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Author Topic: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?  (Read 692 times)


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Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« on: May 09, 2023, 09:12:07 AM »

Just a question...I wondered re the absorption of utrageston...if I am not absorbing it properly would I have a show occasionally? My womb lining has increased too by 2mm...but it's a four week wait for gynae to get back to me apparently and doctor wouldn't comment in if I should decrease my HRT estrodot from 50. (Increased it October tine) and in utrageston 100
I am 57, and was on mirena for 20 years or so with no period.  Doc won't put it back..took it out in 2019 (run its course) , as says women my age don't have it, it's unheard of (obviously never googled it or been on meno websites)


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2023, 10:16:33 AM »

Hopefully some1 will be along, in the meantime put 'mirena coil' into the search box to see the threads that pop up.

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 11:34:46 AM »

I’ve only been on HRT since last July . I was on Evorel conti but kept having a bleed ( I’m post menopausal) was all checked out by gynae in Jan and fine , so tried Evorel patch and Utrogeston and now bleeding occasionally on that , been told it takes up to 6 months for it to settle down . My GP has recommended the Mirena coil and I’m going to go ahead as it’s better for absorption where you need it I’m 61 and a first time user , so hope that helps with my reply


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2023, 05:21:29 PM »

I hope the mirena works for you.  I think I am post meno but my doctor won't consider the mirena 😩 I might ask for a second opinions..mind you took me 3 weeks to get the last appointment and THAT was after my scam when they said I should see the doctor in a week's time!
I have been on estrodot plus utrageston for 3 years altho only on 50 estrodot since October.  And have had shows throughout that time, and cost the NHS as I've had to have scams each time 😮😩


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2023, 08:37:50 PM »

You can definitely have another Mirena fitted in post menopause 0 your GP needs to do his/her homework.  If it worked well for you before, then have another fitted and use Oetsrogel or oestrogen patches alongside. DG x


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2023, 05:17:58 PM »

My doctor practise seems very ill informed re HRT ..and yes a make doctor tried to put me on anti depressants a few years ago .  I had another lecturing me about HRT and what a risk I was putting myself at by going on it.  I can't get appointments and tbh could cry as I seem to be banging my head against a brick wall.  It's so demoralising and frustrating


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2023, 05:53:53 PM »

Your GP needs to do his/her homework and read the NICE guidelines. I once had a GP tell me I'd be seeing the oncologist very soon if I stayed on HRT!!!!!!!!

Look up the NICE guide lines up - they may be on this site somewhere - print the relevant stuff off and take it to the next GP appointment (if you can get one) and ask for a referral to either a menopause clinic or a gynaecologist.   Antidepressants have some nasty side effects and I believe can even hasten dementia in some cases.
HRT is essentially a supplement with many benefits including : lower risk of bowel cancer, reduces the onset of heart disease, protects bone density, joints and muscles, helps to maintain the immune system and that's not counting maintenance of good sleep, energy, cognitive abilities etc. The benefits far out way the risks. There is a tiny increased risk of breast cancer if on HRT beyond the age of 60 for some women but alcohol and smoking give a much higher risk of breast cancer.

I personally believe doctors should be reported for negligence if they don't give appropriate treatment for menopause symptoms. They swear to 'do no harm'. Dishing out antidepressants instead of HRT is actively going against NICE guidelines. The only exception is if a women has a close family relative who has had breast cancer and even then it needs to have been oestrogen related breast cancer. Not all breast cancer is oestrogen related, in fact, women who have had a hysterectomy have a reduced risk of BC if using oestrogen and there are some forms of BC that are now treated with oestrogen.

I could go on and on with my anger over the poor treatment so many women receive. My rant over.....for now......... DG x


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2023, 08:20:15 AM »

Thank you so much..and yes I will look at the NICE guidelines.  None of the doctors I've seen at my surgery seem very receptive to listening ...the good ones have either left or never have appointments.  I've not seen any doctor I know for well over a year..and I don't know the ones I've seen..they seem to come and go so may be supply doctors..if there's such a thing .

I'm not a hypochondriac but just want to be ok and fine in I used to be. I eat healthily, exercise and am a healthy weight but physically and mentally am not "right"...and don't want to feel like this.

We want to live our best lives ladies!


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2023, 09:06:22 AM »

Never underestimate the negative effect the menopause has on us. Intelligent, highly capable, women can become a mess when meno hits. Sadly I had to go privately to get the help I needed. I'm afraid 'quality of life' issues are not a priority for the NHS and women will never get the help and support that men get.

I still do a bit of freelance work which helps to keep me relatively sane. I do house viewings for a local estate agent which subsidises my state pension; I meet lots of people and work with a lovely team. I personally find the pressure of looking after elderly parents while still supporting our adult children in various ways makes stress levels difficult to manage. Of course, a hundred years ago you were lucky to live long enough to go through the menopause anyway - it's a relatively modern problem and governments want us to continue working and contributing to society while feeling absolutely rubbish.

See if you can find a menopause clinic anywhere near you or if your can afford at least one appointment with a private gynae then go for it - but do your research and find one who specialises in treatment of meno.

Good luck DG xxx


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Re: Spotting if utrageston not absorbed?
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2023, 01:43:52 PM »

Hi Phebe22,

I’m really sorry to hear what you’ve been going through and I can identify with the reaction that youve had from your GPs as there is a female GP at mine ( the only female) who is blatantly anti HRT and told me I was putting myself at risk by taking HRT. I don’t see her anymore. Is there any way you can change surgeries?

I am also 57 and have also had breakthrough bleeding. I’m on utrogestan and also Evorel 75 and have been on HRT for 18 months. I’ve had two scans in that time and two hysteroscopies. I am still none the wiser as to why I’m bleeding, but have been told that sometimes it can happen….which isn’t really helpful.

You are always entitled to scans if your symptoms advise that you need one. Your lining isn’t thick at 2mm. You can get a mirena coil fitted again, if you want one, especially as you’ve had it before and got on well with it. I have had one twice and would have had it again, but unfortunately due to my fibroids it isn’t recommended. Please push for getting one fitted.  I have a friend who had her first mirena coil at 60 on HRT. They really are behind the times at your practise, I’m afraid.