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Author Topic: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain  (Read 2277 times)


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Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« on: April 26, 2023, 11:22:20 AM »

Since April 2022, I started HRT Evorel 50 patch  together with Utrogestan 100 tablet orally.( continuous as post menopause). Initially I felt ok, then after a couple of months I began experiencing IBS - constipation, thought nothing of it , didn’t make link to HRT, as I was finally sleeping! No hot flushes, night sweats and feeling full of energy.
The IBS-  constipation has gotten worse, to the point I am experiencing pain in my stomach, upper/lower, abdomen. The excess gas is also so uncomfortable. I saw a dietician who put me on low Fodmap diet.
In the last 4 weeks I am now experiencing Histamine intolerance symptoms: severe itching in my scalp, body, arms, abdomen just everywhere! I have now become reliant on Antihistamines during the day and especially at night. I am now following a low histamine intolerance diet, very restrictive.
I have read that HRT plays a key role in causing these symptoms. When I look back, before I started HRT, I never experienced any of these awful symptoms.
My GP, is not trained she just prescribes HRT.
Please can you help me.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2023, 12:06:07 PM »

Hello Monsoon and welcome to the forum. Like you I have IBS and histamine intolerance and it is very frustrating so I understand how you feel. I am not sure if it is HRT or meno that can contribute to this but perhaps it would be an idea for you to try a different HRT just to see if that changes things for you.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2023, 04:25:31 PM »

Thanks for your reply, yes it’s very difficult. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow morning, I am going to ask her to refer me to NHS menopause clinic, so that I can discuss and review my current HRT. Also by going to a clinic, I will get my blood test to check my levels.
Meanwhile, I am booked with gastro for endoscopy and colonoscopy to investigate my current digestive problems.
But I can honestly say, before I took HRT pre April  2022, yes I suffered hot flushes, night sweats and no sleep/ lack of energy. But now I am in physical pain, lost so much weight due to IBS- constipation, brain fog, anxiety, histamine intolerance, constant itching. It goes on…

How are you coping with HRT? What are you using ?


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2023, 04:33:32 PM »

It sounds like the HRT does not agree with you at all. I wonder why your GP did not suggest you stop taking it and try something else. I am glad you have an appointment tomorrow. I am using Evorel as well. I find the HRT has helped me enough to stay on it. I am better on it then without it.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2023, 08:08:41 PM »

Hi I have histamine intolerance and really struggled with hrt. I’m not on any at the moment as I got covid and then my histamine went crazy. You may hit the jackpot with the nhs referral but in my experience the nhs know nothing about histamine issues, despite them being very common.

There are private consultants that specialise. My consultant likes to take people off hrt, get the histamine under control then go back on.

You could try lowering your dose? The lord estrogen you take the worse the issues will be as estrogen raises histamine levels.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2023, 08:10:15 PM »

Hi I have histamine intolerance and really struggled with hrt. I’m not on any at the moment as I got covid and then my histamine went crazy. You may hit the jackpot with the nhs referral but in my experience the nhs know nothing about histamine issues, despite them being very common.

There are private consultants that specialise. My consultant likes to take people off hrt, get the histamine under control then go back on.

You could try lowering your dose? The lord estrogen you take the worse the issues will be as estrogen raises histamine levels.

That makes sense Scampidoodle. I am so pleased you have managed to see somebody who can support you with this.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2023, 10:52:03 AM »

Hi everyone,
I woke up this morning, experiencing severe itching in my scalp and my whole body, had  not eaten or drank nothing.
I went to see my GP today, I did tell her about my histamine intolerance, she suggested I insert my Utrogestan100  tablet vaginally, every night and see if this makes a difference.
She also said I would have to have a scan to check my  womb lining was ok.
She was reluctant to refer me to a hospital.

Due to the severe excruciating itching, I have been prescribed Fexofendine 180mg, tablets that work for 12 hrs. 

Also, regarding the Evorel 50 patch, she suggested either lowering dosage to 25, by cutting patch in half. She also prescribed me the Oestrogel  pump Gel, due to my brain fog, I forgot to ask her if I have to use it daily or every few days like the patch?

I mentioned my lower back pain and also pain on my upper right chest area, under my right breast. She has referred me for X-ray  and Ct scan.

Next time I go and see my GP, I will ask her about Tibolone.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 11:02:37 AM by Monsoon48 »


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2023, 04:20:48 PM »

Hi Monsoon48,

Like you I have histamine intolerance and I am on Evorel 50 patches and take utrogestan (days 14-28). I’m also coeliac (annoying), so I appreciate how restrictive the diet can be.

Fortunately I was able to go to the Newson clinic who are very clued up on histamine intolerance. They have a leaflet which is quite helpful

Unfortunately I can’t tolerate the oestrogel pump gel at all but the patches have levelled out the oestrogen spikes I was getting which exacerbate the histamine levels.

I have also just spent 5 months in New Zealand and they have a very different approach to HRT, histamines etc. This may not work for everyone (or indeed anyone other than me) but the following supplements/dietary changes have taken away most of my histamine symptoms so that I now eat a very normal diet (except gluten). Firstly they advocate taking a tablespoon or two of olive oil every day. Apparently olive oil nudges your system to create DAO. I don’t know if it’s true, but it works for me. Secondly I was told to up my omega 3 intake as most western diets are too high in omega 6 which creates an imbalance and inflammation. There is now a lot of linseed, hemp seeds and omega 3 supplements in my daily diet. Finally, I take magnesium and have Epsom salt baths. Oh, and vitamin C is an anti histamine, so I take that too.

My HRT isn’t perfect. I feel great when taking the Utrogestan, not so good when I don’t have it, but that’s to do with aching joints, dry everything (I feel like a dehydrated grape most of the time), insomnia, low mood, but the histamine intolerance is under control.

I hope you can get it sorted and feel better soon.




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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2023, 04:38:35 PM »

Hi Ermin2trude,
Thanks for your reply,
I saw my GP, she suggested I try gel  instead of the Evorel 50 patch and also insert the Utrogestan 100mg vaginally, I have done this for 2 weeks, unfortunately in the last 3 days, I have started spotting?
I haven’t tried the gel yet, was thinking of starting this tomorrow ( Sunday). As I change my patches every Sunday and Wednesday.
Also, I have my lower back pain in addition to the histamine intolerance( started 2 months ago, yet I have been on HRT for 1 year)
I will definitely try taking olive oil and  omega 3/ vitamin C.
I need to take HRT, as I have Osteoporosis and the menopause symptoms were horrendous.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2023, 07:39:00 PM »

Hi everyone,
On Evorel 50 patch and Utrogestan 100 vaginally, I began to bleed, it is now like a period, despite no ovaries! .
So on Thursday morning, saw my GP, she has now switched me to Evorel Conti( combined) patch .
Today( Sunday) is my first day, unfortunately the Histamine intolerance continues, I am already very itchy on this new patch. Nightmare!
Will see how it goes, I just want the bleeding to stop first!


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2023, 10:05:40 AM »

Hi all
Been on Evorel Conti for 10 days, the Histamine intolerance has more or less stopped, now sleeping, unfortunately in the last 2 nights I have started to experience night sweats and being restless, only sleeping for 3-4 hrs.
Really unsure what to to now, as I am unable to take Utrogestan orally, due to digestive problems  and severe Histamine intolerance, tried taking Utrogestan vaginally, resulted I bleeding.
Welcome all advice.


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Re: Histamine intolerance; IBS- constipation, lower back pain
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2023, 10:41:03 AM »

Hi all
Been on Evorel Conti for 10 days, the Histamine intolerance has more or less stopped, now sleeping, unfortunately in the last 2 nights I have started to experience night sweats and being restless, only sleeping for 3-4 hrs.
Really unsure what to to now, as I am unable to take Utrogestan orally, due to digestive problems  and severe Histamine intolerance, tried taking Utrogestan vaginally, resulted I bleeding.
Welcome all advice.

I wonder if you need a little longer on Evorel Conti just to see if in time the night sweats will reduce again? It is wonderful the histamine intolerance has improved. That was such a horrid thing for you to have to deal with.