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Author Topic: Uterus biopsy negative but a little bleeding 3 weeks on - should I be concerned?  (Read 1058 times)


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On top of a load of other things going on for me lately, I had a pelvic scan recently (NHS) and it was discovered my uterus lining was 11mm. At a two week referral appointment, the consultant told me for post menopause on hrt they allow up to 10mm and suggested a biopsy.  This came back negative thankfully and just told me to carry on with hrt as normal.  I was warned I may get some bleeding/cramping for a few days after the procedure but I did not.  It is now over 3 weeks since the biopsy procedure and the last 2 or 3 days there has been a little bit of bleeding, little bits of something coming away.  Should I be concerned in any way as I have had a biopsy and nothing untoward was revealed? Just wondering why this should happen over 3 weeks later. Could the lining be trying to come away as it is thickened?
Along with some nerve pain in arms and tight feeling throughout the body, I have been feeling generally under par, with shakes/tremor/slight chills and just can't get to the bottom of it as yet. :(
Btw I'm on 2 pumps oestrogel and 100mg Utrogesan daily.


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Could it be a mild infection from the biopsy given it's awhile after? Maybe something came away as part of that. If you're getting chills etc I'd speak to the gp on Tuesday in case you need antibiotics x


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Thank you for your response Penguin - a lot of these symptoms I was having prior to the biopsy (apart from the little bit of bleeding).
All very confusing but hopefully I will get to the bottom of it soon! x


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I thought the lining was supposed to 4mm so I'm surprised 11mm is considered OK? With this thickness I'd consider bleeding to be a good thing. Perhaps I'm wrong but I'd be asking for ways to thin it.


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Thanks Shiela, yes I think I will ask for ways to thin it.  The strange thing is I had a private ultrasound scan 3 weeks prior to the NHS one because I wasn't sure when the NHS one was going to come through, and was told by the Ultrasound Direct Sonographer that my lining was 3.8!! I was shocked when the NHS sonogropher said it was 11!! Who was right will remain to be seen but the NHS obviously sent me for the Biopsy.


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I was told over 4mm if on hrt you need a biopsy. I had slight bleeding 18mths ago and lining was just over 4mm so they did a biopsy it came back normal. I then had bleeding again this year they did another biopsy even though lining was ok and the biopsy came back abnormal. I was seen by specialist 4 days later and told precancerous cells and recommended full hysterectomy everything removed. I had the hysterectomy 6 weeks after biopsy it’s now been 5 weeks and it’s all been all but of shock. I’ve had to stop all hrt when I got results of the biopsy and waiting at my 6 week check if I can go back on it. Don’t leave things if something isn’t normal I nearly didn’t tell my Gp as previous was ok.


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I had a hysteroscopy with biopsy in January after two scans showing a 10.5 mm lining. I'm at the Chelsea and Westminster clinic and the consultant said that one scan of up to 10 mm on hrt is tolerated, they sent me for the biopsy because I had two in a row.
My biopsy was fine and because I had been on sequential utrogestan until then, I deceided to go onto daily continuous utro to avoid that level of thickening again. I bled nearly every day from then until a few very days ago, sometimes quite copiously and literally only in the last few days have stopped - for now at least.