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Author Topic: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?  (Read 3200 times)


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2023, 05:53:12 PM »

Thanks Sarah. The down days are definitely still tough but I try to remind myself that my brain is lying to me when it says this feeling will last forever.

I may try to up my dose again very slowly…and definitely will be changing patches in the morning so that any energy surge happens during the day.

When perimenopause first hit me, I had some propranolol to take as and when I felt especially panicky, but thankfully I haven’t needed that for a while. I also had a very bad experience with citalopram many years ago (that drug sensitivity again) so I’d like to avoid antidepressants and anxiety meds if I can although I would certainly use them if I felt I really needed them. I begged my doc for sertraline a week before I realised my moods were cyclical…the tablets are still in their pack!


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2023, 06:28:07 PM »

I understand the reluctance to take anti anxiety\depression drugs if possible. Before I started hrt I was on sertraline because I failed to connect the moods were hormonal, and like you, obviously cyclical. I think with peri, at least for some of us, there is so much going on all at once, panic sets in because it's so overwhelming. I weaned myself of sertraline  six months ago at the same time I started hrt, which was a big mistake, my body and mind was all over the place.

So, in my ok days I can see this rationally, but on the days just before a period should be due, then I become totally irrational again and can't see things clearly and  cannot recognise that in a few days it should pass and so am back to okay again because I feel so bad mentally.

I work best with changing patches in the morning too. I am relieved that so far I have no serious side effects at the increase, but I will admit to being worried when my natural cycle ramps up, unless,fingers crossed, the increase does stabilise my cycle and avoids the severe moods. Bloody hard isn't it Peri?

Have you looked at info as to how  peri affecting pms and pmdd? I find having a better understanding of what's going on helps me. You know, for those times when we feel we are going mad.

Blimey girl, thank God for this forum and the amazing women on it. And yes, that does include us. Never lose sight of that.

Keep us updated, as I will too. Xx


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2023, 09:10:18 PM »

Yes, thank God for this forum and all the support here! I work in healthcare so fortunately I already knew a little about PMDD and was able to essentially diagnose myself, but I’ve learned a lot more since then, mainly from some great accounts on Instagram run by PMDD sufferers and health professionals.

Everyone’s journey is so different and the same goes for antidepressants and HRT - I would never judge anyone for what they chose, and also, the messaging about what we should/shouldn’t do or feel can be so confusing.

I will keep you posted and feel free to do the same or message me if you need support. This forum is honestly a lifeline in those dark moments - we hold each other up when others just don’t get it. X


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2023, 07:13:04 AM »

100% agree. In some ways most of us are juggling our varying treatments to see what works best for us at different stages of peri and meno. The AD's along with counselling certainly helped me last year, but as I realise peri symptoms were the cause then I reevaluated my medication and went into hrt... And what a journey that is proving!

I feel a bit ignorant of knowing so little about meno, peri and now pmdd. Along with this forum I am fortunate to have a gp who has an interest in women's health.

Having a good week so far, so feel quite positive and able to cope better.

Peri2022, thanks for the mutual support. Like you, I am always here for anyone if I can help. Xx


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2023, 06:25:15 PM »

Just jumping on as I’ve had a bit of a similar journey (SarahT, you might remember I was on your other thread). Been on 37.5 Estradot for 4 months but started to have some bad days again in week before period, so the other evening I went up to 50. Well! I had the oddest sleep ever. Lots of lucid dreaming alternated with sleep paralysis and then waking with weird buzzy feeling. Reminded me of early days of starting HRT on too high a dose. Like some others on here, it seems I’m very sensitive to increases. I’d love to ramp up to a dose that inhibits ovulation but I don’t think my body is ready for it. Perimenopause really is such a moving target…am trying to just notice and accept my thoughts rather than, as you say Sarah, forcing myself to be happy or even just ‘ok’. Some days are just rubbish and I am trying to roll with it.

Peri2022, your moving target analogy sums it up perfectly!

Have things settled down at all in the last few days? I get sleep paralysis from time to time so I sympathise! I remember shortly after moving up from 25 to 37.5 last year my body decided to throw in a few regular cycles and it might have been a bit too much. I had about 7-8 weeks where I couldn’t get to sleep until 3-4am and felt really tense in those early hours (which just made things worse!) and then it spontaneously settled down.

I removed the additional quarter of a 25 a few nights ago. I couldn’t sleep and was feeling those familiar wound up feelings. I’ve decided I’m going to stick with 62.5 for a while and see if things settle and not change anything until at least after my telephone appt with the practice nurse.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better :)


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2023, 06:52:24 PM »

Hi Emz,

Sorry the attempt to increase your patch has left you with worse symptoms again. It's so frustrating isn't it? We try so hard to find a stable dose. I hope your appt with the nurse goes on and maybe he\she will be able to suggest something.

I am still doing the 'almost'  100 patch, as I seem to be ok so far I am going for the full 100 on Monday. I am very nervous in that my diary shows a horrendous mood dip each month which my gp has said is pmdd, and that date will hit end of next week. Just hope the increased dose will help my moods. Have an assessment next week with talking therapists as well, it just seems too much to bear at times.
I hope you get a good result from your own appt.

I would like to know how you are doing too!

Huge hugs to you both. X


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2023, 10:02:55 PM »

Hi Enzib0B & SarahT & peri2022, I also have severe PMS/ PMDD which got a lot more intense and erratic due to perimenopause. I started on 100 patch. It’s been a bumpy ride and it’s still early days but it has begun to improve things. Annoyingly my skin started reacting badly to the patch so I’m in the process of switching to gel. And I’m also reacting badly to the Utrogestan element so will be looking for a different progesterone too… will get there in the end! But just wanted to say that although not been on a stable dose for long enough to know for sure, I do think the cycle stabilisation on 100 oestrogen seems to be starting to help🤞🤞


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2023, 11:05:30 AM »

Hello HaRuhaRu,

Oh thank you so much for a positive post. That's so bloody encouraging to hear.
I have only just been diagnosed with pmdd, I kind of forgot about the severe pms side so overwhelmed with the peri symotoms!

It's early days for me on the 100, started on 50, then 75,then after last month's hideous 'breakdown'  g.p put me on 100 and have the option of anti anxiety tablets just for the pms week. Am hoping that the higher hrt does will kick in and I shan't need them, but reassuring to have a plan B. So far I do feel moods improved ,but complete lack of energy and joint pain seems worse. One thing at a time I guess....

I didn't get on with oral progesterone, and switched to mirena coil. Bit if  Marmite thing, women seem to love it or hate it. Works better for me, age 56, still getting natural periods which have ceased due to coil, so best option for me. Took a few weeks to settle,with sporting and light bleeds but may be worth considering?

Honestly, your positive post gives me hope,  thanks!



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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2023, 10:32:03 AM »

Hi Emz,

Sorry the attempt to increase your patch has left you with worse symptoms again. It's so frustrating isn't it? We try so hard to find a stable dose. I hope your appt with the nurse goes on and maybe he\she will be able to suggest something.

I am still doing the 'almost'  100 patch, as I seem to be ok so far I am going for the full 100 on Monday. I am very nervous in that my diary shows a horrendous mood dip each month which my gp has said is pmdd, and that date will hit end of next week. Just hope the increased dose will help my moods. Have an assessment next week with talking therapists as well, it just seems too much to bear at times.
I hope you get a good result from your own appt.

I would like to know how you are doing too!

Huge hugs to you both. X

Hi Sarah, I’m glad you’ve been doing well on the new dose and I hope the move up to 100 this week goes smoothly for you. I can relate to the feeling of dread in knowing that a hormonal mood crash is due.

I now know why I started to feel better then got worse again. I wondered if it could be long overdue PMS…yes, it was! I started my period at the weekend and felt so much better from an emotional perspective. I think the majority of the last 8 weeks have down to a drop in Oestrogen followed by a bad bout of PMS/PMDD just to kick me when I’m down.

Hi Enzib0B & SarahT & peri2022, I also have severe PMS/ PMDD which got a lot more intense and erratic due to perimenopause. I started on 100 patch. It’s been a bumpy ride and it’s still early days but it has begun to improve things. Annoyingly my skin started reacting badly to the patch so I’m in the process of switching to gel. And I’m also reacting badly to the Utrogestan element so will be looking for a different progesterone too… will get there in the end! But just wanted to say that although not been on a stable dose for long enough to know for sure, I do think the cycle stabilisation on 100 oestrogen seems to be starting to help🤞🤞

Hi HaRuhaRu,

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with PMDD too. I’m really pleased to hear that things are starting to stabilise and I appreciate you sharing your experience. As Sarah said, it’s really encouraging to hear! I hope you find a suitable progesterone soon as of course that can make a massive difference to mood. I hope you continue to feel better.


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2023, 11:30:04 AM »

Hiya Emz,

So that makes sense for you, the pms\pmdd kicking back in again. Just what you didn't need... Least the period itself gave a bit of relief from those awful symptoms. The constant ups and downs with our own hormones clashing with the hrt are the pits aren't they?  But helps you could  recognise why you were so bad.

My only consolation is that the Mind charity info on pmdd says once meno does occur then pms and pmdd will cease.... We can only hope  they are right🙄

So far so good on the 100 dose...feeling quite you say we carry a constant fear of dread in case this feeling okay is suddenly hit by another crash, but am remaining positive and optimistic. Have to remind myself that it takes time for any increase to fully work. But patience isn't easy for peri or meno  women dealing with so much crap is it?!

Good to hear from you. To talk with other women going through much the same does help so much.

Let's hope the Rocky road smooths out a bit for us all



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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2023, 03:52:37 PM »

Hi Sarah,

The ups and down definitely create a sense of uneasiness. I enjoy the stable/good days and cherish them but there’s that underlying knowing that it can and will spiral again at some point. A few years ago I never imagined I’d be relieved to reach post-menopause but I’ll be glad when the ups and downs level out and there’s more stability.

Now I’m feeling okay again, I can totally recognise that how I was feeling was all down to hormones, nothing else has changed! But when I was in the midst of it, it was hard for me to believe and I found myself in this cycle of blaming myself for how bad I was feeling (everything from negative thoughts/self talk/mindset/not being productive enough etc)…which only made matters worse!

It can definitely be hard to be patient - when we feel this bad we want relief NOW! Not in a few weeks or months! I think that’s why I’ve been eating cake so frequently!  :cupcake:

The nurse consult went well, she’s prescribed 75mcg patches but cycle suppression won’t be happening for a little while as I’m to stay on them at least until I have a review in three months. I’m fine with that, though. Maybe I’ll be ok on this dose. I’m staying hopeful (while my hormones and brain chemistry are allowing me to, anyway!).

I saw your thread about your assessment for therapy - I was going to pop in but I’ve been a bit of a sleep deprived zombie of late! I’m so pleased it went well and you are on the books for further support. Do you know how long the waiting list is?

Hope you are doing ok. I recall you saying you were starting to experience some PMDD symptoms and anxiety of late so sending big hugs your way!


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2023, 06:31:10 PM »

Hi Emz,

Good to hear your progress report. I also went from 50, to 75, but once the pms\pmdd kicked up my g.p said to go straight to the 100 dose.

It's so easy to blame every new feeling or symptom on hormones, but tbh, like you, it is obvious That the ' big stuff'  can be nothing but hormonal, particularly when ours is  cyclical. But I totally get the almost disbelief that our own hormones can be creating such an emotional mess along with the physical symptoms, which seem more believable!

Going up to the  75 is very encouraging for you, a positive change. In the pqast I preferred a gradual increase to help my body become more used to the increase, but as I was in a huge dip I had no choice really. Like you, I will have a review. I know my g.p said I could potentially go to 125, but as I do see improvements, I certainly want to see how this patch stabilizes me.

Well.Emz, had the further assessment for a new therapy.... Six month waiting list! On reflection, I am going to see how I get on while this increase
and hope I can beat my own cycle and the pmdd.

Mostly I am just fed up with it  all right now. The pms started yesterday, and at the age of 56, still getting 4 week regular cycles is just dragging me down. I see all my friends of my age, none of whom had any significant peri or meno problems dismiss all that I am going through as this was over with many many years ago. It's only people like you who get it, but Emz, I hate that you are going through it too. Thank heaven's for 🍰 !

Am really pleased you had a good consultation with the nurse, excuse my moany post, as we know all too well, in a few days when this latest week is over with, I will have some better days again, like you say, to cherish.

We'll get there Emz! I hope your  zombie sleep phase picks up for you.

Take care Emzxx



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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2023, 12:48:25 PM »

Ugh…I spoke too soon yesterday. After two wonderful weeks of feeling ok, it’s back 😩 My body hinted signs of ovulation on day 6 - after six months of having cycles anywhere between 6-10 weeks apart I think my body is going to throw a three week cycle at me! 

I’m in pieces again. This is horrible. I have posts I want to reply to (including a proper reply to yours, Sarah!) but I can’t get my head together.


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2023, 01:11:57 PM »

Ugh…I spoke too soon yesterday. After two wonderful weeks of feeling ok, it’s back 😩 My body hinted signs of ovulation on day 6 - after six months of having cycles anywhere between 6-10 weeks apart I think my body is going to throw a three week cycle at me! 

I’m in pieces again. This is horrible. I have posts I want to reply to (including a proper reply to yours, Sarah!) but I can’t get my head together.

So sorry you are having such a bad day. Please do not panic. Just remember you had two good weeks and you will get this again.

Perhaps you need to be gentle with yourself today and rest. A day of rest were you do something nice for yourself. 🤗


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Re: Increasing to 100mcg patches to suppress own hormones in peri?
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2023, 01:40:07 PM »

Hi Emz,

Just do a Flossie advises, a slow caring day for yourself. It's so horribly typical to be lulled into thinking you are having a good run of things, and yet again, you get hit back again. I know it all to well Emz. Sorry it's so horrible right now.
Just sending you a huge hug, I know it seems endless but we'll get there xx
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