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Author Topic: Palpitations  (Read 903 times)


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« on: April 21, 2023, 08:27:18 AM »

Hi All, I just wanted to post to say if anyone is worried about palpitations please go and get them checked out.  I have been suffering from them for quite a while and did go to the hospital some months ago but was told it was all fine.  However they ramped up recently and I was referred to a cardiologist who I saw last Wednesday and have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation despite the hospital telling me originally there was nothing wrong and categorically assured me it was not atrial fibrillation so this has come as a huge shock but I am so glad I did ask for a second opinion.  I have to start medication asap and they are probably going to do a procedure called an ablation.  Its taking time to get my head round this and its really freaked me out but better to have got the diagnosis in time to start treatment promptly.  I just wanted to make others aware don't just assume palpitations are just caused from menopausal symptoms - obviously the huge majority are but always best to get things checked out and if you are still worried ask to see a specialist.  xxxx


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2023, 08:40:51 AM »

I get palpitations when I have anxiety attacks and been checked out in A&E a couple of times.  ECG normal . My son has heart condition and had AV too so had procedure which sorted it out. Also a friend has recently had procedure and alls well.  AV more common than people realise so always best to check palpitations.


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2023, 08:44:47 AM »

Hi Joanies thanks so much for your post and so glad you are ok.  I also have for  many years had palpitations due to anxiety attacks which is why I wasn't too concerned to start with the the A fib attacks are different.  My Mother also had A Fib in her latter years so I guess it may run in families.  Great to know the procedures have worked well that is really reassuring thank you so much for letting me know. The cardiologist told me too its the most common heart rhythm problem x


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2023, 10:11:19 AM »

It is really good you found this out. I can understand your concerns about the ablation. I was offered this so I know a bit about it and you should be in and out on the same day.


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2023, 05:20:22 PM »

Hello Pippa52

Just like the other ladies I know people who have AFib plus I have had my fair share of palpitations during the menopause.

It is very thoughtful of you to tell everyone about your situation and advise them to get any problems checked out.

Can I ask you to explain in what way the AFib palpitations differ from those that occur at menopause?  I am sure that other ladies would appreciate hearing more of your story and learning more about the symptoms you experienced.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2023, 06:20:41 PM »

Hi Kathleen - thanks so much for your post.  The A-Fib palpitations made me feel really unwell, cold sweat, very weak, freezing cold (literally my teeth chatter), dizzy , pounding fluttering fast heart and feel unwell for quite a while after they stop (at the moment they are only paroxysmal thankfully but I understand can become all the time hence the need for an ablation and beta blockers).  The palpitations I got with hormones (still getting those too as times) are much milder, feel hot as well. I understand though that A-Fib can happen in some people with no symptoms at all and is only picked up by chance.  The danger with A-Fib is that it makes it 5 times more likely to get a stroke which is why people are put on blood thinners.  I start mine on Monday - dreading it but it has to be for life apparently in my case.  Yuck xxx


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2023, 07:13:17 PM »

Hi Pippa52

Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis - it must have been a shock - but glad you are getting the right treatment. I'm also glad you and have put your symptoms in context by describing them - they sound horrible - and said it may be hereditary if your mum had it.

When I first read your initial post I had a bit of a panic because I had an ECG for palpitations in January and was told it was all ok which reassured me. My palpitations have reduced but I still get the odd flutter/ectopic beat and having read your post I was wondering if I needed to go back for a second opinion. The symptoms you have described do seem very different from the hormonal palpitations I have been experiencing. I agree that it is a good idea to get it all checked out and hopefully you are in the small minority that the information you were given after initial investigations was incorrect.

I hope it all goes well with the medication. Look after yourself X



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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2023, 06:20:20 AM »

Pippa just wanted to send you some good vibes and say hope all goes well with the procedure (which of course it will, as others have said). Very helpful post of what to look out for, as I too have had an abornormal heart beat for years. About 5 years ago after tests I was told it was nothing to worry about, so something to bear in mind for the future, that that's not necessarily a diagnosis forever. Sending love xx


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2023, 12:22:42 PM »

Hello again Pippa52.

Many thanks for the extra details, I can see that your update has been helpful already.

Palpitations are a very common symptom of the meno and I expect that most of us have experienced them at some time.

Apparently AFib also affects more men than women so perhaps as we lose our Oestrogen at the menopause we become more susceptible?

Lastly I think that some people with AFib only  need to take a daily low dose aspirin as a blood thinner which of course is easily manageable.

Wishing you well and take.




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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2023, 06:14:31 PM »

Thankyou for sharing this, may I ask how does it feel to have A fib? I often get what they call PVCs which feels like my heart skipping a beat but apparantly its more an extra or early beat, it sometimes makes me cough almost like a tickle. I had it checked out years ago and was told its benign pvcs but how would A Fib feel as I know my Dad had it when he was in his 80s and I believe it could run in families?


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Re: Palpitations
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2023, 06:36:36 PM »

hi Pippa52

thanks so much for sharing this.

im glad you got it checked out.
