic and anxiety has been almost not there!!!! :) But my gastric issues still there. This morning I grazed on 2 biscuits at 4am after taking a Lansaprazole tablet things didnt seem as bad with the nausea stomach was still gurgling etc. I also get very loose stools every morning so not sure if I have a touch of  IBS. Things have settled now and its hunger pangs.

I am going to buy some of that gel Tori Thank you for telling me about it hopefully it helps settle my tummy.

I am also taking a few diff things at min
Propanonol tablets not capsules
Msm capsules
Ashgawandha capsules
Multi vits

So maybe my stomach is struggling due to above. I think Ads have a big part to play as play havoc with nausea till side effect goes


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2023, 08:02:21 AM »

Morning.   I think that your gut is empty = anxiety surges.

What is msm and Ashgawandha?  It may be that you R taking too much of a mix.

ADs may cause nausea for the first couple of weeks which is why I couldn't tolerate many in the 1980s  :-\

Get some Rich Tea down you! ;-)


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2023, 08:09:54 AM »

Morning.   I think that your gut is empty = anxiety surges.

What is msm and Ashgawandha?  It may be that you R taking too much of a mix.

ADs may cause nausea for the first couple of weeks which is why I couldn't tolerate many in the 1980s  :-\

Get some Rich Tea down you! ;-)

Msm is pure sulphur capsules to help with joint pains, skin, hair and nails.
Ashgawandha is herbal capsules to help with stress.

The thing is I only experience this nausea/ gastric issue on a morning not throughout the day


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2023, 11:40:49 AM »

That's when it hits me  :-\ .  Sometimes as I wake, not always as early as years ago.  Thank goodness!  I keep Rich Tea biscuits by the bed on an in case basis, to nibble in the early hours when I am unable to sleep. 

How R U feeing this morning?

Does the Msm ease pains etc.?


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2023, 12:09:05 PM »

That's when it hits me  :-\ .  Sometimes as I wake, not always as early as years ago.  Thank goodness!  I keep Rich Tea biscuits by the bed on an in case basis, to nibble in the early hours when I am unable to sleep. 

How R U feeing this morning?

Does the Msm ease pains etc.?

Ahh bless you its just so bloody awful isnt it? Thank you for asking.
Ive only been taking msm for 10 days and I do actually feel they are helping I don't feel as stiff and joints don't feel painful usually lower back and hips ache badly.
It could be the HRT helping too as only been on this for 1 month but was so fed up of feeling like crap I added other supplements in.
I will keep biscuits handy beside my bed.  I feel loads better stomach settled after having breakfast a cheeky croissant and a cup of tea. I haven't enjoyed food for months probably since Jan! I've lost loads of weight.
I'm currently sitting in the sun in the garden 1st day in just over a week I feel abit more positive and not an emotional wreck think Ads might be helping as I am a sufferer of depression. My dad has bi polar and schizophrenia with bouts of depression so I do feel I will need these for life. 
How are you today hunni?.


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2023, 01:39:51 PM »

OK tnx.  Wide awake in the early hours  ::) - then slept, waking suddenly at 8.20.  Breakfast, cuppa, light lunch and now a banana  8)

Loss of oestrogen may cause laxity of muscles = aches and pains so the HRT may kick in to ease your symptoms.  Too cold to sit outside here  :o


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2023, 02:44:15 PM »

Bless you. Was 3.45am when I woke then the nausea and gastric issues started! Never went back off! Took dogs for a walk. Could well be the HRT. I am on Sandrena gel for 14 days and just finished utrogestan 2 x 100mg capsules after 12 days not sure if they are causing some gastric side effects too! Not doing 14 days just in case back on gel today


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2023, 06:53:01 PM »

Do I get up to eat in the night: if I'm bored, yes.  However, I do have a supper: last night freshly made bread with butter. Some nights it's Jacobs with butter or a bowl of live yoghurt with raspberry jam.  Usually I wake if my body is hungry  ::). Last night I simply couldn't sleep having got up to P  :D


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Re: Morning anxiety
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2023, 08:18:52 AM »

Hi Losingtheplot
Was thinking about you and the timing/ order of your morning anxiety. Estrogen is lowest at night, and from my understanding if your body isn't producing enough from your ovaries, then your adrenals get involved and try to make up the difference. They don't produce much bur they can produce some apparently. So you could have a combo of low estrogen at night plus a shot of cortisol which gives you the morning feeling. I had the same just over a year ago including the nausea that was in the morning. I think part of the nausea was that once I was awake and with whatever surges were going on, my empty tummy wasn't happy. I had a small snack, then moved around a bit, even just some yoga stretches to try and get rid of the cortisol and it started to calm down.
Also, are you making sure you are eating with your supplements? And you could probably try spacing them out?
I really feel for you, the morning anxiety is dreadful. I still feel worse in the morning and better throughout the day but not as bad in the morning as I did so something must have shifted.
Finally, and I realise this isn't everyone's thing, but I also see a homeopath,  have done for years. She made up a remedy specifically for the adrenals which I took when I woke up and felt like that, am sure you could get similar from helios the homeopathic pharmacy x
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