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Author Topic: Lenzetto and vertigo  (Read 2837 times)


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2023, 01:58:55 PM »

Who is away?


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2023, 02:31:27 PM »

Hells Bells friend.


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2023, 02:57:10 PM »

Ah.  ......... I must keep up  8)


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2023, 03:29:33 PM »

Hi Sarah,
Well I am taking supplements, but I have to use systemic HRT. In the 4 days I was off it, the bladder issues returned ( as I know they would). I’ve gone back to my 75 patch and added a bit of gel to the mix today. M

I’ve got to sort my life out. I need a new job for one and probably need to do something totally different now.

God it’s unbelievably rubbish all of this Sarah  :-\

How are you? Xx


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2023, 06:42:32 PM »

Hey Nas,

Rubbish doesn't come close to all this does it? You are trying so hard to find a dose that suits you. I just hope some of the supplements will help. As always, they can take a bit of time to improve symptoms, and with crappy hormones, patience is one of the first things to disappear on this bloody rollercoaster.

But if you are doing some lifestyle changes and looking into a new job that sounds positive... Maybe not in  a biscuit factory given your
sugar cravings... Time for some changes, maybe a job you have always wanted to do - is that feasible? We all  need to slog away to make ends meet but not many are able to follow a different more satisfying direction. Possible now for your home life?

Nas. Where's that magic wand?🤔

Am okayish. Which feels odd.I do feel the increase to 100 is what my body needed. Still irritable and anxious, but some of the physical symptoms have improved a bit, and I have a referral for counselling to work on the cyclical moods and anxiety... Can't go through a month like I had last. Scary stuff.
So feel tentatively optimistic but that  devil stays on my shoulder whispering that its all going to crash down like it always does.

Onwards and upwards girl. Hard as it seems at times it will get better. 😘

The hugest hug to you. Still glad to have you along for the Rocky ride.



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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2023, 06:59:07 PM »

Ah thanks Sarah..
It is just so rubbish all of this and time consuming too! Why is it so hard? I mean, are we seriously expected to know what bloody dose of HRT to take??

No chance of a job in a biscuit factory. I’d eat all the products and be promptly handed my P45! The truth is, I don’t know what job to go for next. I’m so up and down mood wise and some days, like literally I hate people! Can’t be arsed with small talk, being nice or smiling!

Let’s hope the 100 works its magic for you Sarah. The counselling could be a good release too. Those cyclical moods sound scary for you.

Hormones are so misunderstood and far more research needs to go into understanding the impact of declining hormones in my view. Especially during peri when  the fluctuations seem hourly!

Here we go again then.. Urggh Sarah.. I just want to get off the rollercoaster right now  :-\


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2023, 07:12:15 PM »

Nah. Just need to tighten the seatbelt on that rickety old rollercoaster... It just can't go on forever Nas.

I get the can't be arsed given interact with people sometimes, let alone talk nice with them. I stomp off for a walk, taking a route where I am virtually guaranteed not to see anyone else. Bunny rabbits and skylarks are the only type I tolerate on my mood walk. I know it's bad when my bewildered husband kindly suggests maybe I might fancy a little walk. Wouldn't blame him if he changed the locks once I've gone out some days....😂

You're down but you know you'll be up again. ( oh. Breaking into Yazz now)  You've been right when you have reassured me of this, ups always follow the downs. And don't forget you are working on some good changes already. That right there is a positive.😍


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2023, 10:58:21 AM »

Hey Sarah,
Thanks for your  kind and amusing message 😊

Jeeze, I feel like death today. So so tired and lethargic. Like a wilting plant almost. I’ve tried to water my wilting plant body by putting my 100 patch back on, but I don’t even know if this to what my body needs! Maybe it needs to sleep for a long time!

I like the idea of a mood walk. Your husband sounds very patient and kind. My partner is totally bewildered by my moods and actions these days. He thought once hrt was in the mix, that would be it, old version of me would magically appear. WRONG!!!

I like Yazz.. think that needs to be the new 🎶 🎤🎤🎶🎶

How are you today? X
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 11:03:30 AM by Nas »


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2023, 11:06:58 AM »

I have not taken theLenzetto for two days now would it be out of my system and should the side effects have stopped?


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2023, 03:07:40 PM »

Hey Nas, I never said my husband wasn't bewildered though. 😂 If I didn't feel so Crap I would feel extra sorry for him too! But he's a good boy. He often says he misses the old me (so do I) but I am now definitely a new me with all the irrationality peri brings. Still, we all change in life, who knows  how I would be at this  stage in life even without peri??

Yeah.mood walks, are a a safety valve for me. I think my angry teary vibes probably shout Do Not Approach even if I was to come across a human... A decent walk is good for .my mind, body and soul. Costs are nowt too!

Your wilting body getting enough vitamins too, along with biscuits? I swear little changes, little steps all add up.

My mood dipped this morning, but touch wood, reasonable. Hope my Jekyll gets beaten down by my Hyde. ( brain fog, Hyde was the good side ???)

Between us as can warble through an entire stack of 90's  music. Yazz did have fab spiky hair I recall.. Sigh. We'll get there babe, we deserve it. Xx



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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2023, 12:42:17 PM »

Hey Sarah,
How's it going?
Today started well, but has gone down the pan rapidly.
I don't know WHAT my body needs or wants.
Does it need oestrogen? Does it not?
Bring on YAZZ!


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2023, 01:08:39 PM »

Sorry to hear you are suffering so much.  I do hope it passes soon.  I had quite bad nausea and some dizziness in the first month or so which the Consultant said was not unusual.


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2023, 03:33:40 PM »

Hey Nas....
Pretty good today. I think since I upped the patch to 100 I feel a bit more stable, and no nasty side affects. Pain joint improved, so I feel tentatively okayish. But am scared to say that because like you I am certain its going to crash again...  I am scared of the pms\pmdd but trying to enjoy each decent day. I swear I've forgotten how I ever was before all this Crap began. So sometimes I don't even know what normal is anymore if that makes sense??

What does your g.p have to say about yourself? Can you come off hrt and treat each symptom separately??  Your experiences on hrt don't seem to be giving you any stability lately.  Can the bladder be treated on its own and maybe some anti depressant\ anxiety meds??

Yazz!!! Where are you when we need you !!

Come on Nas, we can do this.... Because we are bloody amazing😁


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2023, 03:51:03 PM »

Hells Bells did your friend continue with Lenzetto or use something else. I am considering Femseven oestrogen only but cannot find any opinions on this.


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Re: Lenzetto and vertigo
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2023, 03:57:24 PM »

Hells Bells did your friend continue with Lenzetto or use something else. I am considering Femseven oestrogen only but cannot find any opinions on this.

She is doing so well with other symptoms she is going to persevere - for how long I don't know.
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