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Author Topic: Is this brain fog?!  (Read 2548 times)


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Is this brain fog?!
« on: May 10, 2023, 09:55:40 PM »

I’m a newbie here and already feel comforted by so much information and supportive posts… thank you  :)

I’m 50 and I’ve been on hrt for only 3 weeks after I had what I believe was a menopausal panic attack out of the blue. No idea why- I was pretty chilled at the time.

My whole left side went numb and wobbly, I couldn’t breathe properly, my eyesight went dark at the edges… I honestly thought I was having a stroke.

I’d already been prescribed hrt - evroel conti 50 patches as I’d been suffering from hot flushes for a few months - but I resisted starting, after reading the leaflet, as I’d also just been diagnosed with a fibroid….

Anyway after that ‘attack’ I thought I’d give it a go… and ever since that I’ve still felt completely disconnected from the world. Like I’m sort of in the matrix?

I’m aware of everything that is actually happening and I can do everything I need to but it feels like I’m just an imposter living in this world. Like my head is full of cotton wool?

This usually starts about 9/10 am and is accompanied by really noticing eye floaters. Today I could almost see my pulse in my eyes. Later in the day- usually when resting it seems to go away.

Feel a bit like I’m going mad. Is this what they call brain fog? Any advice welcome. I’m due to see my gp for a follow up in 2 weeks

Thanks :)


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2023, 06:38:16 AM »

It sounds like you have reacted to the medication  ::) - how is your diet overall?  Low blood sugar can bring on panic attacks and HRT may cause fluctuations. 

Brain fog can range from forgetting names, feeling 'strange'; we have a thread, 'doing stupid things' so it's common .

50 mayB a little too high a dose initially, mayB put 'everol Conti 50' into the search box to see what pops up?  Make notes ;-)


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2023, 06:50:24 AM »

Hi Jeanjeanie. Have you had a panic attack before? I'm a little concerned as my ex husband recently had similar symptoms to you and as he was at work his boss called an ambulance, even though it only lasted ten minutes, leaving him feeling fatigued and 'not quite there'. He'd had a TIA (mini stroke). The numbness on only one side plus vision changes were the important pointer. Do you know your blood pressure readings? The consultant said that many people put their symptoms down to stress or panic and dont realise that they are actually a warning. Sorry, don't want to worry you unnecessarily.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2023, 08:18:41 PM »

That crossed my mind too  :-\   How have U been today?


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2023, 08:57:37 PM »

This for me can be a completely natural response to a panic attack, more so if it was your first one. Scary stuff. Your cortisol rises in the morning which can trigger anxiety which again can make you very aware of ever body sensation. My floaters are very noticeable the more stressed I get. Just be kind to yourself and let your body get over the shock of what you went through.


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2023, 03:51:10 PM »

Thanks all.
I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure and it seems relatively normal. I’m having blood tests done tomorrow.

Weirdly I’ve always suffered with tension headaches and migraines but since that episode I’ve not had any.

Today when the floaters started- mid morning, I decided to hell with it and took one of my migraine tablets- and it seemed to calm it down a bit. I have a very physical job which I don’t think helps.

Feeling very emotional and scared. My doctor basically laughed when I asked about stroke/TIa. But I have tingling in my calves which I’ve never had before - she said that was probably the hrt


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2023, 06:41:24 AM »

I'm glad you're getting things checked. The reason I mentioned TIA was because your numbness was only on one side.  Of course this can also be a sign of one of the various types of migraine so maybe this is what it was? 

Normal floaters are not usually anything to worry about but I had mine checked at the opticians when I seemed to have an ncrease. I found it reassured me especially the scan they do nowadays. Let us know how you get on.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2023, 07:01:05 PM »

Thanks Taz
I’m thinking now it may have been a different type of migraine. I’ve got to a similar feeling the past few days but without going ‘full blown’ like before and I’ve taken a migraine tablet again and the symptoms have eased. Which I find odd but vaguely reassuring!

Went and had my eyes tested and did that extra scan like you mentioned- absolutely fine … so like so many of us on here… we persevere!!! Lol
Thanks for your support- means a lot


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2023, 11:17:43 PM »

I'm glad you've had the eye test and hope it's put your mind at rest a bit. Migraines can vary so much from person to person and there are different types. I'm not sure if you've seen this site Lots of info clearly set out. Perseverance is the key!  ;D

Taz x


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2023, 08:42:43 AM »

Hi there!

I haven't suffered these things at the same time but for about 18 months I have occasionally woken up in the night with a completely numb leg or arm. It happened once when I was in bed but aware and I went to get out of bed and fell over because my leg was numb. I was absolutely terrified and thought I was getting some sort of neurodegenerative disease. I was frightened everywhere I went for days in case i just fell over and couldn't get up. I didn't happen again for a while and I gradually put it to the back of my mind. When I started researching menopause for other reasons, I learned that numbness is actually a symptom of menopause. I'm pretty sure now that this is why I sometimes wake up with something numb, and it's only ever been on one side and doesn't seem related to how I've been lying. It's as though my body just picks an area to go numb!

I have also suffered from migraines since being a teenager and I have medication for it. Despite that, in times of stress or anxiety, or being very tired I can still have one. When I have one coming on, I find my warning signs include my vision going dark around the edges. I just feel like I can't see properly, and if i'm in a public place I find everything seems far too loud and too bright which can make me feel panicky because it's so unpleasant, but it's just a warning that I need to drink a pint of water and get some rest.

I think having both of these things happening together would terrify me, so I can understand how you felt. Hopefully the HRT will help, i'm on Evorel Conti 50 too and i'm on my second month now. I've had one instance of numbness in the first week but none since. Blessedly I haven't had migraines since but I think headaches are a common side effect of starting HRT so not necessarily anything to worry about unless they are severe or don't settle down. Keep taking your tablet as soon as you notice anything and fingers crossed in a week or two you might not get the symptoms of one coming on. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Hope you feel reassured by all the comments. xxx


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Re: Is this brain fog?!
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2023, 07:46:49 PM »

Wow- silverberry- I often suffer with numbness too! Often have woken up in the middle of the night with complete numb arm or leg. I also get parathesia on the outside of my left leg- now thinking this has all been part of peri.

I’ve been to migraine trust and they think it may have been a ‘silent migraine’ and your description of the ‘darkness’ is certainly familiar! So thinking my hormones had almost reached a ‘new low’ if that makes sense as I hadn’t started the hrt at that point.

The evorel seems to have started making a difference. My internal temperature feels like it’s gone down a few notches which is a godsend. And the strange feelings and eyesight problems have calmed down a bit. So I’m thinking it was poor old body trying to get used to the input of new hormones?

Thanks for all your support ladies!!  :)