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Author Topic: Feeling low hormonal?  (Read 7591 times)


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2023, 11:17:09 AM »


That was a perfect post you sent. Sums it all up. On the good days we know it will pass...but outhouse had days we just can't seem to fight through it all.
It's all about us learning and accepting, but I am still so angry and was we feel like this. I just hope it will get better. Today, a good day, I feel it can.

A thoughtie is inept a that really does reassure me. Written that down, just as a prompt.

The understanding and support we all manage to give is on some days what keeps me going, along with a fab husband.
Thanks, take care xx

Hi Sarah, thank you, I’m glad I have helped you and that you are having a good day today. Sending hugs, take care xxx


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2023, 11:40:25 AM »

Hi losingtheplot, I’ve not been on here a few days but just found your thread, and just wanted to say, I know how you feel. I have days where everything just feels too much and I even sometimes feel like I wish I didn’t have anyone else to take care of but then a few days later I’m so glad they are there and I start to feel ok again. There is a saying ‘a thoughtie is not a naughty’; when we are mentally exhausted we can have strange thoughts, it’s just what happens but it’s just due to exhaustion and not how you really feel. I think it’s just a sign that you need to really do everything you can to take care of yourself and let others know how you feel so they can help you too. I really think we all feel this way sometimes. Just know you will get through this time and you are strong: you are on here, working on this, finding ways to figure things out, finding your way through. Keep posting, we are here for you. Xxxx

Thank u Katherine your reply made me cry as your so right. I do feel mentally drained by all the ups & downs and an emotional wreck most days. But I love my family and have an almost teen son who needs my support but I have so much happening to me last few years this overwhelms me.

I tell him to lean on his dad for things too. He prefers to come to me though.

This means alot to know you are all here to listen and offer advice  same goes right back at you. The part that scares me though is when I have suicidal thoughts  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( as I sincerely hope it never gets to that ever. The thoughts aren't there all the time but are like a escape route for me and this morning the fight or flight thoughts were on suicide as a release.  So I feel I must go back on Ads for this reason albeit it be a low dose to start with.  The thoughts are more intense today and seem to be coming in waves and I've had Utrogestan for the 1st time last night. Connection possibly or would it take longer for a side effect like this? Still very earlier on the HRT regime and tying Ashwagandha to help me with stress/anxiety and like all meds/herb supplements takes time to work.  I just want more better days than not better days like we all do.  I am sorry you also have periods of feeling like I do hunni - its so bloody hard isn't it?

I am going to look at ways to de stress my mind and body as focus on that and I am going to look into CBT as I do feel I need coping strategies when my mind is overthinking!

Hi lovely, I’m really glad my post helped you. I’m sorry to hear you are having suicidal thoughts, Again remember these are only thoughts, you’re not going to do anything because they will pass the same as distressing feelings always do, they are always temporary, so during this time it’s really important to really look after yourself and take steps to release as much pressure off yourself as you can.

 I feel like your son is old enough now to understand that his mum is feeling unwell and needs to rest and relax just like she would if she had flu. I think it is sensible to try ads if you think they will help and I think you would benefit from therapy too.

 I have had all of the feelings that you have had and so I can reassure you it will pass, but please take the steps to look after yourself, you must be the priority while you feel like this.

I think it’s unlikely to be caused by utrogestan as you were already feeling low, but I would monitor how you feel on it as you go along. I am your age and take 100mg 25 days a month and that is perfect for me, it does help with sleep, so I think you will benefit from it, you may need to adjust your dosage but just see how you go. Don’t worry because if you need to you can stop taking it or adjust your dosage.

I would keep a diary of how you feel and what you are taking each day and what you have been doing and you will see patterns of what makes you feel low and then You can adjust as necessary.

I hope all this helps, I’m sending you a big hug xxx

Thank you Katherine xxxx

I don't want to burden my son as he is a worrier bless him and I feel he has enough going on with puberty etc - he is quite self sufficient in a lot of ways - trying to teach him to be independent. 
I am just so up and down - had a wobble before as I am on my lunch at work and felt panic attack coming on and was so close to tears in the staff canteen!!
I appreciate you reassuring me this will pass but I do think I have an element of depression although not full blown as I am not enjoying food now either and haven't for a while and I am forcing myself to eat otherwise I get nausea and my stomach growls with hunger which also stresses me out!  I am sorry that you also get these moments seems to be very common.
I have called for a GP appointment and earliest is 17th May.  As I have been prescribed these Ad's previously and there was mention of them in the recent consultations I have asked Receptionist if GP could prescribe them without seeing me.  So waiting to hear about that.  Incidentally the panic attack arose due to me trying to sort something out for a family member to what was something straight forward ended up being stressful!!!   I am so close to literally just locking myself away in the house and letting everything crash down around me as what is the flipping point!

« Last Edit: May 02, 2023, 12:03:34 PM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2023, 12:50:07 PM »

Hi losingtheplot, I’ve not been on here a few days but just found your thread, and just wanted to say, I know how you feel. I have days where everything just feels too much and I even sometimes feel like I wish I didn’t have anyone else to take care of but then a few days later I’m so glad they are there and I start to feel ok again. There is a saying ‘a thoughtie is not a naughty’; when we are mentally exhausted we can have strange thoughts, it’s just what happens but it’s just due to exhaustion and not how you really feel. I think it’s just a sign that you need to really do everything you can to take care of yourself and let others know how you feel so they can help you too. I really think we all feel this way sometimes. Just know you will get through this time and you are strong: you are on here, working on this, finding ways to figure things out, finding your way through. Keep posting, we are here for you. Xxxx

Thank u Katherine your reply made me cry as your so right. I do feel mentally drained by all the ups & downs and an emotional wreck most days. But I love my family and have an almost teen son who needs my support but I have so much happening to me last few years this overwhelms me.

I tell him to lean on his dad for things too. He prefers to come to me though.

This means alot to know you are all here to listen and offer advice  same goes right back at you. The part that scares me though is when I have suicidal thoughts  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( as I sincerely hope it never gets to that ever. The thoughts aren't there all the time but are like a escape route for me and this morning the fight or flight thoughts were on suicide as a release.  So I feel I must go back on Ads for this reason albeit it be a low dose to start with.  The thoughts are more intense today and seem to be coming in waves and I've had Utrogestan for the 1st time last night. Connection possibly or would it take longer for a side effect like this? Still very earlier on the HRT regime and tying Ashwagandha to help me with stress/anxiety and like all meds/herb supplements takes time to work.  I just want more better days than not better days like we all do.  I am sorry you also have periods of feeling like I do hunni - its so bloody hard isn't it?

I am going to look at ways to de stress my mind and body as focus on that and I am going to look into CBT as I do feel I need coping strategies when my mind is overthinking!

Hi lovely, I’m really glad my post helped you. I’m sorry to hear you are having suicidal thoughts, Again remember these are only thoughts, you’re not going to do anything because they will pass the same as distressing feelings always do, they are always temporary, so during this time it’s really important to really look after yourself and take steps to release as much pressure off yourself as you can.

 I feel like your son is old enough now to understand that his mum is feeling unwell and needs to rest and relax just like she would if she had flu. I think it is sensible to try ads if you think they will help and I think you would benefit from therapy too.

 I have had all of the feelings that you have had and so I can reassure you it will pass, but please take the steps to look after yourself, you must be the priority while you feel like this.

I think it’s unlikely to be caused by utrogestan as you were already feeling low, but I would monitor how you feel on it as you go along. I am your age and take 100mg 25 days a month and that is perfect for me, it does help with sleep, so I think you will benefit from it, you may need to adjust your dosage but just see how you go. Don’t worry because if you need to you can stop taking it or adjust your dosage.

I would keep a diary of how you feel and what you are taking each day and what you have been doing and you will see patterns of what makes you feel low and then You can adjust as necessary.

I hope all this helps, I’m sending you a big hug xxx

Thank you Katherine xxxx

I don't want to burden my son as he is a worrier bless him and I feel he has enough going on with puberty etc - he is quite self sufficient in a lot of ways - trying to teach him to be independent. 
I am just so up and down - had a wobble before as I am on my lunch at work and felt panic attack coming on and was so close to tears in the staff canteen!!
I appreciate you reassuring me this will pass but I do think I have an element of depression although not full blown as I am not enjoying food now either and haven't for a while and I am forcing myself to eat otherwise I get nausea and my stomach growls with hunger which also stresses me out!  I am sorry that you also get these moments seems to be very common.
I have called for a GP appointment and earliest is 17th May.  As I have been prescribed these Ad's previously and there was mention of them in the recent consultations I have asked Receptionist if GP could prescribe them without seeing me.  So waiting to hear about that.  Incidentally the panic attack arose due to me trying to sort something out for a family member to what was something straight forward ended up being stressful!!!   I am so close to literally just locking myself away in the house and letting everything crash down around me as what is the flipping point!

Hi lovely, I totally understand, it can feel difficult to prioritise yourself even temporarily when you have a caring nature and feel like it’s all or nothing, get everything right and help everyone or just shut down on everything. But with practise we can find a middle ground. I’m glad that you have contacted your gp and things are moving forward, I think you can go to A&E if you are feeling like this and they can prescribe you ads you know. If I were you I would go and tell them how you feel, I bet you come out with a prescription.

In the meantime one tip I can give when I used to have panic attacks is concentrate on the feeling of my feet on the ground, the feeling of my soles on the ground and it takes you out of your mind into your body, also putting your hand on your stomach and focussing on your breathing, you only need to do it for a matter of seconds.
 for it to help. Xxx



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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2023, 01:07:52 PM »

Hi losingtheplot, I’ve not been on here a few days but just found your thread, and just wanted to say, I know how you feel. I have days where everything just feels too much and I even sometimes feel like I wish I didn’t have anyone else to take care of but then a few days later I’m so glad they are there and I start to feel ok again. There is a saying ‘a thoughtie is not a naughty’; when we are mentally exhausted we can have strange thoughts, it’s just what happens but it’s just due to exhaustion and not how you really feel. I think it’s just a sign that you need to really do everything you can to take care of yourself and let others know how you feel so they can help you too. I really think we all feel this way sometimes. Just know you will get through this time and you are strong: you are on here, working on this, finding ways to figure things out, finding your way through. Keep posting, we are here for you. Xxxx

Thank u Katherine your reply made me cry as your so right. I do feel mentally drained by all the ups & downs and an emotional wreck most days. But I love my family and have an almost teen son who needs my support but I have so much happening to me last few years this overwhelms me.

I tell him to lean on his dad for things too. He prefers to come to me though.

This means alot to know you are all here to listen and offer advice  same goes right back at you. The part that scares me though is when I have suicidal thoughts  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( as I sincerely hope it never gets to that ever. The thoughts aren't there all the time but are like a escape route for me and this morning the fight or flight thoughts were on suicide as a release.  So I feel I must go back on Ads for this reason albeit it be a low dose to start with.  The thoughts are more intense today and seem to be coming in waves and I've had Utrogestan for the 1st time last night. Connection possibly or would it take longer for a side effect like this? Still very earlier on the HRT regime and tying Ashwagandha to help me with stress/anxiety and like all meds/herb supplements takes time to work.  I just want more better days than not better days like we all do.  I am sorry you also have periods of feeling like I do hunni - its so bloody hard isn't it?

I am going to look at ways to de stress my mind and body as focus on that and I am going to look into CBT as I do feel I need coping strategies when my mind is overthinking!

Hi lovely, I’m really glad my post helped you. I’m sorry to hear you are having suicidal thoughts, Again remember these are only thoughts, you’re not going to do anything because they will pass the same as distressing feelings always do, they are always temporary, so during this time it’s really important to really look after yourself and take steps to release as much pressure off yourself as you can.

 I feel like your son is old enough now to understand that his mum is feeling unwell and needs to rest and relax just like she would if she had flu. I think it is sensible to try ads if you think they will help and I think you would benefit from therapy too.

 I have had all of the feelings that you have had and so I can reassure you it will pass, but please take the steps to look after yourself, you must be the priority while you feel like this.

I think it’s unlikely to be caused by utrogestan as you were already feeling low, but I would monitor how you feel on it as you go along. I am your age and take 100mg 25 days a month and that is perfect for me, it does help with sleep, so I think you will benefit from it, you may need to adjust your dosage but just see how you go. Don’t worry because if you need to you can stop taking it or adjust your dosage.

I would keep a diary of how you feel and what you are taking each day and what you have been doing and you will see patterns of what makes you feel low and then You can adjust as necessary.

I hope all this helps, I’m sending you a big hug xxx

Thank you Katherine xxxx

I don't want to burden my son as he is a worrier bless him and I feel he has enough going on with puberty etc - he is quite self sufficient in a lot of ways - trying to teach him to be independent. 
I am just so up and down - had a wobble before as I am on my lunch at work and felt panic attack coming on and was so close to tears in the staff canteen!!
I appreciate you reassuring me this will pass but I do think I have an element of depression although not full blown as I am not enjoying food now either and haven't for a while and I am forcing myself to eat otherwise I get nausea and my stomach growls with hunger which also stresses me out!  I am sorry that you also get these moments seems to be very common.
I have called for a GP appointment and earliest is 17th May.  As I have been prescribed these Ad's previously and there was mention of them in the recent consultations I have asked Receptionist if GP could prescribe them without seeing me.  So waiting to hear about that.  Incidentally the panic attack arose due to me trying to sort something out for a family member to what was something straight forward ended up being stressful!!!   I am so close to literally just locking myself away in the house and letting everything crash down around me as what is the flipping point!

Hi lovely, I totally understand, it can feel difficult to prioritise yourself even temporarily when you have a caring nature and feel like it’s all or nothing, get everything right and help everyone or just shut down on everything. But with practise we can find a middle ground. I’m glad that you have contacted your gp and things are moving forward, I think you can go to A&E if you are feeling like this and they can prescribe you ads you know. If I were you I would go and tell them how you feel, I bet you come out with a prescription.

In the meantime one tip I can give when I used to have panic attacks is concentrate on the feeling of my feet on the ground, the feeling of my soles on the ground and it takes you out of your mind into your body, also putting your hand on your stomach and focussing on your breathing, you only need to do it for a matter of seconds.
 for it to help. Xxx

Thank you Katherine - its coming in waves so I will try and breath through it - I just freeze if I have a panic attack outside of my home -   :o



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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2023, 04:34:01 PM »

So an update my Gp surgery have just called me to say GP has sent a prescription to chemist for Ads. I now feel perfectly back to myself no panic/anxiety/ low mood!!!!

This is such a mind game. I now think I will start on low dose of Ads and continue HRT. Hopefully this combination works for me.


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2023, 04:45:10 PM »

I am so pleased your GP as issued you some ADs. I think it is a good idea to start them despite you having a good day today as they do take a few weeks before they start to work.

Lovely to hear today is a good day for you. :)


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2023, 04:59:48 PM »

Hey, great news your GP has sent a prescription over  :)
What anti d do you take ?


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2023, 05:09:50 PM »

That's really great news, I'm really pleased for you. xxx :)


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2023, 05:14:39 PM »

Hey, great news your GP has sent a prescription over  :)
What anti d do you take ?

Prozac or its known as Fluoxetine. I haven't had time to pick them up after work. I still have that awful jittery internal feeling though its just so strange like I have a washing machine drum churning inside!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2023, 05:18:16 PM by Losingtheplot »


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2023, 05:17:21 PM »

I am so pleased your GP as issued you some ADs. I think it is a good idea to start them despite you having a good day today as they do take a few weeks before they start to work.

Lovely to hear today is a good day for you. :)

Thank you its ended better than it started but have internal jittery feeling like internal shakes do u get that?


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2023, 05:19:57 PM »

That's really great news, I'm really pleased for you. xxx :)

Thanks Katherine I still feel its hormonal as comes in waves however no harm in trying Ads alongside as quality of life is so important. I may find they help I may feel no diff but won't know till I try


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2023, 05:45:35 PM »

I am so pleased your GP as issued you some ADs. I think it is a good idea to start them despite you having a good day today as they do take a few weeks before they start to work.

Lovely to hear today is a good day for you. :)

Thank you its ended better than it started but have internal jittery feeling like internal shakes do u get that?

Yes, each time I have started an AD, increased the dose or decrease it, I always get side effects. I think it can be hard for the body at first but once the body gets used to it those feelings should go. When I tried prozac I was very jittery. I think that is a common side effect with that one. Hopefully it will pass for you soon.


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2023, 06:18:19 PM »

That's a good outcome for today from your drs. They are listening and taking you seriously.

Very good advice from Katherine too regarding a&e and also tips to help ground yourself when you feel a panic attacks starting.

Are you still getting an appt rainfall with a  g.p too? I wonder if it may help further financially discuss this with you in case there is more to help you.
Am Please hounslow have the AD's to support you. As others said, all medication takes a while to feel the full benefits, but even knowing you have this prescription may bring a bit of relief to you.

A difficult day for you, but a good result, and I always strongly believe that it takes strength to realise when we need extra help and then to ask for it. Yep, no matter how you sometimes feel, you DO have strength.

Take care xx


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2023, 06:22:05 PM »

I am so pleased your GP as issued you some ADs. I think it is a good idea to start them despite you having a good day today as they do take a few weeks before they start to work.

Lovely to hear today is a good day for you. :)

Thank you its ended better than it started but have internal jittery feeling like internal shakes do u get that?

Yes, each time I have started an AD, increased the dose or decrease it, I always get side effects. I think it can be hard for the body at first but once the body gets used to it those feelings should go. When I tried prozac I was very jittery. I think that is a common side effect with that one. Hopefully it will pass for you soon.

Just to clarify I haven't started Ads yet didn't get to chemist in time to pick them up. I get this jittery internal feeling on and off all the time over past few weeks and it was really intense before. Have you experienced that before? This has been happening prior to me starting any HRT


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Re: Feeling low hormonal?
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2023, 06:28:11 PM »

That's a good outcome for today from your drs. They are listening and taking you seriously.

Very good advice from Katherine too regarding a&e and also tips to help ground yourself when you feel a panic attacks starting.

Are you still getting an appt rainfall with a  g.p too? I wonder if it may help further financially discuss this with you in case there is more to help you.
Am Please hounslow have the AD's to support you. As others said, all medication takes a while to feel the full benefits, but even knowing you have this prescription may bring a bit of relief to you.

A difficult day for you, but a good result, and I always strongly believe that it takes strength to realise when we need extra help and then to ask for it. Yep, no matter how you sometimes feel, you DO have strength.

Take care xx

Ahh hunni you always lift me back up when I have these difficult moments. My GP is lovely and hasn't made me wait till 17th May for the next appointment with her. I had a strong feeling she would prescribe these Ads as I have had them in the past. So tonight I have been laughing and playing with my 2 dogs and enjoying life again!! I just don't get this at all???? This isn't depression like I have had it in past I never would get like this from one moment to the next its was just constant bleak feelings, uncontrollable crying not sleeping then sleeping too much. I am soooo confused  ??? ???
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