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Author Topic: Struggling!  (Read 2167 times)


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« on: April 22, 2023, 09:59:06 AM »

I have had 2 awful panic attacks since 5am today this is just getting too much. I think I'm peri and just started new HRT regime alongside anti anxiety meds.  I am struggling to cope with this now on a daily basis not knowing how many times I will suffer these attacks today. I am finding my quality of life being so badly affected and really am starting to feel that this is my life now and I can't face a life like this. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I am waiting to see a meno specialist and on a long waiting list but honestly the way I am feeling the past few days its whether I can cope with this much longer. This is no kind of life feeling dread, anxiety panic everyday. Its just too much.  :'( :'( :'(



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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2023, 10:08:28 AM »

Hi there,deep breaths girl.Anxiety is the pits and sadly one of the worse effects of meno in my opinion,the early hours are usually the worst,surges of adrenaline make you feel this way. I don't know much about HRT but it sounds like you need it tweaking and should go back to your Dr. When I get these awful episodes, I do breathing exercises,whilst tapping on my chest/legs/wherever with my hands,breathing in for four and out for four,this of course won't cure you but might help until you see someone.
Have you tried CBD? Also a few of us on here are great advocates in Vit D,this has helped me greatly,takes a few weeks to get into your system but worth a try. You'll get there,you're definitely not alone on here xx


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2023, 11:39:29 AM »

Hi there,deep breaths girl.Anxiety is the pits and sadly one of the worse effects of meno in my opinion,the early hours are usually the worst,surges of adrenaline make you feel this way. I don't know much about HRT but it sounds like you need it tweaking and should go back to your Dr. When I get these awful episodes, I do breathing exercises,whilst tapping on my chest/legs/wherever with my hands,breathing in for four and out for four,this of course won't cure you but might help until you see someone.
Have you tried CBD? Also a few of us on here are great advocates in Vit D,this has helped me greatly,takes a few weeks to get into your system but worth a try. You'll get there,you're definitely not alone on here xx

Thank you for the information its very kind of you to share xxx
This is my 2nd shot at HRT and only started it on Monday so need to give it time. Ive just had a pelvic scan and an awful probe up my vagina! And seems I may be post meno!!!!
The lovely sonographer couldn't confirm for definite as its my GP who will make the diagnosis but she did say everything looked shrivelled e.g ovaries etc so seems very likely I am post!
So my HRT will need tweaking in that case your right!


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2023, 12:01:54 PM »

Yes,it will,if you're producing next to no oestrogen you'll definitely need it changed.
The vit D can also help with sleep and anxiety,I've been taking it since last year and there is definitely an improvement.


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2023, 12:56:58 PM »

Yes,it will,if you're producing next to no oestrogen you'll definitely need it changed.
The vit D can also help with sleep and anxiety,I've been taking it since last year and there is definitely an improvement.

My Gp has me on 0.5 of estradoil gel for 14 days and then Utrogestan 2 x 100mg capsules for next 14 days.

I am only  on day 6 of the gel so far
 Also I don't bleed on my current contraception so unclear whether to get the implant out to see what happens.

I don't want to have horrendous bleeding like some people have reported poor ladies but I want to know what my periods are doing as that would confirm if I was post meno. The vit d sounds a good idea I am taking Ashgawandha and ordered some msm capsules so will look to add vit d also thanks again


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2023, 01:05:34 PM »

I can sympathise for sure. The medical staff are aware how bad things are, that's why they keep striking, but for those of us on waiting lists it can feel like we're forgotten.
I think my first peri symptoms were anxiety, I didn't realise that was a symptom, so age 48 I started antidepressants because my GP didn't think of menopause either. I feel I've more excuse for my ignorance than my GP has, I'm no medic.

I'm really glad they made that mistake though because the antidepressants worked for a good while, even if menopause is the cause, some ADs might make life easier right now while you're waiting and afterwards if you want to keep taking them after getting hrt you can.

I had an eight month wait for the menopause specialist to phone me and was on tibolone rather than hrt for that wait because my GP thought it was perfectly safe, no risk from tibolone, rubbish, I've high blood pressure and I'm peri menopausal, so no, tibolone was all wrong for me even if I hadn't had a heavy period every month, for the whole eight months, that didn't lessen.
So on a scale of no effect to wonderful my GP scores a minus for that.

I remember walking holding the pain and thinking I can't live like this any more and I promptly relapsed onto the thing I'm addicted to, only off it two months (and 11 days) now, but with ADs and now HRT I'm far far better, although still in some pain.

Hang in there, it gets better. Sometimes its best to concentrate only on today, other times it pays to think of a later time which will be better, like the day after an event you are dreading, the next day will be mint because you not dreading it any more. If I'm really anxious I'd think of the time afterwards with some real effort, keeping it in mind.

I'm sending you a great big virtual hug now. :foryou:

Hi poppytoast

Sounds like you went through an awful time I am pleased you found the right combination to help you.

Your words are very encouraging and I will look at Ad's if I feel I am sinking too low. It doesnt help when the brain fog makes everything harder I just need someone professional to assess all the symptoms I am experiencing no sex drive, anixety, palpitations, panic attacks.

I just like many ladies on here to find something that helps. Anxiety and panic attacks are the most crippling for me. Sex drive back would be good too but I do try and take 1 day at a time but sometimes like today gets too much

Thanks again


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2023, 02:14:02 PM »

Hi losingtheplot

I really hope you start to feel better soon, your HRT and anti anxiety meds should start to help very soon, and you have the option on antidepressants which also work on anxiety. I’m not very knowledgeable about them but apparently there are some to avoid if you have sleeping difficulties. I have heard good things about sertraline. You might find that your hrt is sufficient though. It sounds like you need to really take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to feel better. And the main thing, try to keep in mind that this is only temporary and you will get through this time.

Sending hugs,



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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2023, 03:31:21 PM »

Hi losingtheplot

I really hope you start to feel better soon, your HRT and anti anxiety meds should start to help very soon, and you have the option on antidepressants which also work on anxiety. I’m not very knowledgeable about them but apparently there are some to avoid if you have sleeping difficulties. I have heard good things about sertraline. You might find that your hrt is sufficient though. It sounds like you need to really take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to feel better. And the main thing, try to keep in mind that this is only temporary and you will get through this time.

Sending hugs,

Thank you so much Katherine I really mean that.

I know I need to give things time to work and I really am trying so hard. I have had a major blip today and if I start feeling like its getting worse (which I think it might be) then I may need Ads again.

Whether the ones I have used in past help me again or not remains to be seen but I recall trying sertraline and did not suit me at all.

Thanks again and I hope you are ok xxx


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2023, 03:34:14 PM »

Yes,it will,if you're producing next to no oestrogen you'll definitely need it changed.
The vit D can also help with sleep and anxiety,I've been taking it since last year and there is definitely an improvement.

I do take wellwoman multi vits that have rda of vit d in them. I take  2 huge tablets everyday. I do feel its hormonal especially after my scan today and i have extreme painful bloating when I eat but I am only on very low oestrogen gel. I do appreciate your help.


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2023, 05:06:43 PM »

Losingtheplot, you’re welcome. It shouldn’t take very long for the meds and HRT to start working, I would give it a week at most, don’t suffer when there is help available. I’ve never tried SSRIs, are any of them any good? Venlafaxine was once recommended to me in my twenties but I never tried it.


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2023, 06:11:16 PM »

Don't forget just how much you are going through at the moment. You had scans  and a vaginal  probe, which whilst being an essential investigation, they can feel a bit invasive. Understand just what you have been through the last couple of weeks. Are you expecting a bit much from yourself all at once maybe?

Because we can feel so bad we want almost instant results from a change in medication -  at least I know I can feel that way. Because we are in the pits we are pretty desperate for any sign of improvement and when we don't get it straight away then the bloody anxiety spirals out of control again.
I don't have the magic wand for you, or any of us. I wish I did.

Would you benefit from a form of therapy, just so you can talk with someone? I have done this in the past and have referred myself again for different reasons. Whilst it can never take symptoms away, sometimes it helps us find ways and methods  to help us cope. It's not for everyone, but may be worth a thought?

I really wish you well sweetie



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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2023, 07:41:39 AM »

Losingtheplot, you’re welcome. It shouldn’t take very long for the meds and HRT to start working, I would give it a week at most, don’t suffer when there is help available. I’ve never tried SSRIs, are any of them any good? Venlafaxine was once recommended to me in my twenties but I never tried it.

Hi hunni well the anti anxiety tabs I take on an as and when basis when I feel the onset of physical symptoms and they do seem to help. The Ads I have taken in past that really helped me was Fluoxetine. This was after trying a couple of different kinds that didn't! I had a pelvic scan yesterday and looks like I may be post meno although I don't bleed on current contraception never have.
I am experiencing terrible pelvic pain lately too which was reason Gp referred me for scan. The scan ended up being an internal probe which was painful when was placed on my shrunken ovaries which the sonographer had a job finding!




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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2023, 07:48:28 AM »

Don't forget just how much you are going through at the moment. You had scans  and a vaginal  probe, which whilst being an essential investigation, they can feel a bit invasive. Understand just what you have been through the last couple of weeks. Are you expecting a bit much from yourself all at once maybe?

Because we can feel so bad we want almost instant results from a change in medication -  at least I know I can feel that way. Because we are in the pits we are pretty desperate for any sign of improvement and when we don't get it straight away then the bloody anxiety spirals out of control again.
I don't have the magic wand for you, or any of us. I wish I did.

Would you benefit from a form of therapy, just so you can talk with someone? I have done this in the past and have referred myself again for different reasons. Whilst it can never take symptoms away, sometimes it helps us find ways and methods  to help us cope. It's not for everyone, but may be worth a thought?

I really wish you well sweetie

Hi SarahT

I never thougt about how much I have actually been thru last few weeks your so right.  I am desparately after a quick fix I think as last HRT didnt suit me when I started it mid Feb.
I just want to feel better. Like all of us ladies. With the pressures of a stressful job on top its all been getting too much. I will carry on for a while longer to see how things go if I  see things getting worse then I will have a talk with my GP about starting Ads again if thats what I need.

I have tried talking therapy in past has helped so will consider that too something I hadn't thought about.

Thank u so much xxxx



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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2023, 10:33:01 AM »


You have had lots of lovely replies, and everyone was fantastic with me when I posted about needing support.

What I will say is, it will pass, don’t fight this feeling or put pressure on yourself to be happy. This is what I do and I find it makes me feel worse.

Just say to yourself today is a 💩 day, but it will pass as quick as it came.

Be kind to yourself, something I’m trying to learn too.

I stopped HRT back in February after being on it since June 22 as didn’t feel it was working. I felt great at first, but I’m back on it as struggling with symptoms.

I was on 2 pumps of gel, and wondered if I was on too much as upped to 3 pumps (advice of my private menopause clinic).

I’m peri menopausal and wonder if this was too much for me, so I’ve decided to use just 1/2 pump a day and see how I’m feeling as I emailed Dr Currie and she said sometimes less it more.

Sending you a massive big hug. Xxxx


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Re: Struggling!
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2023, 11:01:16 AM »

Peanut, your reply resonated with me. I am trying to accept what is going on peri wise, whilst also trying to get the best dose\regime to help me.
I need to accept to good days, rest when I am feeling exhausted and just not fight it. Trying to get a good 'mind set '  balance really.

You've kind of out it into words for me, not fighting it, or putting pressure on ourselves to try to be happy when we are clearly not some days. Thanks for that.

I hope you too start to feel the benefits of her again soon. X
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