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Author Topic: Continuous Progesterone Battle  (Read 1900 times)


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Re: Continuous Progesterone Battle
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2023, 04:22:06 PM »

I think it would for sure be worth you exploring a higher estrogen dose via a private clinic in that case.

As Dr Newson has been saying a lot recently (and as recent research shows) basing things on a certain dose is insane because there is an 11 fold difference between women in terms of absorption of gel and I think it was a 7 fold difference in patches. So why is everyone obsessed with the dosage applied via patches and gel, when absorption differs so much from person to person... Your 4 pumps might be the equivalent of someone else's 2 pumps!

I see Dr Olivia Jones at Newson and would recommend her. I previously saw someone else there who I wouldn't recommend. Just as with any clinic, there are going to be great doctors and not-so-great doctors. I don't think any Newson dr would refuse you more than 4 pumps of estrogen tho  ;D

When you see them, it's totally up to you whether you get the meds from their pharmacy as well or via your own GP. Sometimes people get Newson to write to their dr and explain what has been prescribed and some NHS GPs are then happy to continue prescribing that if it is working for you and you're settled on it. Othertimes everyone throws their toys out the pram and the NHS GP still doesn't want to do what some private GP has told them to do, and still refuses because they can't admit they are wrong or know less. In which case you could still get SOME meds from your NHS GP (they will think you are on the lower dose... ahem) and top up with additional from Newson pharmacy. You can order as much or as little as you want from Newson.

When I first saw them my plan was to get as much as possible on the health service and just top up from Newson. But frankly the health service has never had all of my prescription in stock locally. At first it was the estrodot patches, then it was testosterone, now it's utrogestan... will it never end... Whereas Newson just always has everything in stock via their CloudRX partner pharmacy. Utrogestan is limited to 2 months supply at a time at the moment but they are getting it out, mine just arrived a bit later than the rest of my meds. You get whatever you order in the post about 1 day after you pay for it. If you need more, you can just go online and order it from their website as long as you are a current patient. To be a current patient, you need to have a consult once a year - it might be slightly more frequently at first if you are going through a problem and need to stabilise meds etc. By the way, the most expensive med seems to be utrogestan(!) so if you can get that on the NHS you'd save a lot even if you got the rest privately!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2023, 04:23:40 PM by joziel »


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Re: Continuous Progesterone Battle
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2023, 05:32:31 PM »


I’m another one that found my way to Newson Health and frankly, it’s been worth every penny. I see Dr Katy Spencer Hammon and she’s great. Although the appointment is supposed to be 45 minutes long, my consultation is always longer, so plenty of time to discuss all issues and treatment options.

As for prescriptions, they write to my GP and the GP issues it for me, but then I’m not using anything off licence or unusual in the eyes of my GP, so I don’t know if there would be a problem if I was prescribed something outside of the NHS guideline box. I have used the Newson pharmacy when it’s been a struggle to get something (estradot), but I’ve only done that twice.

Overall it’s been fantastic for me.


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Re: Continuous Progesterone Battle
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2023, 01:18:03 PM »

Hello ladies
So sorry I never got any notifications I had more replies! It was only from getting annoyed at my GP's again that I ended up here trying to find the names of the people recommended at Newsons! They do have a few iffy reviews though, I suppose you are just not going to please everyone. (especially when we are ratty and hormonal to boot)

Thank you so much to everyone who has stopped by to comment. I'd rather not take Utrogestan if I can help it, since it brings me to a tearful and emotional, sluggish state for 2 weeks out of every month. I think I only feel well the second week of my oestrogen only regime thanks to progestrone withdrawal headaches the first week, then an (ovulation?) one the second weekend. I feel like a set of maracas the pills I have to take. When I was on Evorel Sequi I felt great on the progesterone, still got the headaches at bleed time but once a month is doable, it's every day that becomes a grind.

I put in a question to my GP this afternoon and she's back from Annual Leave Monday, I have a phone consult at some point on Thursday. I think if she's not on board with trying Femoston by that point I am going to push for Provera again. I'll also sound them out officially about taking external specialist advice. I'm not even asking for an oestrogen increase so why they would be so averse to giving me Provera I don't know. Anyway,  lets see what happens. I have the Newson up my sleeve, expensive as it is it will be worth it if I feel well.

Thank you all so much you are diamonds... I hope you are all doing ok yourselves xx
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